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Example sentences for "hobbling"

Lexicographically close words:
hobble; hobbled; hobbledehoy; hobbledy; hobbles; hobby; hobgoblin; hobgoblins; hobnail; hobnailed
  1. Thus at length they started down the mountain along the trail, which Jimmy pointed out, hobbling along in advance.

  2. Yes, I hear him now, Madam, he is hobbling up, as fast as he can.

  3. I wish my old hobbling mother han't been blabbing something here she should not do.

  4. An old woman came hobbling up on her small feet and poking her head in at the church door screamed, "My pig has gone!

  5. As they turned a dark corner and plunged into another black street they met an old man hobbling with the aid of a staff over the uneven stones of the pavement.

  6. Gray's Ode to Eton College should really have kept out the ten hobbling stanzas on a distant view of the village and school at Harrow.

  7. Greek] is rendered by means of six hobbling verses.

  8. When I came to my senses, I saw a Turkish merchant hobbling on a crutch toward me.

  9. That will not only give you an excuse to use the crutch, but it will most likely get your discharge; a hobbling cripple is not a desirable comrade in a band of robbers.

  10. The monks with their tall candlesticks, chanting a psalm of praise, led the procession returning from the chapel; the cripples hobbling in the rear, hummed the antiphony.

  11. When I came up with them, hobbling on one leg and leaning on my crutch, they broke into loud laughter: "What the devil is the matter with you?

  12. Wounded men were everywhere, tottering and hobbling along, for none wanted to be taken prisoners.

  13. The ladies dressed all in their best clothes, and with great flowing veils and wide skirted coats were hobbling to church.

  14. Every morning she broke a hobbling path through the snow to the post-office, where she waited with a haggard face for the postmaster's verdict of "nothing.

  15. Come back to the house," she cried, and before they could stop her was hobbling away.

  16. Courteously saluting ourselves we parted, he remaining to sell wine and I hobbling to Rome, now a little painfully and my sack the heavier by a quart of wine, which, as you probably know, weighs almost exactly two pounds and a half.

  17. It was a hole called Secugnano, and there I entered a house where a bush hanging above the door promised entertainment, and an old hobbling woman gave me food and drink and a bed.

  18. I thought of that other medieval and papistical pilgrim hobbling along rather than 'take advantage of any wheeled thing', and I laughed at him.

  19. The down-hearted took new courage, and those who were well enough to be hobbling about on crutches, who were telling stories of the battles, forgot what they were saying while listening to her voice.

  20. In coming back, however, let me say, He met his brother rogue about half way, Hobbling with outstretched hand and bending knees, Cursing the souls and bodies of the peas!

  21. The tired pack mule gave a hobbling jump and came to a stand.

  22. Breakfast passed as usual, alone in the big raftered dining room after the ranch hands had gone, the lame German cook for the camp wagons hobbling in and out with the dishes.

  23. Hobbling to the middle of the road, the American threw up his hands and shouted briskly to the bewildered animal.

  24. Even the Duke of Perse, hobbling on crutches, had a kindly greeting for him.

  25. It is all over," said the Duke of Perse, hobbling across the hall and throwing open the door to a room opposite.

  26. He was hobbling back and forth along the path leading to the gate opening upon the Fair Harbor grounds.

  27. A fine Paris doll driving in her carriage took up a black worsted Dinah who was hobbling along with a basket of clean clothes, and carried her to her journey's end, as if it were the proper thing to do.

  28. Johnny hobbling in to tell his mother, and beg her to mend the elbows of his only jacket; for, suddenly, his old clothes looked so shabby he feared to show himself to the neighbors he so longed to see.

  29. The good old man came hobbling along, book in hand, and seeing how life flickered he would have sent for the Governor, but Rachel forbade him.

  30. However, there it was; and very glad we were to see it, and lost no time in making camp and hobbling the camels.

  31. As well as this roly-poly, we were delighted to see a few scattered plants of parakeelia, and lost no time in unloading and hobbling the camels, who in their turn made all haste to devour this life-giving vegetation.

  32. The old creature was bent almost double over her stout oak staff and came hobbling in with a bag of roots, which she flung on the floor.

  33. It was Little Fellow, who was hobbling ahead, and the Indian suddenly turned with such a cry of baffled rage, I knew it boded misfortune.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hobbling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ambling; bad; bankruptcy; breakage; breakdown; castrated; cautious; circumspect; collapse; crawling; creeping; crippled; damage; deliberate; destruction; detriment; dilapidation; disabled; easy; emasculated; faltering; flagging; game; gentle; gradual; halt; halting; handicapped; harm; hurt; hurting; idle; incapacitated; indolent; infringement; injury; inroad; lame; languid; languorous; lazy; leisurely; limp; limping; loss; lumbering; maiming; mischief; moderate; mutilation; poking; poky; relaxed; reluctant; ruination; sabotage; scathe; shuffling; slack; slothful; slow; sluggish; staggering; strolling; tentative; toddling; tottering; trudging; unhurried; weakening