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Example sentences for "hobnailed"

Lexicographically close words:
hobbling; hobby; hobgoblin; hobgoblins; hobnail; hobnails; hobnob; hobnobbed; hobnobbing; hobo
  1. A man named Rogerson was the first to enter, and he went pounding up the winding stone steps in his heavy hobnailed boots, followed by Tiddler, Dennis having to content himself with third place.

  2. He came home, much to his own relief, without having brought the blood of his host's son and heir on his head, and he made a mental note never to go to Scotland again without hobnailed boots and a shooting-jacket.

  3. Do you suppose WE care for the opinion of that hobnailed lout of a Paris?

  4. Through the darkness could be heard the sound of shuffling, hobnailed boots, and even above the crack of the guns there came the weird swish of the grey coats as they pushed forward in mass formations.

  5. The old man opened one of his barn doors, revealing a floor littered with straw and a fringe of hobnailed American boots.

  6. With all soldiers wearing hobnailed boots, the roads were full of those sharp bits of metal which had caused serious losses of horseflesh through lameness and blood poisoning.

  7. Their passing in the darkness was accompanied by the sound of the unhastened tread of many hobnailed boots.

  8. Their hobnailed soles and steel plated heels ring on the stone flags.

  9. At the next table, a squad of yokels just in from the oberland, in their short jackets and their hobnailed boots.

  10. Again Anita Richmond glanced toward the door, chuckled to herself while Fairchild watched the dimples that the merriment caused, and then--Fairchild forgot the fact that he was wearing hobnailed shoes and that his clothes were worn and old.

  11. And those who did had worn their hobnailed boots, sufficient to take the spring out of any one's feet.

  12. Had they stamped into a mosque in their hobnailed boots, on account of their faulty religious training, the Salonikans might have excused them.

  13. The voices of a fiddle and a concertina, combined, were uttering a polka with shrill and hideous fluency, to which the scraping and stamping of hobnailed boots made a ponderous bass accompaniment.

  14. Upon arriving at the shop he found the man with cap over one ear, broad trousers like a mameluke's, hobnailed boots and various pennants and rosettes fastened to the lapels of his jacket.

  15. Thirty yards up the hill the ribbed Dunlops had wiped out the side of a hobnailed impression.

  16. One was made by a pair of wheels and the feet of a horse; the other by a pair of large, hobnailed shoes.

  17. There was one new track: the man with the hobnailed boots had turned this way, but there was no other sign of recent passage.

  18. On the surface it exhibits a knobbed appearance (hobnailed liver) and these knobs present through the capsule a yellowish appearance.

  19. Because, if you say another word you'll be in love with that delicate foot in a hobnailed shoe.

  20. Quite like hobnailed day-labourers," said Kit.

  21. Giacobbe, on the contrary, seemed to enjoy stamping about in his great hobnailed boots, and making as much noise as he could in the big, empty rooms, all redolent of fresh plaster.

  22. Poor Aunt Porredda, with her big feet and hobnailed shoes, never felt really at home there; while Uncle Efes Maria had not yet cured himself of the habit of staring proudly around him.

  23. They did not wear moccasins after the fashion of trappers, but heavy, knee-high, hobnailed boots.

  24. A caped coat, fastened to the throat, hung over the short kilt skirt, and rough gaiters buttoned down over a wonderful little pair of hobnailed boots.

  25. These beasts are all clodhoppers, and their feet are hobnailed boots.

  26. The clerks in the outer office tittered, as poor Adam, with his heavy hobnailed shoes, tramped through the midst of them.

  27. The cuffs of their sweat-blackened levis were tucked into the tops of hobnailed boots.

  28. The two big men, hobnailed boots planted firmly in the bark, rode the bobbing log like cats, their thumbs hooked nonchalantly in their belts.

  29. He you call Griffith Gaunt had on a new pair of boots; and by the same token 't was I did pay for them, and there is the receipt in that cupboard: he you call Thomas Leicester went hence in hobnailed shoes.

  30. Get her to swear to those hobnailed shoes," said he, "and we shall shake them.

  31. Sergeant Fugler, the best marksman in the Company, was a hard drinker, with a hobnailed liver.

  32. He lay now in bed with that hobnailed liver, and the Doctor said it was only a question of days.

  33. Once, on that little sheet of sand left by rain in the torrent's wake, you found the imprint of a hobnailed shoe such as the Hun hunters wear," she reminded him.

  34. His face expressed the infinite distress of a being whose only contact with the outside world comes through sturdy fists and hobnailed boots.

  35. Otherwise the way in which they were kicking him in the back with their hobnailed boots and banging him with their fists was quite inexplicable.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hobnailed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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