But before you are a mile from these stones, you shall know by a sure token that I have more of the hobgoblin about me than you credit; and I will so manage that, if you take advantage, you may profit by my prank.
Fond of cellar, barn, or stack True unto the almanac, They present to credulous eyes Strange hobgoblin mysteries.
When the fire was burning its liveliest, a hobgoblin appeared, drawing in a car the figure of a witch, surrounded by fairies carrying lances.
Some of their stories turned upon the wonders of the very mountain upon which they were seated, which is a famous hobgoblin region.
I have often heard my grandfather, the tailor, say, that there was more meant by that hobgoblin army bearing off the resemblance of the priest, than folks dared to surmise.
I, when thus left to myself; ‘shall I wait here until this infidel returns to whisk me off on his goblin steed, the Lord knows where; or shall I make the most of my time and beat a retreat from this hobgoblin community?
He raved for a day or two about the hobgoblin Moors that had pursued him in the cavern, and could hardly be persuaded to drive his goats up again to the mountain.
It remained perdu until you fished it out for Miss Burleigh, and thereby stirred up the old hobgoblin to play his devilish tricks once more.
The hobgoblin disappeared--seemingly through the iron railing of the contracted graveyard which bounds the northern side of the church.
There is the hobgoblin still unaccounted for," answered I; "but I have done my part; I leave the rest to you.
Well, what does that mean about a buckwheat hobgoblinhaving a suspicious explosion?
The little man has long been gathering together all the hobgoblin tales he could collect, illustrative of the superstitions of former times; and he is in a complete fever lest this formidable rival should take the field before him.
The Fairy Queen was 'fairer in his eye than the Nine Muses, and Hobgoblin did run away with the garland from Apollo.
I, when thus left to myself, 'shall I wait here until this infidel returns to whisk me off on his goblin steed, the Lord knows where; or shall I make the most of my time and beat a retreat from this hobgoblin community?
Those that Hobgoblin call you, and sweet Puck, You do their work, and they shall have good luck: Are not you he?
Robert and Robin, so that Hobgoblin is equivalent to Robin the Goblin.
The spirit flies high, and the heart beats warm, but the hobgoblin of fancy works incessantly amidst the reality of life; the cleverest deceive themself, and the best are disappointed by their own zeal.
The spirit of sad foreboding spread its grey veil over the walls of the Pavilion, but in the Sovereign's castle meanwhile an invisible hobgoblin of another kind was at work, disturbing great and small.
My fancy is only the shadow of what was certainly a reality not so very long ago; while your stories are spook yarns of the most hobgoblin shape.
Zhoting is really the unquiet ghost of a Musulman, but hobgoblin is probably a sufficiently close translation.
For, if my husband the hobgoblin sees you, he will tear you to pieces and gobble you up.
Henceforth shall no hobgoblin wander in this Castle; I return to my long-wished-for rest.
The pavement demands attention, being inlaid so curiously as to represent variety of histories taken from Holy Writ, and designed somewhat in the style of that hobgoblin tapestry which used to bestare the walls of our ancestors.
We Whigs, Mr. Musgrove, have a little touch of the hobgoblin in us.
She owned property next to the dormitory site presented by Miss Hamilton she had reflected, with her strange hobgoblin smile.
Leslie merely threw back her head and laughed in the noiseless, hobgoblin fashion for which she was noted among her few friends.
Yes; we were looking for the church," replied Miss Sallie in a somewhat mollified tone, considering she had just called him a hobgoblin on an infernal machine.
Mab has an amour with Pigwiggen; Oberon being jealous, sends Hobgoblin to catch them, and one of Mab's nymphs opposes him by a spell.
No one inhabited it but Vanderscamp's shrew of a widow, and old Pluto, and they were considered but little better than its hobgoblin visitors.
The colonel eyed the wreck of the hobgoblin with satisfaction.
And Lee it was who gave to the fine old place the name Hobgoblin Hall.
General Lee it was to whom the house's echoing corridors suggested the name, Hobgoblin Hall.