Although a patient with auricular fibrillation may have been incapacitated by this heart activity, he may not yet have dilated ventricles, and the digitalis need perhaps not be long continued.
The ability of some patients to stand a rapid heart action without noting it or being incapacitated by it is astonishing.
His injury incapacitatedhim for further service until November, when he was assigned to the temporary command of General Anderson's Brigade, that officer having been mortally wounded on the 17th of September, at Sharpsburg.
A little later came an attack of chronic rheumatism, from which he suffered much, and was often incapacitated for business during the last half-dozen years of his life.
At the battle that almost immediately occurred he was incapacitated by wounds and General Lee assumed command.
It would really not be much of an exaggeration to assert that, unless absent or incapacitated by illness, nearly every one of these thousands of documents was either originated by or submitted to the British Minister.
The few that were in any way incapacitated for earning a livelihood were related by ties of blood to one or more families, able and always willing to afford them every needful comfort and assistance.
I am diseased, an invalid, an epileptic, and am incapacitated for business.
A bombardment was expected; and as we might easily have our teeth incapacitated by the shells, the absurdity of bidding the hoofed gentleman good-day before we met him gave us pause in our campaign against his friends.
The Opera House was again struck; and at the Presbyterian Church a dextrous effort was made to discover the "lost chord," which resulted in the organ's being for ever incapacitated to shed the soul of any music whatsoever.
About this time, however, he was attacked with convulsions, which were pronounced by the physicians examined before the board to be a form of epilepsy, and for this cause he was found to be incapacitated for active service.
The certificate of the surgeon is as follows: Incapacitated by reason of long-standing conjunctivitis of both eyes, attended with partial opacity of the cornea.
In December, 1871, he was again examined for retirement, and the board found that he was not in any way incapacitated from performing the duties of his office.
But you don't seem to realize that I'm withdrawing from the board because I'm incapacitated for the duties.
He made a sign of acquiescence and took out his notebook; and Herbert give him the rubber company's London address and then dictated: "Regret I am incapacitatedfor business for indefinite period by motor accident.
He became incapacitated by "lead poisoning contracted in the course of his employment," and his superior officer certified that the injury was not due to negligence or misconduct.
This disease incapacitated Hill on the thirteenth day after his first exposure to the poison.
Now comes the demand that the American people, through Congress, adopt exactly the same principle in dealing with federal employees who are incapacitated for work by occupational diseases.
But if, instead of Hill, one of the painters had been poisoned and incapacitated by the fumes of lead paint, a similar claim would not have been allowed by the solicitor.
As a result of breathing the fumes of the lead paint, Schroeder was incapacitated for work by acute lead poisoning.
Broke's wound incapacitated him from further service, and for the rest of his life caused him serious suffering.
Any person corruptly procuring the ordaining of ministers or granting of licenses to preach forfeits £40, and the person so ordained forfeits £10 and for seven years is incapacitated from holding any ecclesiastical benefice or promotion.
Hibernating turtles and those experimentally chilled were usually comatose but were almost never completely incapacitated even at temperatures at or near zero degrees.
The overheating may have incapacitated the turtle since it moved only 50 feet in the next two days; its body temperatures on the two days subsequent to the experiment were 26.
A more important cause of difference in cost is the extent to which the unions are able to prevent the sick benefit from becoming a pension to members incapacitated by old age and disease.
Persons incapacitated either by age or by illness were admitted to the Home.
The establishment of the Home had made provision only for those incapacitated members who were willing to leave their families and live in an institution.
In great danger as in small things, this nervousness incapacitated him from the intelligible direction of his officers or effective execution of his plans.
His whole career shows him to have been solely a strategist, absolutely incapacitated by mental organization for disciplining and fighting an army.
He declared that it was issued by Pius V, and that his Holiness ordered therein that whoever should prevent the exercise of the Holy Office should be infamous, and incapacitated from holding office.
Therein the pontiff orders that he who should prevent the exercise of the Holy Office should be infamous and incapacitated from office, etc.
The body incapacitated by disease limits its activities as closely as possible within the range of its power to take care of waste matter.
Eastern college, had been incapacitated for four years with a severe fatigue neurosis and an intense fear of heat.
Several years ago there came to me a man of exceptional intellectual ability, who for years had been totally incapacitatedbecause of blind resistances built up in childhood.
Of eleven players who started in the game on the Princeton side, eight had been incapacitated by injuries of one kind or another.
The rate is at best only an average, and takes no account of anything but death, one death being a greater calamity, apparently, than a dozen personsincapacitated from disease.
For twenty-four hours he was in great pain and incapacitated for work.
The camarades generally went barefoot or only wore sandals; and their ankles and feet were swollen and inflamed from the bites of the boroshudas and ants, some being actually incapacitated from work.
I was pained to see evidence of the mischievousness of the juvenile genius, for it was slashed and hacked to such a doleful degree as to be totally incapacitated for scholastic use!
But, in the end, it was Mysterious Mister SMITH who hit the right nail on the head, and was declared the conquering hero, though once more I was incapacitated to discover in what precise respects he was the facile princeps.
Strong men can carry a heavy load of history without becoming incapacitated for living.
He suffered, however, from extremely severe headaches, so frequent that they incapacitated him for about two hundred days in the year and brought him to the verge of the grave.
The board found Captain Meyer "incapacitated for active service, and that said incapacity results from a gunshot wound received in his lower jaw at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va.