The hobbledehoy walked down the other side of the street, hands thrust in pockets, with the usual discontented expression on his face.
The negro looked at the hobbledehoy for several seconds before he recognized in the lanky youth a little Arkwright boy whom he had known and played with in his pre-college days.
The first was my terror of the hobbledehoy girls, to whom (from the demands of my situation) I was obliged to lay myself so open.
I knew a hobbledehoy of sixteen who married a frail, tuberculous girl of twelve, and in the same small settlement another lad of sixteen who wedded a girl of thirteen.
A ragged hobbledehoy stood on the Vanderbilt grounds at Biltmore, mouth open but silent, watching a gardener at work.
The hobbledehoy plucked his lighted pipe out of his pocket and set his thumb in the bowl.
Then the cruel hobbledehoy tossed her the child with a laugh, and sprang sharply round the parapet of the bridge.
Janice, however, never lost her temper with this hobbledehoy cousin.
Never had Janice seen the hobbledehoy act so strangely!
In front of these 'pictures,' a lank hobbledehoy stood lost in reverie, while two young girls nudged each other and jeered.
We had ten years' labour and struggle before us ere we could impose on people a picture the size of your hand; whereas nowadays the first hobbledehoy who can stick a figure on its legs makes all the trumpets of publicity blare.
But as the rustics gaped and marvelled at the lunacy of Don Quixote, so hobbledehoy regarded with bewildered admiration his future brother-in-law.
Only a hobbledehoy could prefer Lucy Woodrow's immature charms to the ripe perfections of a woman of her years.
On one occasion the lad fell upon a hobbledehoy who had just given a highly diverting pantomime representing the hanging of a man, with realistic details, and, having beaten him in fair fight, broke his collar-bone with an atrocious fall.
The true hobbledehoy is much alone, not being greatly given to social intercourse even with other hobbledehoys--a trait in his character which I think has hardly been sufficiently observed by the world at large.
When I compare the hobbledehoy of one or two and twenty to some finished Apollo of the same age, I regard the former as unripe fruit, and the latter as fruit that is ripe.
And he had a younger sister who loved him dearly, who had no idea that he was a hobbledehoy, being somewhat of a hobbledehoy herself.
Such observations, however, as I have been enabled to make in this matter have led me to believe that thehobbledehoy is by no means the least valuable species of the human race.
Many of the attributes of a hobbledehoy had fallen from him, and even Lily Dale might now probably acknowledge that he was no longer a boy.
Such hobbledehoys receive but little petting, unless it be from a mother; and such a hobbledehoy was John Eames when he was sent away from Guestwick to begin his life in the big room of a public office in London.
To himself he appeared a hobbledehoy by the side of Pauli; to us he appears a hobbledehoy by the side of Miss Savage.
But worse than the shame was the dread of ridicule; for the whole affair had been excessively undignified: she had run after a hobbledehoy years younger than herself, and had even fallen seriously in love with him.
But what I can't understand is why you should be so sorry for a hobbledehoy like that.
Jens got nimbly on his feet; he always awoke with a cry of terror, guarding his head; but Emil and Peter, who were in the hobbledehoy stage, were terribly difficult to wake.