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Example sentences for "handicapped"

Lexicographically close words:
handgrips; handgun; handhold; handholds; handicap; handicapper; handicapping; handicaps; handicraft; handicrafts
  1. In some cases the limit is so low that cities have been handicapped in constructing needed permanent improvements.

  2. To us the Negro seems handicapped with an undeniable inferiority, which, particularly in the commercial world, accumulates rapidly against him, as it were, at compound interest.

  3. Now John was heavily handicapped and did little to remove his disabilities, in fact he rather aggravated them.

  4. The Slavs were heavily handicapped too; they were broken up into numerous little tribes and clans, and seldom became united under the leadership of a strong man of their own race.

  5. In this effort he was handicapped by emotions altogether unknown to most young men who sit upon sofas.

  6. And as far as I can make out, I'm specially handicapped by having all sorts of foolish theories as to what a novel ought to be.

  7. In fact, it was this very substantiality that at the beginning prevented their proper recognition, and handicapped them with their present absurd and inappropriate name.

  8. Of course it is true that they are handicapped by the lowness of the wages they receive.

  9. Tastes so handicapped as theirs make no headway, and, though not dying, sink into disuse.

  10. But these youths somehow had not drawn enlightenment from their trades, being, in fact, handicapped all the time by the want of quite a different education.

  11. Chile, although it cannot be called progressive has aims that way but has been handicapped from the want of money and immigration.

  12. The editor had found himself handicapped by a lack of the mysterious enrichment that a tour through college gives the least absorbent mind.

  13. To be sure, he was handicapped by lack of capital, but his past record had established his credit, and when the foundation work was begun it was a very hopeful young man that watched the first shovelful of earth taken out.

  14. Children born in circumstances under which the expectant mother has been subjected to fright or to cruel treatment are handicapped in the very beginning of life's race.

  15. The area had not been properly mapped and at all times the troops were seriously handicapped by insufficient knowledge of the terrain.

  16. The shore parties were also handicapped by a lack of workers.

  17. Work on the Tacloban airstrip had been handicapped at first by the heavy concentration of troops, supplies, and equipment in the area during the early stages of the operation.

  18. The Allied lachrymator campaign was terribly handicapped by lack of bromine.

  19. We may say that although the efforts of all concerned were beyond praise, yet they were so initially handicapped that it was practically impossible even to approach the German efficiency.

  20. The same self-sacrificing zeal and patriotic endeavour was shown in this country, but we were handicapped in mustard gas production by the energetic way in which we had pressed forward the industrial realisation of the monochlor-hydrin method.

  21. In research and protection French activities were no less handicapped and just as creditable.

  22. They have thought little about these things, and if they wished to make improvements they would be handicapped by small numbers and lack of wealth.

  23. Handicapped at the start, he cannot hope to achieve a high level of attainment.

  24. A clever naval tactician once described the submarine as a “handicapped torpedo-boat.

  25. They were sorely handicapped by the lack of supplies and ammunition for their forces, and at the end of June the Russian authorities were organizing every possible industry for the production of ammunition.

  26. It rained heavily on Saturday afternoon and all through the night, which severely handicapped transport.

  27. And this same self-respect which both Helen's education and her environment forced her to maintain, handicapped her in other ways.

  28. The fleet went into action as well prepared as it was humanly possible for it to be with the same officers and men, handicapped as they were by official corruption and treachery ashore.

  29. Her crews had on the whole fought bravely, handicapped as they were by their poor materials and lack of skill.

  30. Clearly, the campaign was handicapped by lack of unanimous support and whole-hearted faith on the part of authorities at home.

  31. Un poltron du tête et non de la cœur"[2] the French Admiral was handicapped throughout by a paralyzing sense of the things he could not do.

  32. Germans, handicapped by the slower Blücher, were held down to 25.

  33. Delay would put a greater relative strain on her finances, and give Russia, handicapped by long communications over the single-track Siberian Railway, a better chance to mass in the East her troops and supplies.

  34. Though in engagements with French galleys during the campaign of 1545 these were handicapped by calm weather, they seem to have held their own both in battle and in naval opinion.

  35. Figures and statistics, however, give no idea of the actual weakness of the Spanish navy, handicapped by shiftless naval administration, by dependence on foreign sources of supply, and by the incompetence and lack of training of personnel.

  36. He was careful to select those who were handicapped in their work by not having the right sort of water carrier.

  37. While Billy's ambition knew no bounds, and he was always ready to attempt any feat which others, who were much more nimble, could accomplish, he was often sadly handicapped by his extra weight.

  38. But it was handicapped all the while by internal dissension, and the defeat which it suffered at the last elections has relegated it, at least for the time being, to a subordinate place.

  39. In performing, every horse is handicapped by his lack of hands and plant grade feet; and the horse memory is not very sure or certain.

  40. They are handicapped by feet that are good for locomotion and defense, but otherwise are almost as helpless as so many jointed sticks.

  41. Handicapped as he was by lack of poundage, Dublin's pet lamb made up for it by superlative skill in ringcraft.

  42. Fine fellow, Rosebery, only he was handicapped by being born a peer.

  43. He's handicapped by not being able to hunt for it openly.

  44. Many a Sioux did the Crouching Panther send to the happy hunting-grounds, notwithstanding that he was handicapped by the living burden in front of him on his horse.

  45. Neither he nor his pony were handicapped with anything that was not absolutely necessary.

  46. Moreover he was seriously handicapped by ignorance of any motive.

  47. This time the Illinois operators refused to attend the Interstate conference on the ground that the Interstate agreement severely handicapped Illinois.

  48. But above all the United Mine Workers have been handicapped in West Virginia as nowhere else by court interference in strikes and in campaigns of organization.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "handicapped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    bad; castrated; crippled; disabled; emasculated; exceptional; game; halt; halting; handicapped; incapacitated; lame; limping