If anyacne pustules or infected sinuses are present, they should be destroyed or purified by means of the thermo-cautery or pure carbolic acid, after the patient is anæsthetised.
Arsenic: in chronic acne; generally, though not always, prevents the acne from bromide or iodide of potassium.
This salt and the Iodide very often cause acne when taken continuously.
The external cicatrices finally look very similar to those produced by bad acne pustules.
Acne pustulosa presents only a superficial resemblance to variola, but in cases where it is accidentally associated with an acute febrile disease, like grippe, for instance, it may give rise to some diagnostic difficulty.
The bromide and the iodide acne never occur on the palms and soles, where there are no sebaceous glands, and the lesions lack the evolution and course of the variolous eruption.
The papule of varicella and of acne is not so dense and resisting as the papule of variola.
As a rule, acneappears about puberty and dies out slowly during adolescence.
The influence of menstruation in exacerbating acne has been called in question, but it seems to be well established.
It has been asserted that masturbation is a frequent or constant cause of acne at puberty.
A lucid account of the origin of acne will be found in Woods Hutchinson's Studies in Human and Comparative Pathology, pp.
The intimate connection between the skin and the sexual sphere is also shown in pathological conditions of the skin, especially in acne as well as simple pimples on the face.
His body was covered with acne simplex and had a strong spermatic odor, but it was not known whether he had any venereal appetite.
Ohmann-Dumesnil reports a case of rhinophyma in a man of seventy-two, an alcoholic, who was originally affected with acne rosacea, on whom he performed a most successful operation for restoration.
The pimple develops into a pustule containing yellow "matter," and is then known as acne pustulosa.
In the earliest stage of congestion, acne is characterized by minute hardened elevations of the skin, as shown in Plate II, Fig.
Baked bananas agree with many people well, but just as soon as this was eliminated from her diet her acne began to improve and before long had disappeared almost entirely.
That was illustrated for me once by a case of persistent acne in a young girl, which all the ordinary remedies failed to cure.
The several sulphur lotions employed in the treatment of acne (q.
Some cases yield readily, others are exceedingly rebellious, especially acne of the back.
It consists of small or large pea-sized, disseminated or grouped, acuminated or rounded pustules, resembling the lesions of acne and variola.
Some of the acne lesions may be tender and painful, and at times there is a feeling of heat and burning.
State the immediate or direct cause of an acne lesion.
Resorcin, in lotion, 3 to 25 per cent strength, is through the exfoliation it provokes, frequently of value; the resorcin paste referred to in acne can also be used for this purpose.
The next post brought a letter, written before Eric's death, asking that some special ointment should be sent, as his acne had returned.
He said to the wife, "Eric has had a return of the acne of the face, for which I treated him years ago.
An antagonistic action by yeast is claimed against Staphylococcus pyogenes, and on the strength of this, Buchholtz (Ueber Acne und eine neue erfolgreiche Behandlung derselben, Berl.
Thus Hawk and his collaborators report cure or improvement in all of seventeen cases of acne vulgaris and eight cases of acne rosacea.