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Example sentences for "upper window"

  • Moreover, scanning it on every side, he presently discovered, tied about the bars of an upper window, a knot of white linen, the very counterpart of that velvet one which he bore in his breast.

  • Save for two women who sat sewing at an upper window, the house seemed to be deserted.

  • This was the appearance at an upper window of a white 'kerchief, which was waved several times towards us.

  • He was therefore not at the station to meet me, but he poked out his head from an upper window when I reached the house.

  • By his side, at an upper window, stood Kriemhild, the peerless maiden of the Rhine; but her thoughts were as far from his thoughts as the heaven-smile on her face was unlike the sullen scowl on his grim visage.

  • It happened one evening, not long thereafter, that the two queens sat together at an upper window, and looked down upon a company of men in the courtyard below.

  • In the mean while Gunther stood with Queen Brunhild at an upper window, and looked out upon the great sea that spread forever and away towards the setting sun.

  • First was a noise regularly repeated, but that proved to be only a blind on an upper window banging in the wind.

  • Then later I was sure I saw two white faces in an upper window of a cottage farther along.

  • Dories glanced quickly at Nann and saw that her friend was gazing steadily at an upper window.

  • Olive, who had gone to her room in order to be out of the way of this queer visitor, now sat by an upper window, and it was impossible that she should fail to hear this remark, made by Miss Port in her most querulous tones.

  • But, as he approached the house, he saw at an upper window a female head.

  • It was on the afternoon of the second day of siege that the captain, from an upper window, discovered a camera on three legs standing outside of his grounds at a short distance from the house.

  • Her eyes followed you everywhere,' said Mrs. Garland from an upper window.

  • Mr. Parker himself came to the door as he galloped up and leaped to the ground, and the housekeeper looked down from an upper window.

  • Jack was leaning out of an upper window in the sunlight, looking down upon their heads, as they stood just below.

  • In the stillness he could hear the rain pattering and dripping everywhere, and there was a light shining dimly from an upper window of a house further down the court.

  • By watching from an upper window, you may know when to open it for me.

  • He sat idly touching a viol in an upper window-seat of Foxby Hall, one summer evening, while Lady Marryott as idly fingered a virginal near him.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "upper window" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being married; carbon dioxid; each slice; free people; grew dark; heard tell; last voyage; many difficulties; minutes after; saith unto the churches; sealed book; seditious libel; she stood before him; small letters; thou deservest; thousand livres; until thou; upper half; upper house; upper incisors; upper part; upper parts; upper right; upper room; upper side; upper surface