I have done thee indeed this service, as to promote thee to honour, and to greatenthy liberty, but alas!
Which doth not therefore mitigate, but so much the more greaten and make odious the offence.
And will quickly return himself this answer: I have lost Communion with God, Christ, Saints and Angels, and a share in Heaven and eternal Life: And this also must needs greaten the misery of poor damned souls.
Quoth she, "O man, the perfection of man and his delight is in his prickle; therefore do thou pray Allah to greatenthy yard and magnify it.
So he lifted up his hands to heaven and said, "O Allah, greaten my yard and magnify it.
Remember how dear it costeth men, thus to hinder their salvation, and greaten their danger and accounts.
Besides, the Holy Ghost hath a way to greaten heavenly things to the understanding of the coming sinner; yea, and at the same time to greaten, too, the sin and unworthiness of that sinner.
For they are concerned for it, not to hide it, but to make it spangle; not to extinguish it, but to greaten it, and to show the excellency of it in all its features and in all its comely proportion.
Also labour not to lessen thy own, but magnify and greaten them by all just circumstances, and be as if there was never a sinner in the world but thyself.
There are many things by which Satan has taken occasion to greaten his rage against Jesus Christ.
Thus he cangreaten and lessen, lessen and greaten, for the troubling of our hearts, for the hindering of our hope.
Secondly, this ideal of Imperial Britain will greaten and exalt the action of the soldier, hallowing the death on the battlefield with the attributes at once of the hero and the martyr.