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Example sentences for "greatened"

Lexicographically close words:
greatcoat; greatcoats; greate; greately; greaten; greatens; greater; greatest; greatlie; greatly
  1. Time had sobered him, softened him, mellowed him, greatened him.

  2. Some natures expand under hard knocks, are toughened by battle and strife, greatened by suffering, and sweetened by sorrow.

  3. Plunge your work into Christ, and do it for Him, and the giver and the gift will be greatened and sanctified.

  4. If we do, we shall get the less back, greatened by its surrender.

  5. Our love is hallowed and greatened in the love of Christ.

  6. Our lives would thus be greatened and strengthened, even as Germany and Italy have been, by being delivered from a rabble of petty dukes and brought under the sway of one emperor or king.

  7. Then while the kings' hearts greatened And all the chamber shone, As when the hills at sundown Take a new glory on And the air thrills with purple, Their visitors were gone.

  8. Are not the brook and the blossom greatened through many a busy beatified hour?

  9. The sound of footsteps greatened until their echo came loud in his ears and a man passed not ten feet from his outstretched hands.

  10. Then it was too late, because Abaria's military might greatened as a result of the Ofridian defeat and only an alliance of all other nations could have conquered them.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "greatened" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.