Consequently, A will become more and more infertile with B, while B becomes more and more infertile with A.
I am one of those who believe firmly in the invincible nature of truth, but a truth that is badly put is not a truth, but an infertile hybrid lie.
Soils vary from mountain-type soils to heavy, relatively infertile podzolic soils in the plateaus and rich chernozem (black earth) soils in the plains.
Transylvania, the largely mountainous region in the central and northwestern parts of the country, receives substantial rainfall but has relatively infertile soils.
It can grow on land too infertilefor most kinds of valuable plants, and on better land.
Land may be too infertile to make a good clover sod.
An effort should be made to grow sweet clover on all infertile hillsides that are lying bare.
The infertile ground lying next the subsoil is not what is needed at the surface when preparing for a sod.
Grain is one of the few foods that will still produce economic yields of low quality seed on extremely infertile soil or when half-smothered in weeds because herbicides weren't used for reasons of ideological purity.
In short, subsisting on irrigated commercially-grown potatoes, or on those grown on relatively infertile soils receiving abundant rainfall will make you fat and sick.
Manioc might seem the answer to human starvation because it will grow abundantly on tropical soils so infertile and/or so droughty that no other food crop will succeed there.
Gardeners have produced, by means of long continued artificial selection, a variety of Stock, which bears entirely double, and therefore infertile flowers.
These single and fertile plants correspond "to the males and females of an ant-colony, the infertile plants, which are regularly produced in large numbers, to the neuter workers of the colony.
We can endeavour to improve our infertile soil, to attract capital to our agriculture, to establish better communication with the rest of the world.
With a poor and infertile soil, we live alongside a people rich in every gift of nature, possessing every advantage that can insure worldly prosperity.
Machinery is a hobby of mine, and that thing there was just one of those off-shoots of an infertile brain.
The nuts borne on trees growing on fertile soils adequately supplied with moisture are generally much larger in size than those borne by trees on infertile soil or soil poorly supplied with soil moisture.
On the other hand, not only is it not proved that all species give rise to hybrids infertile inter se, but there is much reason to believe that, in crossing, species exhibit every gradation from perfect sterility to perfect fertility.
But between species, in many cases, you cannot succeed in obtaining even the first cross: at any rate it is quite certain that the hybrids are often absolutely infertileone with another.
If, on the other hand, no result ensues, or if the offspring are infertile with others produced in the same way, they are true physiological species.
This enormous difficulty Romanes apparently never sees, but argues as if all individuals that are infertile with the bulk of the species must be or usually are fertile with the same set of individuals or with each other.
Infertile females might readily be mistaken for males, as Dr.
This unparalleled enactment by the government well shews how infertile the race had become.
Mupalanas (mapalanas) ang yútà ug mabahaan, A piece of land becomes infertile if it is subject to floods.
Gardeners have produced, by means of long continued artificial selection, a variety of Stock, which bears entirely double, and therefore infertile flowers (Ibid.
I must here notice a mechanical effect of the rapid flow of the torrent, which is of much importance in relation to the desolating action it exercises by covering large tracts of cultivated ground with infertile material.
The attentive traveller in Egypt and Nubia cannot fail to notice many localities, generally of small extent, where the soil is rendered infertile by an excess of saline matter in its composition.
An oft-urged objection to the theory of natural selection, and one which weighed very strongly with Huxley, is that breeders have hitherto not succeeded in breeding a variety which is infertile with the parent species.
Interbreeding of Allied Species That these recognition marks prevent the intercrossing of allied species and the production of infertile hybrids appears to be pure fiction.
Secondly, that recognition marks prevent the evils of infertile crosses.
Many infertile and addled eggs of several kinds of birds were noted on the Arctic Slope.
The nest contained one infertile egg and two others in which embryos were approximately one third developed.
One of the eggs was infertile and in the others embryos had barely begun to form.
Almost all of these results were obtained in humid climates on humid soils, somewhat shallow, and underlain by a more or less infertile subsoil.
True, occasionally, soils are found in the dry-farm territory which are underlaid near the surface by an inert clay or infertile layer of lime or gypsum which forbids the farmer putting the plow too deeply into the soil.
The infertile areas were the great routes which passed through the focal points and connected the terminal areas.
It was in conformity with the distinction between fertile and infertile areas that our old system of trade defence was developed.
At the present time Alpine man occupies almost all the upland and therefore relatively infertile regions of France, especially Savoy and the Dauphiny, the central uplands, and parts (not the whole) of Brittany.
That vast and relatively infertile area in Eastern Canada which geologists call the Canadian Shield is a region of very old rocks, once folded into a mountain region, but long since worn down to an upland.
Throughout Belgium and in Southern Germany the broad-headed element in the population is very strong, while in Austria, the Balkan States and Russia this race predominates and is no longer confined to elevated or infertile regions.
At this test all the infertile eggs are taken out as well as any eggs in which the germs have died.
In addition the infertile eggs tested out on the 5th day are sold.
The infertile eggs after a careful retest are then packed in cases and sent to market where they are usually sold to bakers as tested eggs.
The best time to do this is sometime between the tenth and fourteenth days, when any infertile eggs or dead germs should be thrown out.
About the fifth or sixth day the duck eggs are tested and all infertile and dead germs removed.
As we have seen, the first or primary hybrids of Vinifera with Labrusca have given grapes of high quality, but lacking in vigor, in resistance to fungi and phylloxera, and for most part infertile in bloom.