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Example sentences for "funerary"

Lexicographically close words:
funebre; funera; funeral; funerall; funerals; funere; funereal; funeris; fungal; fungi
  1. In very early inscriptions the funerary prayers in the tombs are addressed to him almost exclusively, and he always took a leading place in them.

  2. The above figure [Hieroglyph] is coloured black as befits a funerary and nocturnal animal: it is more attenuated than even a greyhound, but it has the bushy tail of the fox or the jackal.

  3. Anubis was believed to have been the embalmer of Osiris: the mummy of Osiris, or of the deceased, on a bier, tended by this god, is a very common subject on funerary tablets of the late periods.

  4. Mommsen has shown that many other pious and charitable purposes could be easily brought within the scope of the funerary association.

  5. The funerary monuments from every part of the Roman world are almost countless for the period of the early Empire.

  6. Senate according the right of association to those who wish to form a funerary college, provided the members did not meet more than once a month to make their contributions.

  7. Our knowledge of the funerary colleges is still further amplified by an inscription of a date twenty years later than that of Lanuvium.

  8. It is also a funerary society, and seems to be composed of freedmen and of slaves, either belonging to the colony or private masters.

  9. And probably the majority of the funerary inscriptions express this feeling chiefly.

  10. As funerary societies, or under the shelter of Magna Mater, they escaped persecution.

  11. It has been maintained that these military clubs were really and primarily funerary societies.

  12. But, besides the benefactions which sprang either from ambition or real generosity, a vast number were inspired by the Roman passion for long remembrance, and for the continuity of funerary ritual.

  13. And this would be made all the easier because many of the industrial colleges, and perhaps still more of the strictly religious colleges, had a common burial-place, and often received bequests for funerary purposes.

  14. Inspired with this idea, a worthy of Nimes created a funerary college to dine regularly in his honour.

  15. In the remarkable inscription of Lanuvium, as we have seen, the formal permission by decree of the Senate, to meet once a month for the purpose of a funerary contribution is recorded.

  16. The funerary inscriptions leave the impression that, down to the final triumph of the Church, the feeling of the Romans about death was still in the main the feeling of their remote ancestors of the Samnite and Punic wars.

  17. The early texts call the pupil of the eye "the child in the eye," as did the Semitic peoples (see my Liturgy of Funerary Offerings, p.

  18. A passage and steps, concealed under a slab to the left of the hall, lead to the real vault, which held the mummy and its funerary furniture.

  19. The whole temple must be regarded as a vast funerary chapel, and no one who has studied the religion of Egypt can entertain a doubt as to its purpose.

  20. The poor and insignificant had merely a place in the common pit, which was situated in the centre of the Assassîf,* one of the richest funerary quarters of Thebes.

  21. At the time of which I am speaking, this region formed an actual town, or rather a chain of villages, each of which was grouped round some building constructed by one or other of the Pharaohs as a funerary chapel.

  22. On the sides of this groove are often found inscriptions that give the name of the owner of the palette, and that contain prayers to the gods for funerary offerings, or invocations to Thoth, the inventor of the art of writing.

  23. In attempting to draw up a connected account of a reign or period the funerary inscriptions of high officials are often more useful than the royal inscriptions.

  24. Take the case of those who have had granite tombs, and funerary monuments in the form of pyramids made for them, and who lie in them in great state and dignity.

  25. Mine eyes refuse to see, my hands fall helpless, my knees shake, my heart standeth still, the funerary mourners approach and they will bear me away to the City of Eternity, wherein I shall become a follower of Nebertcher.

  26. Book of Opening the Mouth, Liturgy of Funerary Offerings, The Book of Am-Tuat, The Book of Gates.

  27. In the first place it was necessary to provide a daily supply of offerings, which were offered up in the funerary temple that was attached to every pyramid.

  28. This is a very ancient funerary work, which is found written in cursive hieroglyphs upon coffins of the eleventh and twelfth dynasties, of which many fine examples are to be seen in the British Museum.

  29. When King Khufu had heard the story he ordered a large supply of funerary offerings to be sent to the tomb of Seneferu, and bread, beer, flesh, and incense to the tomb of Tchatchamānkh.

  30. The following extracts illustrate the Liturgy of Funerary Offerings: 32.

  31. The priests attempted to satisfy his craving for information by composing the Books of the Dead and the other funerary works with which we are acquainted, and the popularity of these works seems to show that they succeeded.

  32. That the corpses here were separately interred would seem to follow from the fact that each is accompanied by its own funerary offerings and furniture placed around the head; see De Morgan, "Rev.

  33. The name and titles of the deceased are generally inscribed upon them, and not unfrequently the 6th chapter of the Egyptian funerary ritual or Book of the Dead.

  34. The funerary statue and the ideas connected with it seem to have been characteristic of Memphis and the school of theology which existed there.

  35. She was identified with Isis, Hathor, and the mistresses of Hades, and adopted their attributes, even to the black or blue coloured skin of these funerary divinities.

  36. Thebes itself, to contain within it, in addition to his funerary chapel, accommodation for the attendants assigned to the conduct of his worship.

  37. We should perhaps find in the midst of official documents, or among the short phrases of funerary biographies, some indication of the impression which the country produced upon its conquerors.

  38. His funerary chapel was discovered at Thebes; it is in a very bad state of preservation.

  39. Trajan authorized the unrestricted formation of funerary colleges (collegia tenuiorum) in Rome, and Septimius Severus extended this privilege to Italy and the provinces.

  40. The religious and funerary associations vanished with the spread of Christianity and the general impoverishment of the lower classes.

  41. And the funerary inscriptions from the municipalities, where life was more wholesome and simple than in the large cities, pay a sincere tribute to virtue in all its forms.

  42. In the late Bronze Age, at any rate, they cremated their dead and buried the ashes in funerary urns.

  43. Farther north, at Abila itself, the ground is strewn with Greek funerary texts, and the rocks burrowed with tombs, one of which has rude busts in low relief over the entrance, such as we also found over Roman tombs in Gilead.

  44. One of the most noteworthy discoveries was that of the funerary temple of Ne-user-Râ, which stood at the base of his pyramid.

  45. More especially it was the funerary chapel of Thothmes I.

  46. With the priestesses was buried the usual funerary furniture characteristic of the period.

  47. The tomb has yielded an almost incredible treasure of funerary furniture, besides the actual mummies of Tii's parents, including a chariot overlaid with gold.

  48. Now since Mertisen and his son were the chief artists of their day, it is more than probable that they were employed to decorate their king's funerary chapel.

  49. The ideograph for "tomb" seems to be a rude picture of the funerary chapel, but from it we can derive little information as to its construction.

  50. In front of the pyramid of Usertsen (Senusret) III at one time stood the usual funerary temple, but it has been totally destroyed.

  51. The pyramid of Hawara was provided with a funerary temple the like of which had never been known in Egypt before and was never known afterwards.

  52. It was evidently the funerary temple of the tomb.

  53. These were of a funerary character, like those of Dêr el-Bahari, already described.

  54. Petrie, who also found in the neighbourhood the remains of a number of small royal funerary temples of the XVIIIth Dynasty, all looking in the direction of the hill, beyond which lay the tombs of the kings.

  55. In a line with the tomb, on the edge of the cultivation, is the funerary temple belonging to it, which was found by Mr. Randall-Maclver in 1900.

  56. Such figures seem to have been regularly set up in front of a royal sepulchre; several were found in front of the funerary temple of Mentu-hetep III, Thebes, which we shall describe later.

  57. Funerary sacrifices and the regular cultus of the dead originated in the need experienced for making provision for the sustenance of the manes after having secured their lasting existence by the mummification of their bodies.

  58. The book itself was studied by Champollion, who called it the Funerary Ritual; Lepsius afterwards gave it the less definite name of Book of the Dead, which seems likely to prevail.

  59. Drawn by Faucher-Gudin, from a vignette in the funerary papyrus of Nebhopît in Turin.

  60. Footnote 1441: See the list of non-funerary subjects given by Pottier, op.

  61. The subjects are either funerary or from daily life, the style negligent; the designs are almost entirely monochrome.

  62. The subjects are funerary or from daily life, with figures of deities; the style is still fine, but the polychromy is more varied.

  63. The funerary subjects fall into four classes; they will be enumerated in Chapter XV.

  64. Such prayers were also inscribed on funerary stelæ in order that passers-by might repeat them for the benefit of the dead.

  65. He received, also, the proceeds of the funerary tax, which provided the indigent with a shroud, a coffin, and the necessary transportation to the grave.

  66. It was carried on constantly, at the close of each day, in funerary cars covered with a pall and followed by surpliced priests, chanting the service for the dead.

  67. They were constructed in the name, and at the cost, of the city of Paris, and the funerary establishment pays a rent of two hundred thousand francs.

  68. The funerary statue, for instance, which Aûtûabrî I.

  69. This pyramid was opened in 1881, and its chambers are covered with long funerary inscriptions.

  70. The funerary ritual is known from texts in the Theban tombs (XVIIIth-XXth Dyn.

  71. Yet very few great monuments were originated by him; even the Ramesseum, his funerary temple, was begun by his father.

  72. A late class of stelae, of which the best specimen has been published by Golenischeff, consists of spells of various kinds originally intended for the use of the living, but later employed for funerary purposes.

  73. Several of these books were used in the ritual of feast days, but all have received a secondary funerary employment, and are therefore found buried with the dead in their tombs.

  74. The colossi known to the Greeks by the name of the Homeric hero Memnon, which look over the western plain of Thebes, represent this king and were placed before the entrance of his funerary temple, the rest of which has disappeared.

  75. Mineptah has left few original works; the Osireum at Abydos is the only one of which much remains, his funerary temple having been destroyed as completely as he destroyed that of Amenophis III.

  76. The funerary customs that have been described are meaningless except on the supposition that the tomb was the regular dwelling-place of the dead.

  77. The actual practices of the cult, both funerary and divine, are better known, and we are tolerably familiar with the doctrines as to the future state of the dead.

  78. His funerary temple at Kurna is also in a fairly complete condition.

  79. Christian burial in surface graves supersedes the use of rock-hewn tombs: funerary equipment goes out of use, except a few personal ornaments, which are of mean appearance, and may bear Christian symbols.

  80. Food vessels and drinking urns were therefore included in the funerary furniture, and the dead were given food offerings at regular intervals.

  81. For reasons precisely analogous to those already explained in the case of libations, the custom of burning incense, from being originally a ritual act for animating the funerary statue, ultimately developed into an act of homage to the deity.

  82. This shell was used, like the cowry, for funerary purposes in Egypt and as a trumpet in India.

  83. And when it is recalled that at funeral ceremonies emotion found natural expression in the shedding of tears, it is not unlikely that this came to be assimilated with all the other water-symbolism of the funerary ritual.

  84. But such a statement does not accurately represent the attitude of mind of the people who devised these funerary ceremonies.

  85. It is not improbable that, if we are right in considering the dolmen as the most primitive form of megalithic monument, megalithic architecture was funerary in origin.

  86. The dead were often seated round the wall of the chamber, evidently engaged in a funerary feast, as is clear from the great vase set in their midst with small cups for ladling out the liquid.

  87. Of the funerary and biographical inscriptions the most remarkable is that of *Una.

  88. From the IVth Dynasty to the end of the VIth, the number of the inscriptions increases; tablets set up to the kings of the IVth Dynasty in memory of warlike raids are found in the peninsula of Sinai, and funerary inscriptions abound.

  89. The funerary inscriptions descriptive of character and achievement are often remarkable.

  90. Ancestor worship being universal in Egypt, the endowments for funerary services and offerings for the deceased kings must have been very large.

  91. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "funerary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    dismal; feral; funeral; funereal; mortuary; mournful; obituary; sepulchral