They also found here a large supply of tools for intrenching work.
It would have required a large supply of high-explosive shells to have made much of an impression on the excellent defenses which the German soldiers had constructed on this part of the front.
A large supplyof such articles as were likely to be useful were taken on board by Mr Banks.
Here in two hours they killed and salted a large supply of penguins.
After touching at some islands which lie about a day's sail to the westward of California, where there was a large supply of seals and aquatic birds, the Golden Hind continued her course.
Do you sometimes bring a large supply of provisions home from Voe?
Has there been a large supply of seamen during the last few years for the Greenland trade?
I purchased a large supply of choroko for my own personal use, as I found it to be a most healthy food.
I had a large supply of ammunition; thus I never lost an opportunity of shooting at a crocodile's head if I saw one above the surface.
Filled up with a large supply of wood ready to start tomorrow.
I was determined to carry a large supply to the south, as the country had in some places been depopulated by the slave-hunters.
I had written to Djiaffer Pacha for reinforcements [*] to be sent from Khartoum immediately, together with a large supplyof dhurra.
They also had a large supply of liquor, but he refused to touch it and they did not insist.
Before entering the desert, a large supply of water was laid in and the order of travel was changed so that they ran at night instead of in the day time.
Looking up they perceived the little doctor seated above with a large supply of tobacco, which he was throwing among the contestants.
We had a large supply of corn and bran sent for our horses, and as long as any of this remained, I determined to continue in depot.
It was deficient in magazines and bomb proofs; and the powder, of which there was a large supply, was stored in an old castle in the middle of the town.
Under Ryan's directions, the unwounded scattered over the hillside and soon brought back a large supply of bushes and faggots.
I obtained a large supply of it from a convoy we captured, a few days since.
So delighted were we with the discovery, and so eager were we to possess a large supply of the roots, that we stopped not digging until every bag, pouch and pocket was filled.
This needful work we set about, therefore, at once, proposing afterwards an excursion to the Calabash Wood, in order to manufacture a large supply of vessels and utensils of all sorts and sizes.
Day after day, I have the annoyance of seeing a large supply of good cream go bad under my very eyes, simply because I have no use to which to put it.
Ibrahim returned from Gondokoro, bringing with him a large supplyof ammunition.
The chief of Latooka would eat a handful of salt greedily that I gave him from my large supply, and I could purchase supplies with this article better than with beads.
This was rather awkward, as it was necessary for him to return to Gondokoro for a large supply of ammunition which had been left there for want of porters to convey it, when he had started for the interior.
Our force of 112 armed men could eat the country in the event of a fight, provided that a large supply of ammunition were at hand.
Thus matters stood till the afternoon, when Otoo himself came to the tents with a large supply.
When I returned on board in the evening, I found our good friends the natives had brought us a large supply of fish.
Having now got on board a large supply of refreshments, I determined to put to sea the next morning, and made the same known to the chief, who promised to see me again before we departed.
Early the next morning, some of our friends brought us a large supply of fish.
The transformation of English agriculture, the growth of large farms, drove great numbers of English peasants into the towns, and furnished a large supply of cheap labour for the new machinery.
This needful work we set about, therefore, at once, proposing afterward an excursion to the Calabash Wood, in order to manufacture a large supply of vessels and utensils of all sorts and sizes.
Day after day I have the annoyance of seeing a large supply of good cream go bad under my very eyes, simply because I have no use to which to put it.
So delighted were we with the discovery, and so eager were we to possess a large supply of the roots, that we stopped not digging until every bag, pouch, and pocket was filled.
I do not mean by this that a large crop of cabbage could be raised, year after year, if furnished only with a large supply of available nitrogen.
The cabbage needs a large supply of nitrogen in the soil, but removes comparatively little of it.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "large supply" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.