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Example sentences for "fungi"

Lexicographically close words:
funerary; funere; funereal; funeris; fungal; fungicide; fungicides; fungoid; fungous; fungus
  1. It is proved, therefore, that the tissues of the fungi do contain a product resembling chitin.

  2. For twenty-five years he devoted his remarkable energies to a series of connected researches bearing broadly on the nutrition of the Fungi and allied organisms with especial reference to the relationships between host and parasite.

  3. Fungi cannot draw their nutriment from solid materials without first profoundly modifying them.

  4. Finally, Berkeley first introduced to our notice many of those quaint fungi belonging to the group including our well known "stinkhorn"--Phallus impudicus L.

  5. Certain club-shaped fungi parasitic on caterpillars, belonging to the genus Cordyceps, occurring on buried caterpillars in New Zealand, are the giants of their tribe, measuring up to eighteen inches in length.

  6. He contributed a large proportion of the plates from his own drawings, while the descriptions throughout (excepting those of the plates on Algae and Fungi by R.

  7. He established, in fact, a complete parallelism between the behaviour of rust-fungi and that of pathogenic organisms in animals.

  8. He left Algae and Fungi (with the exception of the Characeae) alone, and it is his work on the Bryophyta and Pteridophyta that concerns us.

  9. Hooker, who placed unreservedly in Berkeley's hands the various collections of exotic fungi received at Kew from time to time.

  10. Amongst the numerous novel types of extra-European fungi described by Berkeley, it is somewhat difficult to indicate briefly even a few of the most striking forms.

  11. Fungi are in some parts of the country called Paddock-stools from the same notion that toads are fond of sitting on them; and in the Western counties they bear the name of Pixie-stools.

  12. But another glance showd him that they were sprays and wild flowers of various sorts, with gay mosses and fungi and some stems of Indian-pipe.

  13. The flowers and the fungi of the season," said Jeff.

  14. Minute fungi overspread the whole exterior, hanging in a fine tangled web-work from the eaves.

  15. The Hyphae of Fungi Parasitic on a Woody Tree c, Cells of host; h, hyphae of fungus, with dividing cell walls.

  16. As we saw in the section devoted to Flowerless Plants in Chapter I, there are many other kinds of fungi than the familiar edible mushroom and their close relatives, the often deadly poisonous toadstools.

  17. In the ordinary way these would simply rot, due to the work of insects and the fungi of decay, and in a few score years there would be nothing to show.

  18. For upon these microscopic fungi man depends for many things.

  19. The reproductive processes in these other fungi are fairly well understood, but they can hardly be included here.

  20. There are as many different flavors and tastes among esculent fungi as are found in any other varieties of diet, and the very general ignorance of this fact is a sufficient reason for the issue of this work.

  21. There are some warty fungi growing on wood, which, in early growth, resemble puff-balls, whose qualities are not yet known.

  22. There are also other small fungi of soft texture and doubtful quality closely resembling these which grow in lawns and pastures, and the object of this plate is to teach the amateur to avoid all such.

  23. Most noxious fungi appertain to the first or second class above given, and taste or common-sense would readily reject them, unless they were cooked with other food or excessively spiced.

  24. My friend explained to me that there had been a bin at the end of the vault, out of the wood of which these singular fungi had sprouted.

  25. Wood-rotting fungi gain entrance into the tree through broken branches, wounds, and damaged or exposed roots.

  26. Death is usually hastened by the introduction of blue-stain fungi which blocks the flow of sap.

  27. This cankered area is often invaded by insects and other fungi and is also a weakened area at which wind breakage may occur.

  28. The large winding tunnels constructed by the larvae in the sapwood and heartwood of living hardwoods serve as an entrance for wood-rotting fungi and insects such as the carpenter ant.

  29. The offspring spend their entire developmental period within the cradles feeding on fungi which grow on the sapwood.

  30. This decay is caused by fungi which mainly attack heartwood in the central portion of stems, branches, and roots.

  31. This species requires moist wood which is favorable to the growth of fungi upon which they feed.

  32. Nearly all the native pines in southern United States are attacked by various needle rust fungi of the genus Coleosporium.

  33. Decay fungi may be further separated into two broad classes based on their effect on wood.

  34. However, there are numerous fungi which cause decay, many of which are exceptions to the various methods of classification.

  35. They are not lethal to the tree, but may ruin tree form and on a large stem they can lead to an open decayed wound, as decay fungi are often secondary invaders of rust infections.

  36. There are about a hundred edible species in this country, but many of the fungi are poisonous, some intensely so.

  37. Of 9 edible fungi of 4 species, obtained in the Belgrade market, the average amount of water was 89.

  38. The fungi are of inferior nutritive value to many fresh vegetables and are much more expensive.

  39. The food value of fungi has been greatly over-rated.

  40. It was the scene of the labours of two students of British Fungi who will always hold an honourable place in the history of the development of the science in this country--William Withering and Thomas Purton.

  41. The next group of Fungi is the Pyrenomycetes or Globe-fungi.

  42. It is probable that the district is as productive as any other in the smaller and microscopic kinds, but the larger species of Fungi are, with few exceptions, not to be found in any great abundance.

  43. Withering enjoys the distinction of being one of the earliest authors on the British Flora, who devoted to the Fungi a space even decently comparable with that devoted to the Flowering plants.

  44. Since the whole number of Flowering Plants recorded by Purton from the Midlands is only 798, it will be seen that he surpasses Withering in devoting more than half as much space to the Fungi as to the Phanerogams.

  45. Another group of Fungi is that which grows upon living leaves, the various forms of which are known as Cluster-cups, Rust, Smut and Brand.

  46. But with this exception little has been done recently to elucidate the Fungi of the neighbourhood of this town, until the subject was taken up, within the last few years, by Mr. J.

  47. British by specimens published by Cooke in his “Fungi Britannici.

  48. Many species and varieties of Fungi new to Britain or new to science rewarded his constant researches in the park surrounding the hall, and some of the forms which he described still linger in this retreat.

  49. As regards the use by me with reference to both sunbeams and fungi of the word "becomes" I recognise that it may justify much doubt and questioning.

  50. One of the most common and worst of dry-rot fungi attacks pine and fir.

  51. Fungi are liable to fasten upon the wood.

  52. Insects and fungi are repelled by its odour.

  53. In some of the white, or softer woods, when fresh cut, the difference is scarcely perceptible; but exposure to the air quickly gives to the outer layers a greenish tinge, due to a species of mould fungi which attack them.

  54. A number of the fungi were formerly employed in medicine for various purposes, but most of them have been discarded.

  55. The question of the toxicology of the higher fungi is one of very great theoretical and practical interest.

  56. It is quite easy in many cases for one possessing no technical knowledge of the subject to read the story of these "wood destroying" fungi in the living tree.

  57. The same is true with the shelving fungi on trees, etc.

  58. In living trees the mycelium of certain bracket fungi enters through a wound and grows into the heart wood.

  59. Mention may be made here, however, of the attempts in parts of France to cultivate truffles, species of subterranean fungi belonging to the ascomycetes (various species of the genus Tuber).

  60. Many of the writers on fungi speak of it in terms of high praise.

  61. Reject all fungi which have a cup or sac-like envelope at the base of the stem, or which have a scaly or closely fitting layer at the base of the stem, and rather loose warts on the pileus, especially if the gills are white.

  62. Reject all fungi which have begun to decay, or which are infested with larvæ.

  63. This presents to us one of the many difficulties which students, especially beginners, of this group of fungi meet, and also suggests how unsatisfactory any arrangement of genera as yet proposed is.

  64. The mycelium of the mushrooms and bracket fungi grows in wonderful profusion in these abandoned coal mines.

  65. Since so few of the genera and species of the morels and cup-fungi will be treated of here, I shall not attempt to compare the genera or even to give the characters by which the genera are known.

  66. The various kinds of fungi are springing up in the fields and woodlands; it is a charming day for a stroll; we will drive to the Wrekin and explore the woods at its base.

  67. September and October are the best months, but we shall meet with fungi earlier.

  68. How I wish the time was come when we could hunt for fungi again.

  69. Badham, who used to eat various kinds of fungi and has written a very good book on wholesome kinds, once gathered some specimens of the fly agaric.

  70. Here are a lot of fungi growing in a ring," exclaimed May.

  71. However, I will promise you a long day's ramble or two in search of fungi when the time comes.

  72. The other fungi we will also take home and compare them with the descriptions and drawings in my books.

  73. It is, in my opinion, one of the most exquisite fungi that grows, and the most curious thing about it is that its flavour very strongly resembles oysters.

  74. We will put the wholesome fungi in one basket and the suspected ones in another.

  75. As our eyes became accustomed to the light, we discovered that we were in the midst of fungi or mushrooms of every shape and colour.

  76. Many were in the shape of a Chinese hat, and of an orange-red colour, striped with silver bands; indeed, the whole tribe of fungi appeared here to have their representatives.

  77. Other fungi were of dazzling whiteness, which Lejoillie likened to a casket of pearls, supported by an azure stalk.

  78. High soil moisture, high humidity, high temperature, and faulty ventilation, all favor the ravages of the various damping-off fungi mentioned above which cause little plants to rot off near the ground.

  79. Damping off is caused by various fungi in the seed bed which attack the stem near the surface of the soil and cause the plant to drop over and die.

  80. I think the smaller weight will suffice for the present, until the taste for strange fungi has developed, or the pressure of population increased.

  81. A genus of fungi having the under side of the pileus or cap composed of a multitude of fine separate tubes.

  82. An obsolete name for certain fungi composed of slender threads.

  83. So the main effort in their horticultural societies is along other lines, such questions as marketing, packing, spraying, insects, fungi and orchard management.

  84. I had already in Germany interested myself in mycology, and soon found fungi closely related to our German species of mushrooms and yellow boleta and others, in the African bush.

  85. Welcome as the manna to the children of Israel, the fungi which shoot up at this season helped to keep us from starvation.

  86. Clearly, the fungi before us were the common edible mushrooms.

  87. Colleges and good-for-nothing smoking-clubs are the places where these conversational fungi spring up most luxuriantly.

  88. The mosses and fungi gather on sickly trees, not thriving ones; and the odious parasites which fasten on the human frame choose that which is already enfeebled.

  89. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fungi" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    algae; mold; mould; moulder; mouldy; mushroom