To the best of my remembrance, I never made mention of it to anybody till Mr. Norton fetched it away, which was on the 11th of August, the Sunday morning after, to be shown to Dr.
Between the time of its being brought to your house and the time it was fetched away, were you ever at Mr. Blandy's house?
Camden says: "They exceedingly admire the anagram, for the deep and far-fetched antiquity and mystical meaning therein.
Miss Halcyone La Sarthe was fetched away on last Thursday by her stepmother--I did not hear the name--and no one knows where she has gone.
This second wife, her sort of stepmother, came and fetched her from La Sarthe Chase quite suddenly one day.
They were waited on by one manservant who fetched the dishes from the anteroom where they were brought to him, taking care to close the door of the dining room after him.
Many suggested explanations were offered, all more or less far fetched even to absurdity.
A sharp competition ensued at the auction, and the stones were fashioned into mementoes, set in rings, bracelets and brooches, and fetched high prices.
It thus appears rather far fetched to ascribe the attitude of the opponents of the bill, in any section, to the influence of the slavery interest.
The connection of the Oregon question with the question of the annexation of Texas in the Democratic platform of 1844, was, therefore, by no means farfetched or artificial.
Khan sent and fetched the Painter into his presence.
And one of the boys who stood in waiting that day upon the Boy-king's throne, ran and fetched a water-jug, holding in measure about a pint.
The ape soon fetched it at his command, and when he saw how big and lustrous it was he resolved that it must be a talisman.
Every day he sent and fetched a handsome youth of the people to come and comb his hair for him, and immediately that he had made an end of combing him he had him put to death.
When the Serpent-gods heard these laments, and saw how the prince and the maiden vied with each other in generosity, they sent and fetched them both out of the water, and gave them freedom.
Wherefore the Well-and-wise-walking Khan went forth yet again, and fetched the Siddhi-kuer.
So they went again to the cave in the rocky pass, andfetched Sunshine; and when he came near, the Khan went out to meet him, and caused costly seats to be brought, and made him sit down thereon beside him.
So the Minister fetched the paper, and having spread it out on the ground, placed the women on it, making them stand on their hind legs, and led them round it five several times till they resumed their natural form.
He had fetched Bayard, had mounted, and was after her.
Also I shall want a last word with you when I have fetched my cloak, and Selina is better out of the way.
She remade the fire, building a cone of twigs; fetched water, scoured the cauldron, and hung it again on its bar.
There he would leave them in stall at the Ferry Inn, to be fetched by his grooms.
Nay, he commanded two, and from somewhere out of devastated Lisbon they fetched a sedan-chair for the broken man.
Then, running to the cooking-pot, she fetched soup in two bowls.
They both forbore to torture me with words, for I was suffering greatly; but they fetched me to the Chateau St. Louis, followed by a crowd, who hooted at me.
Gabord was taken to the hospital, and he swore that Englishman would not have got away if stranger had not fetched him a crack with a pistol-butt which sent him dumb and dizzy.
He fetched a notebook and pencil from the pocket of his coat, and handed them to her.
He opened a tin of biscuits and a bottle of aerated water, and fetched a couple of tin mugs from the kitchen-tent; and, thus refreshed, they continued their work until midday.
Daniel fetched the chair, and, placing it immediately in front of his cousin, sat himself down.
He fetched a broom from the corner of the shed and held it out to her.
He wondered if the footsteps in the passage belonged to the head master, and whether that awful being was being fetched to punish him for his crime of driving the cab.
So my master went and fetched a tray containing a large number of tempting-looking chains.
He fetched a glass from the sideboard, filled it, and held it respectfully before him.
At the prince's suggestion, however, he fetched his hat and gloves and entered the former's automobile, which was waiting below.
A nephew came one fine day and fetched away the old pauper, to his great delight.
He roused the parish constable, and fetched that functionary to the Dovecot before he had had bite or sup to break his fast.
What defendant in a plain straightforward case would ever have thought of so far-fetched a device as that of getting the ex-Emperor to declare on oath that his warships in the West Indies had been unseaworthy?
Amongst all painters of modern times Meissonier is the only one whose pictures, during his own lifetime, fetched prices such as are only reached by the works of famous old masters of the greatest epochs.
When Cicero came in one day, he fetched a letter to Stephen Girard from my Pearl.
It had come from the Sans Culottes, privateer, or because of damaged coffee fetched from he knew not where.
The Chechen was the red-haired man who hadfetched his brother's body away after Lukashka had killed him.
Lukashka fetched a cup, wiped it and filled it with wine, and then handed it to the old man.
She's fetched everything and mended everything, she's a trump!
She par-boiled and den baked him and when she fetched him to de table wid a heap of sweet 'taters 'round him on de dish, dat was sho' somepin good to eat.
Dey fetched in 'possums in piles, and dere was lots of rabbits, fixes, and coons.
I was plumb rich and I never let my Daddy have no peace 'til he fetched me to town to do my tradin'.
When any of 'em got sick Old Miss sont to town for him, and he allus come right out and fetched a doctor.
As long as he fetched and carried for her, and never got into any danger except when he kept it secret, I don't suppose she ever exactly noticed when he did grow up.
When Steve returned from his mysterious errand, he looked at her a moment and then fetched an armful of wood.
The man, after a period of silent thought, went and fetched some wood.
I didn't blame her a mite, and felt jest the wust kind; so I give in every way, and fetched her raound.
And all that Mr. McClosky could do was to feebly rub his beard, and say to himself vaguely and incoherently, that "Jinny had fetched him.
The following morning a tailor's wife from the village of Aveyron saw his body lying in a shallow of the river, ran to Rodez and fetched some people back with her.
The cook collected wood for an all-night fire and then fetched water from the nearest stream half-a-mile away.
The captain stopped, got up, and fetched his rifle from the wagon.
I'll rig up a battery here, and if the water-butt runs dry you shall blaze away at the guns till you fetch the rain down, as I've seen it fetched down before now by a cannonade.
He had been fetched from his laboratory by Mr. Swiggs, and had arrived on the scene in time to hear the last sentence.
He fetched another armful, and then another; and as he discharged the last upon the bonfire, turned and laid a hand upon Captain Runacles' arm.
For a minute and a half she fetched up as if awaking to the consequences of her folly; shuddered and shook against the wind; and, as her sails filled again, fetched away on the westerly tack for her life.
The first gulp fetchedthe tears; but, after sputtering a bit, he managed to swallow a good half of it.
He fetched one, set it upside-down in front of the door and climbed atop of it.
Then, from the bedroom, he fetched his sword and belt, with the two pistols which he had carried throughout the journey.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fetched" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.