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Example sentences for "festum"

Lexicographically close words:
festliche; festo; festoon; festooned; festoons; fetal; fetch; fetche; fetched; fetches
  1. The day of th'assises in Norffolk is die Veneris proximo post Festum Nativitatis Beatae Mariae apud Norwicum, and Costards nisi prius is take owt ageynst that day, and Prentis nisi prius ageynst Halman also.

  2. The Christmas festival too was introduced by a vigil and lasted for eight days, which in the 6th century became the Festum circumcisionis.

  3. Of a similar nature was the Festum innocentum (§ 57, 1) enacted by schoolboys at Christmas.

  4. Emperor Phocas the Pantheon as a gift and having converted it into a church of the most Blessed Virgin and all the Martyrs, founded a Festum omnium Sanctorum, which was not, however, generally recognised before the 9th century (1st Nov.

  5. For he speaks five months later of the truce ('Treuga quæ inter eos statuta fuerat duratura usque ad festum omnium sanctorum') as not having stopped private raids on either side.

  6. During the festival of the Jews, called festum encæniorum, the feast of the Dedication of the Temple, the lamps were lighted before each of the houses, and the festival continued eight days.

  7. Nay, but he saw he had a convenient occasion, ad instituendam hominum multitudenem, ad illud festum confluentiam.

  8. The second example is, where He said to His Disciples, 'Vos ascendite ad diem festum hunc: ego autem non ascendo ad diem festum istum.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "festum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.