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Example sentences for "bycause"

Lexicographically close words:
buzzing; buzzum; bwoken; bwoy; byde; bye; byegone; byen; byes
  1. The Oile of Waxe, is myraculous and diuine in workyng, bycause it serueth in a manner vnto all griefes.

  2. But the same Paule Aegineta affyrmeth, that the Mulse profyteth nothing in manner the collericke, bycause the same in them is lightly conuerted into choller.

  3. The worste Hiues be those, which be made of turfes or earth, bycause they be ouer hote in the Sommer, and ouer colde in the Winter.

  4. And Aristotle declareth the Bées to be the clenlyest amongst all other beastes, bycause in flying abroad, they shed then their dung from them, leaste anye sauour or stincke of their dung be felte in their cotages or hoales.

  5. And to persons being twentie yeares of age, and of an vntemperate hotenesse, or others hote of qualitie, the honny to them is hurtefull, bycause it is soone conuerted into choller in them.

  6. Bycause that if you shoulde distill it so often ouer, vntil it will congeale or stiffen no more in the receiuer, then shall you make it ouer hotte, and so quicke in the mouth, that it is not possible by anye meanes to drinke it downe.

  7. Yet that is rather chosen, bycause in heating and drawing it is principallest.

  8. Bycause they wolde nought change that cam of nature Let growe theyre here without cuttinge or scissure.

  9. Bycause theyr parentes thynkynge it enough to haue begotten them, and enryched them, toke no heede of theire bryngynge vp.

  10. Yea but bycause ye saye so, tell me fyrste I praye you what ye call hypocrisie.

  11. Bycause men (they saye) do the selfe same thinge nowe adayes that they dyd, and were wont to do which were lyuynge in the worlde a lytle whyle before the deluge or Noyes floode.

  12. And bycause ye shall lose nothynge at my ||hande with wyshynge I pray god that Cannius maye neuer lacke a good can or a stoope of wine or bere, wherof he had his name.

  13. They wondered not muche to sée oure Shyppes and menne, bycause they hadde séene before Iohn de Grijalua in the same Riuer.

  14. Some bycause they had not iust repertitiö of the cöquered Indiäs, and other some not according to deserte.

  15. And bycause he commaunded them, they sacrificed suche an infinite number of creatures.

  16. This done, he sate him downe, and then came the Lord Steward, and drewe a wodden nette before him, bycause none shoulde come nigh his table.

  17. In that writyng Flora named neither emperor nor Caesar, bycause those two most Noble names were long tyme after created by the Romanes.

  18. For if they do yt not / it is certeyne that they loue not God with all their harte / bycause they sholde then leaue vndone somewhat that they mighte do / to the glorie of his name / and wolde not.

  19. And it is a courtious parte, redily to receave them in to favour: not bycause they bee woorthe it: but as men doe with coines, bycause they be currant.

  20. Bycause Goodnes it selfe, when it excedeth muche, is ever envide of some.

  21. And bycause they found him a Noble gentleman, courteous and well beseene in all good behaviour, they praised him muche, and made muche of him, save that one unmanerly fashion they muche misliked in him.

  22. Ther be some woordes more in this place to like effect, which I meane not to stande uppon now: bycause our Englishe tounge cannot hansomely deliver their perfect meaning.

  23. And bycause these follies are learned w^t ease inough, and carry withall a litle faire glose in shewe: they bestowe all their whole mindes none other waye.

  24. She toke the rompe in her hande, and bycause she sawe the abbot and other wete their meate in the sorell sauce, she sayde: my lorde, I pray the gyue me leue to wete myn rompe in thy grene sauce.

  25. On a tyme as he came home warde, bycause he was somewhat werye, to ease him selfe, he rode on one the strongest of them.

  26. A yonge gentyl man in a cite that was beseged, rebuked the other and called them cowherdes, bycause they wolde nat issue out and fight with their enmyes.

  27. They answered: bycause he iugeth you alone to be an honest and a good man.

  28. Marye, sayde the hurte man, I wolde ye hadde taught me that rule before I felle: neuer the lesse, bycause it may happe to profyte me in tyme to come, lette me here what it is.

  29. Whanne he hadde rydden a lyttell waye, he harde other that blamed hym, bycause he made the lyttell yonge boye ronne after as a seruaunte, and he his father to ryde.

  30. Of Aurelian the emperour, that was displeased, bycause the citie Tyana was closed agaynste him.

  31. In the tyme of Lente there came two nonnes to saynte Johnns in London bycause of the great pardon, there to be confessed.

  32. And bycause we wold nat displease no ma[n] his owne wyfe at home: here are we now combred with all / gathered to gyder on a hepe / and brought in that takynge that we dare nat ones open our lyppes against them.

  33. And thou saydest thy-selfe, thou mightest nat be holpen as thou wenest, bycause that vertue in thee fayleth; and this blisse parfitly without vertue may nat be 115 goten; thou wenest of these wordes contradiccion to folowe.

  34. Lo, instrument of wil in false and trewe bothe, evenliche is proporcioned; but affeccion is more in some places than in some, bycause of the goodnesse that foloweth, and that I thinke hereafter to declare.

  35. And so thilke Margaryte thou servest shal seen thee, by her service out of perillous tribulacion delivered, bycause of her service in-to newe disese fallen, by hope of amendement in the laste ende, with joye 70 to be gladded.

  36. The same lawe that joyneth by wedlocke without forsaking, the same lawe yeveth lybel of departicion bycause of devorse both demed and declared.

  37. But bycause that in conninge I am yong, and can yet but crepe, this leude A.

  38. Thou 110 woldest conclude me, if thou coudest, bycause I brought thee to service; and every of my servantes I helpe to come to this blisse, as I sayd here-beforn.

  39. And bycause toforn this in tho wayes I was 140 set, I wot wel my-selfe I have erred, and of the blisse fayled; and so out of my way hugely have I ronne.

  40. I might not answere therunto bycause it was a matter y^t was done in the Queens time and since I had my pardon.

  41. For what so euer thynges are equalle to anny one thyrde thynge, those same are equalle togitther, by the fyrste common sentence, so that bycause all the .

  42. Exaltation of the holy Crosse[29] is sayd / bycause that on this daye the hooly crosse & faythe were gretely enhaunced/.

  43. And being a boy, new Bacheler of arte, I chanced amonges my companions to speake against the Pope: which matter was 280 The second booke teachyng than in euery mans mouth, bycause D.

  44. And bycause the frute hereof, vulgarly receiued, is in Wheles, it hath the name of Trochilike: as a man would say, Whele Art.

  45. Bycause it is also vsed in circles, not Astronomicall.

  46. Rolland the valyaunt, and champyon of the crysten fayth, was moche sorouful of the crysten men bycause they had noo socours.

  47. Neuer, but in good fayth I woulde I might, bycause I haue hearde so much euill of hym.

  48. I dyd say, and I sayd: but bycause it is otherwise in french, I must use the said difference.

  49. We be right nygh clevyng the one to the other, bycause of naturall Nous sommes de pres adherentes les ung des aultres, a cause de naturalle inclynation, specially havyng symilytude of maners togyder.

  50. Trewly ye have reason, for I forgate myselfe yester night, Ueritablement, madame, uous aues raison, car je men troubliay ersoir bycause of company and of a cause de compagnie et de communication.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bycause" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.