If it should please God to call her to himselfe, wee should all have a greate losse of a right good and vertuous Lady.
After a greate many woordes and crakes, had betwene these twoo capitaines, the lord Stafford of Southwyke, in greate dispite departed with his whole compaignie and band of Archers, leauynge the erle of Pembroke almost desolate in the toune.
And a greate nomber of Gentlemen on fote, in russet satyn and yealow, and yomen in russet Damaske and yealow, all the nether parte of euery mans hosen Skarlet, and yealow cappes.
After the masse was done ther was a greate banket and fest and the ladyes of England highly entreteyned.
The Moday beyng the daye of Sayncte Denyce, the same kynge Leyes maried the lady Mary in the greate church of Abuyle, bothe appareled in goldesmythes woorke.
Then he returned to Abuyle by a secret waye, & she was with greate triumphe, procession & pagiantes receyued into the toune of Abuyle the VIII day of October by the Dolphin, which receyued her with greate honor.
Greate was the riches in plate, iuels, money, and hangynges that this ladye brought into France.
After them folowed a greatenomber of archers and then wagons laden with their stuf.
Confirmacion, hath in it sogreate force of argumente, to stablishe and vpholde the cause or proposicion: as destruccion hath in castyng doune the sentence or proposicion.
Tullie also by his E- loquence and wisedome, saued Roome and all partes of that dominion, from greate daungers.
There is greate force in this oracion, on bothe the sides.
As for the present your Lordshippe speks of I am in greate doubt what to give, this being a place where nothing worth presenting is to be had; besides I doe not knowe what present he would accept.
Monys is comodity in greate request in this court, and scarce enough!
Sir, I must give you a greate dele of thankes for the reale frendshipp you shewed in remembering me of my faults, whiche I confesse, and strive, and shalle the more heereafter, to mend.
And as muche as with my quicke sences I could carrie, I tooke in my going foorth, with as greate pleasure and delight as is possible to expresse.
Thus they continued playing and dauncing according to the time of the musicke, withgreate pleasure, solace, and applause, vntill the King of the siluer Nymphes was victour and conquerour.
When and at all tymes the Admyrall will anker or disanker, he must shote a pece, that thereby the rest may know to do the same; and that no Shippe ride in an others walke, for in that is greate danger.
At least in 1625 Jordan was credited with this amount as being "planted" by patent in "the territory ofgreate Weyanoke.
His was one of the tracts in "the territory of greate Weyanoke" and was later patented again by his son.
He was one of the Assembly Committee of four appointed to examine "the first booke of the fower" of the "Greate Charter.
Paspaheigho by expresse wordes in the greate commission did belonge to the Governor and that they had bene wrongfully seated by Capt.
At the erecting hereof we prayed for our king and our owne prosperous succes in this his action, and proclaimed him king, with a greate showte.
Margaret Johnson, of the second generation of Lancashire witches, in 1633 said 'shee was not at the greate meetinge at Hartford in the Forrest of Pendle on All Saintes day'.
Margaret Johnson (1633) said 'shee was not at the greate meetinge at Hoarestones at the Forest of Pendle upon All Saints day'.
Little newes is here stirred, but that olde greate matter still depending.
That wondergreate to scape: but, GOD was on his side, And throughe them all, in spite of all, his shaken shippe did guide.
The King having taken the oathes, with inuocation of the name of God, laying his handes vpon the Gospel, which he kist with greate reuerence.
So this was the mournfullest day that in my life I had seene, or the Church of England herselfe since the Reformation; to the greate rejoicing of both Papist and Presbyter.
What ship is that with so many owers, and straunge tacle; it is a greate vessell.
Doctoure Barkleye hadde greateharme ones of suche a visitacion, at Wellys, before he was Quene Maryes Chaplayne.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "greate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.