And here comes Manes, who hath as much meate in his maw as thou hast honestie in thy head.
This should both have made sport, and shewed your honestie 25 And Goodlucke I dare sweare, your witte therin would low.
F ii b I thinke verily Neptunes mightie godshyp, 5 Was angry with some that was in our shyp, And but for the honestie which in me he founde, I thinke for the others sake we had bene drownde.
Then woulde I were dead, and faire layd in my grave, Ah Suresby, is this the honestie that ye have?
Hee sayde diuerse, diuerse matters, which askt longer conference, but in good honestie they were lies, which he had not yet stampt.
And by making this request your grace doth swarue from the bounds of honestie very farre, and you do greate iniury to your fame, if men should know what termes you do vse vnto me.
And so (mine honestie and honour saued) al that I haue to do you pleasure, is to be assured at your commaundement.
A vaunte varlet, a vaunt: goe vtter thy stuffe to them that be like thy self, whose honour and honestie is so farre spent, as thy loialtie is light and vayn.
Where dame nature hath formed you by your comely grace, and your fayre face, to beholde eche man, and to vtter pleasaunt talke intermixed with honestie and vertue.
For diuers times without difference, children be put foorth to suche Noursses, whose honestie and conditions, in the tyme of the putting foorth, be vtterly vnknowen.
Italie, to go whither so euer lust will cary them, they do not like, that lawe and honestie should be soch a barre to their like libertie at home in England.
Phrases and sentences, and chieflie in choice of honestie of matter, your scholer were better to play, then learne all that is in him.
Religion, and honestie of liuing: and hath bene wholie within the compasse of learning and good maners, the speciall pointes belonging in the right bringyng vp of youth.
In writing this booke, I haue had earnest respecte to three speciall pointes, trothe of Religion, honestie in liuing, right order in learning.
And good cause why: For being vnlike in troth of Religion, they must nedes be vnlike in honestie of liuing.
Papistes at home, procured bawdie bookes to be translated out of the Italian tonge, whereby ouer many yong willes and wittes allured to wantonnes, do now boldly contemne all seuere bookes that sounde to honestie and godlines.
He said moreouer, that he would chastise others also, and vsed so euil sounding speeches, that honestie forbiddeth me to repeat them.
For honestie will make hir prest, To doo the thing that shall be best, If such ye hap to wiue.
The honestie in deede I graunt, Is one good point the wife should haunt, To make hir husband thriue: But now faine would I haue you show, How should a man good huswife know, If once he hap to wiue?
The master only compelleth, the father by honestie and gentelnes accustumeth hys sonne, to do well of hys owne mynde, rather then by feare of an other: and that he shulde bee all one in hys presence and behind hys backe.
And ther is no cause why profite maye not folowe pleasure, and honestie ioyned to delectacion.
I have liv'd ever free, onely depended Upon the honestie of my faire Actions, Nor am I now to studdy how to die soe.
The mother which by no meanes doubted the honestie of the Gentleman, no more then shee did of her own children, was very sorie to vnderstand that some shold be offended at that their familiarity.
Amadour, as well for the honestie that he found in her, as for the liuing of III.
And God graunt you grace (Madame) to continue that honestie which hee hath planted in your hart, and by acknowledging that all goodnesse procedeth from him, you may loue him and serue him, better than euer ye did.
A President of Grenoble aduertised of the ill gouernement of his wife, took such order, that his honestie was not diminished, and yet reuenged the facte.
Wherefore she sayd vnto him: "Amadour, if now you doe accompt me for an enemy, I besech you for the honestie of the loue which at other times I haue found planted in your harte, to geue me leaue to speake before you doe torment me.
From hence proceedeth this slander, against our whole Nation: dissembling in the meane time with what honestie certaine Germans, making yerely voyages into Island, deale with our men.
Where I would willingly demaund with what honestie men can impute that vnto the whole nation, which is hard and skantly true of these fewe poore men?
Well Diana, take heed of this French Earle, The honor of a Maide is her name, And no Legacie is so rich As honestie Widdow.
Alas, alas: It is not honestie in me to speake What I haue seene, and knowne.
Marrie that should you if I were your Mistris, or I should thinke my honestie ranker then my wit Orl.
Now, if you can blush, and crie guiltie Cardinall, You'l shew a littleHonestie Wol.
I trulie: for the power of Beautie, will sooner transforme Honestie from what is, to a Bawd, then the force of Honestie can translate Beautie into his likenesse.
Thou art a Villaine to impeach me thus, Ile proue mine honor, and mine honestie Against thee presently, if thou dar'st stand: Mar.
Beleeue me, I speake as my vnderstanding instructs me, and as mine honestie puts it to vtterance Cam.
Let death and honestie Go with your impositions, I am yours Vpon your will to suffer Hel.
And this we do, as we desyre to be accepted and favored of the Lord Jesus, and reaccompted worthy of credyte and honestie in the presence of the godlie.
But suche Readeris as neather have haid exercise, nor continuance in Christis trew religioun, must abstene from ministratioun of the sacramentis, till thai geve declaratioun and witnessing of thair honestie and farther knawlege.
This should both haue made sport, and shewed your honestie And Goodlucke I dare sweare, your witte therin would low.
I thinke verily Neptunes mightie godshyp, Was angry with some that was in our shyp, And but for the honestie which in me he founde, I thinke for the others sake we had bene drownde.
Then woulde I were dead, and faire layd in my graue, Ah Suresby, is this the honestie that ye haue?
And considering that for your sake I so gentillie departed with my money me semeth that reason and good honestie requireth ye should se me payed ayen.
Not dowbting but ye will diligentlie effectuallie and trewly put in execucion the teanour and effecte of your saide Commyssion in suche wise as shalbe most for your honestie & to the Kinges most profite and aduauntage.
Doubting not but ye will not preferre any other vnto his highnes but suche as shalbe right mete to do that thing which shalbe most for their own honestie and will haue good regarde and aspect to the Kinges most proffite.
O my Valerius, all yet will not do; Unless I could so draw mine honestie Down to the lees to be a ravisher; She calls me witch, and villain.
For, A man should not bring another mannes faithe and honestie in question and doubte.
For it is no honestie to seeke a pleasure by the hurt of another.
On the other side, if by your negligence they fall to vice (as youth is to all euill prone and readie) not onelie their honor, but also your honestie shall be spotted and appalled.
If the poore and vnreasonable beasts, if the selie babes that doo lacke discretion, grone against harme to them proffered; how ought an honest man to be angrie, when things that touch his honestie be dailie against him attempted?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "honestie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.