The brute [report] that he hathe tawlked with the Quene maketh the Papistis dowte what wyll become of the worlde.
Therfore the fyrst actoure willynge to deuyde suche foles from wysemen and gode lyuers: hathe ordeyned vpon the se of this worlde this present Shyp to contayne these folys of ye worlde, whiche ar in great nomber.
Pynson hathe on me layde With many folys our Nauy not to charge.
Whyles that she is yett younge and reckeless, and gif shee bee faste, and hathe naughte to beare homewards, lo!
He who complayneth thatt women know nothinge, and haue noe witte, hathe nott mett ye Boston Yonge Lady; if that he dothe, and telleth hir soe, he wyll probablie remember for manie dayes what shee saide in answere.
This is a Coppye of Mr. Mullens his Will of all particulars he hathe given.
Here fynyssheth the Boke of Eneydos, compyled by Vyrgyle, whiche hathe be translated .
Here fynyssheth the boke of Eneydos, compyled by Vyrgyle, whiche hathe be translated oute of latyne in to frenshe, and oute of frenshe reduced in to Englysshe by me Wyll̃m Caxton, 1490.
Here, before me on my table, hathe my servante placed freshe flowres from countrie hedgerowe and garden, to sweeten the close aire that cometh in from ye swelterynge streetes.
And if this come to passe in a barbarous and vnruled tonge, whych wryteth other wyse then it speaketh, and the whych hathe hys schriches and wordes scarse of a man, howe muche more easely wyl it be done in the Greeke or Latine tonge?
Howe vnhappye prudence is it, when the shypman hathe learned the arte of saylynge by often shypwrackes, when the prince by continuall batayles and tumultes, and by cõmon myschieues hath learned to beare hys office?
The greater the shyp is, & the more marchandyse it carieth aboute, the more neede it hathe of a connynge shyppe master.
The Storke hathe shewed vs the herbe organye: and the wylde bores haue declared y^t Iuy helpeth sickenesses.
It hath ben proued by many experimentes, that by this remedie the deformitie whych wold haue bene on that part of y^e body that is sene, hathe lyen hyd in the secrete place.
Furthermore it wyll helpe verye muche, if he that hathe taken vpon hym to teache a chylde, so sette hys mynd vpon hym, that he bear a fatherly loue vnto hym.
Euerye thyng is mighty in that, to the whyche nature hathe made hym.
But as the world is alwayes redy to be worse and worse, dayntines hathe perswaded vs to comune this office to a tuter that is one of our householde, and a gentleman is put to be taught of a seruaunte.
And there is no creature more fereful thẽ man, whõ cruell iniurie hathe taught to dispyse his owne lyfe.
And not a litle hath he wonne whyche hathe escaped the losse, neyther hathe he brought small helpe to vertue, whiche hath excluded vyce.
Thoughe a knave hathe by me layne, Yet am I noder dede nor slowe; I trust to recouer my harte agayne, And Crystes curse goo wythe yow!
Whoe hathe her owne destroy’de, And maie it bee, that shee thie birdes should spare?
And the priest ministring at Loddington afforesaid, being one of the nombre of the Colleage of Strettforde hathe onelye a pencion going owte of the possessions of the same Colleage and allowed emongest the Repryses of the same.
On the 25th of July Drake, writing to Walsingham, says: “God hathe geven us so good a daye in forcying the enemey so far to leeward, as I hope in God the prince of Parma and the Duke of Sedonya shall not shake hands this fewe dayes.
For asmuche as there is no man (without he be mad) will refuse and reject things that be deare and of price: unles hee be suche, as hathe plenty and store of those deare and deintie things.
But how so ever it be, hee that offereth and geveth his counsell: geves us to thinke, hee hathe this conceite of him selfe: that all the witt is in him, and other poore men have none at all.
Wherein, the company that Giovan Boccaccio hathe brought to speake in his Novelles and tales, hath faulted so muche: that me thinkes every good body, may justly blame them for it.
And how muche lesse they be, so much the more neede a man hatheto looke well in to them: bycause they be not easily perceived a far of, but creepe in to us by custom, before we be a ware.
The kyng hathe sayd of hym that even wyr he hathemost to do, then the Lord Scalys wyll soonest axe leve to depart, and the kyng weenyth that it is mist because of kowardyese.
But with vs the same oftner happeneth in the moneth of May, as hathebin noted by sundrye, diuerse times, especially if the yong Bées be sounde and hartie within the Hyues.
As itt is, shee is thankfull thatt shee hathe been sparyed ye trouble of having that towne builte.
Butt verylye shee hathe oftetymes a fyrste-rate tyme at luncheon, and no mystake.
Whan thatt shee is arayed in these gaye clothynges and other thynges she hathe verament a fyne style suche as yee can see none fyner not in ye Rue Helder ittself.
No, none that hatheany witte in his head, for by and by they woulde saye thus vnto hym.
And surely the moste of th[~e] haue the spanishe scabbe, or as some terme it the frenche pockes: thoughe now adaies one nation hathe it commonlye asmuche as an other.
He hathe 4 or 5 children in places from whence he came whom he will bring shortly hither, yf he may be suffered here to remayne, whom we desyer may be examined and removed from hence according to the Statute.
One William Dye, undertenant to John Netley, dothe lyve idelly and hathe no trade.
Item to the seventh we saye that the copyholder may fell tymber for reparacion or otherwyse to sell the same to hys use and profyt; so hathe yt byn used by our tymes and by all tyme beyond the memory of man.
For God and the Kinge hathe not sent us the poore lyving we have, but to doe services therefore amonge our neighbours abroad.
Item to the fyfteneth we say that the freholder hathe never payde relief at alienacion, but at deathe only.
My Lorde Pryvee Seale hathe wrought to his awne confusion and dethe,’ said one, ‘and of late tyme was veray nere the same, and escapid veray narrowly .
But o Griffoun hathe the body more gret and is more strong thanne 8 Lyouns, of suche Lyouns as ben o this half; and more gret and strongere, than an 100 Egles, suche as we ben amonges us.
Your fader thowght, and thynkyth yet, that I was asentyd to your departyng, and that hathe causyd me to have gret hevinesse.
Item, it was tolde me thys day that Master John Salatt hathe made a serge in the regestre this monethe aftre the wylles and testements or suche as hought the maners of Heylesdon and Drayton this c.
I pray yow sende me worde if ye wyl that I make any compleynt to the Duke or the Duchesse; for as it is tolde me, they know not the pleynesse that hathe ben don in such thyngys as hathe ben don in her [their] namys.
Item, I have spok with John Dame and Playter for the lettyr testymonyall, and John Dame hathe promysyd to get it, and Playter schall bryng it to yow to London.
My Lord of Warwek hathe be in Skotlond, an take a castell of the Skoots; and upon thys ther came the Quene of Skoots[44.
I have best truste on too, and nexte hym to the wryghe potte; and I mystruste moost the potte that hathe a krotte abovyn in the toppe, lesse that he hathe ben ondoone.
Chesscher, but I wot not in what plase, he hathe sent iij.
Critstemes, and whan that he rydyth, he hathe iiij.
God hathe schewyd Hym selffe marvelouslye lyke Hym that made all and can undoo agayn whare Hym lyst.
We depart the sooner for the Dwk hathe word that the Frenshe king is purposyd to mak wer upon hym hastyly & that he is with in IIIj or v dayis jorney of Brugys & the Dwk rydeth on Twysday next comyng forward to met with hym.
The college is of Canões, but thay be suche as hathe thayr name of the Laten tonge and be called Seculares, a kynd betwyxte monkes & Chanones.
What nede you to be her caryoure, seynge that she hathe so many angelles bothe at her hedde and at her fette.
Our lady hathe ther an habitacyon, but somwhat darke, closed rownde aboute with double yren grats.
Ye trewly there be some so gyuê to our blessyd lady, that whan thay apere to put vpe thayr handes to offre, with a pure cõusyance, thay stayl that whiche other men hathe gyuen.
Nor saynt Antony is nat withowt hys weapenes for he hathe holy fyre with hym.
Woo be to vs, that hathe so many todes in owre hartes.
He hathe buylded thys costly & gorgeouse churche, he hath caused greate authoryte thorough out all Englande vnto the ordre and presthode.
She hathe at Antwarpe a moche more lordly temple thã at Walsyngame.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hathe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.