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Example sentences for "recouer"

Lexicographically close words:
recordes; recordeth; recording; recordings; records; recouered; recouerie; recouering; recouery; recount
  1. Burgh demanded of him what was best to be done, who answered, that if the carak were not boorded she would recouer the shore and fire herselfe as the other had done.

  2. And I make a vowe nowe vnto thee, that if I may recouer health, I will my self in person, go honor thy sacred body, in the proper place where it reposeth.

  3. To whom the king said: “Wilt thou then, that wee should breake our faith, which wee to recouer health haue giuen to the damosell, who for a reward asked thee to husband?

  4. But what auaileth it nowe to wepe and lament: for thou shalt so sone plucke the starres out of the Skye, as euer recouer one peny of thy losse: and without doubt he will kill thee, if hee vnderstande that thou make any wordes thereof.

  5. And when he saw time she toke him out, cherishing and comfortinge him with wynes and brothes, and so well as shee could, made him at length to recouer his force in such wise as he knew wher he was.

  6. Diuers thought that the time was then come, to bridle and suppresse the people, that thereby they mighte the rather recouer those priuileges, which were extorted from the fathers.

  7. Andreuccio now sure and certaine of his losses, attached with incredible sorow, conuerted his anger into rage, thoughte to recouer by anoiaunce that which he could not get with fayre wordes.

  8. On the other side it was agréed, that king William should aid the duke to recouer all other places beyond the seas, which belonged to their father.

  9. Howbeit some affirme, that the lord Louell tooke his horsse, and would haue fled ouer Trent, but was not able to recouer the further side for the highnesse of the banke, and so was drowned in the riuer.

  10. He did secretly accord with one of the Maisters of hys Fléete in the nighte season to bore holes in them, that thereby they myghte synke, wythoute anye remedie to recouer them agayne.

  11. All thys was a fayned fetche, to sée the state of the Christian Campe, or else to recouer their religious Tlamacazque.

  12. Then our wery soules began to recouer hart and strength, and the horsemen followed thë to their great anoyance and slaughter.

  13. There were diuerse ouerthrowen and hurt, and amongst other William de Longspee was so brused, that he could neuer after recouer his former strength.

  14. Roger de Monthault, a baron of great honour, meaning verelie to go in that iournie, to recouer monie towards his necessarie furniture, set and sold the most part of his liuings.

  15. Which when this Dauid went about to recouer againe, his power was discomfited, and himselfe by a few Englishmen taken & brought into England, where he remained prisoner eleuen yeares after his said apprehension.

  16. Mazes well framed a mans height, may perhaps make your friend wander in gathering of berries, till he cannot recouer himselfe without your helpe.

  17. As these rules serue for dressing young trees and sets in the first planting: so may they well serue to helpe old trees, though not exactly to recouer them.

  18. He will stil recouer inward, more then you would wish.

  19. After we had put from thence, we had the winde so contrary, as we could not vnder nine dayes recouer the Burlings: in which passage on the thirteenth day the Earle of Essex, and with him M.

  20. And also for that hee deemed this to bee the most readie and direct course, whereby hee might recouer his heredetarie possession of the lowe Countreys, hauing restrained the inhabitants from sayling vpon the coast of England.

  21. Sir Richard Grinuile was the last that wayed, to recouer the men that were vpon the Island, which otherwise had bene lost.

  22. Amongst them that the wall fell vpon, was Captaine Sydenham pitifully lost; who hauing three or foure great stones vpon his lower parts, was held so fast, as neither himselfe could stirre, nor any reasonable company recouer him.

  23. Also this is named the Blessed Water, in that giuing to any two or thrée drams to drinke, being at the point of death, doth so sodainely recouer the person againe, as doeth the Quintessence of wine.

  24. Hyginius affirmeth that eyther the Oxe or mans vrine set in like manner (as aboue saide) by the mouths of the hyues, doth also recouer the diseased Bées.

  25. The wondring and regardles multitude making his honor cleere way, left the streetes where he past to gape at me; the throng of them being so great that poore Will Kemp was seauen times stayed ere hee could recouer his Inne.

  26. Citie of Mexico: in our seeking to recouer this port our Generall met by the way three small ships that caried passengers, which hee tooke with him, and so the sixtenth of September 1568.

  27. They also recouer great store of Cotton, Brasill wood, and those beds which they call Hamcas or Brasill beds, wherein in hot countreyes all the Spaniards vse to lie commonly, and in no other, neither did we our selues while we were there.

  28. It may proceed from some lurking naturall effect of the Climate; as wee read, that the trauailers who passe the Equinoctiall, doe there lose this manlike hunting vermine, and vpon their returne recouer them againe.

  29. Truly I haue him: but I would not be the partie that should desire you to touch him, for his byting is immortall: those that doe dye of it, doe seldome or neuer recouer Cleo.

  30. Let me see, to withdraw with you, why do you go about to recouer the winde of mee, as if you would driue me into a toyle?

  31. Why, because he was mad; hee shall recouer his wits there; or if he do not, it's no great matter there Ham.

  32. What man, there are more wayes to recouer the Generall againe.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "recouer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.