The rysyng of the comuynes in londe, The pestilens, and the eorthe-quake-- Theose three thinges I understonde.
That all bedding and cloathes and other thinges apt to take infection which were about infected persons bee burnt or such order taken that infection may not be increased by them.
Beautifull thingesbe not had in equall estimation, some be of great price, some not so, some do regarde this, some that.
He vsed counterfait letters, to imagine dreames, and to conferre false religions, to trye if those thinges could serue his tourne, in comforting and couraging his souldiours.
Cluilius, from whence and from Rome, Ambassadours were sent to redemaunde the thinges stollen.
Then hee sayde: “Bee sure he shalbe honoured with greater thinges then these.
Howebeit he dailye trusted that peace shoulde bee concluded betweene the father and the sonne, and that all thinges should be surrendred, as well the principall as the interest: determining vppon that hope not to departe the Countrie.
Thou art the first of all men whiche with sacietie hast gotten famine, that the more thou hast, the more gredely thou couetest after thinges thou hast not.
But that thesethinges be come to passe, I maye thancke the deuil’s good grace.
And after that he fansied diuers thinges in minde, he deuised (by the instinct of the deuil) to cause one of his nephewes, being of the age of XVIII.
Then her husband asked her, whether allthinges were well, vnto whom she sayde these wordes.
I colde make a longe and no commone discourse; of the manner of consecrating the fyre and water, how yt was vsed emongst the saxons before, and the normans since, the Conqueste, and of many other thinges belonging vnto yt.
Wherefore I will here shewe such thinges as, in mye opynione, may seme to be touched, not medlinge withe the seconde editione to one inferior personne then my fathers editione was.
Wherfore Bale hath muche mistaken yt, as he hath donne infynyte thinges in that Booke de scriptoribus Anglie, beinge for the most parte the collect{i}ons of Lelande.
In faithe Maisters these thinges are prettily done, common sleyghts, expressing no deepe reache of witte, and I woonder men are so simple to bee so beguiled.
THe periode or conclusion stan- deth in the briefe enumeracion of thinges spoken afore / and in mouyng the affections / as hath ben aboue expressed.
In delectable thingesor suche thinges that haue ben well done / we moue our au- dience to reioice thereat / and to do lyke.
Doutelese ever heraftre more redy & right glade to doo suche thinges as may be to þe welefare honer and prosperite of þe same.
For all other thinges we referr you to our Committees.
Prayng us to suffre you and youre saide ffeleaship to passe through the saide Citee of London uppon youre journey to perfourme and execute suche thinges as in your saide lettres ben more largely expressed.
Furthermore I pray you to yeve feith & credence to suche thinges as þe said Roger shall open unto you in my behalf.
But I hope the eternall maiestie of God the sole disposer of all thinges will also make this to appeare in his good time.
Aftre that, doeth he seuen thinges to the childe in ordre.
Furthermore thei woulde that ther should be a pulpite in the middes of the churche, wherein the prieste maye stonde vpon Sondaies and holidayes, to teache the people those thinges that it behoueth them to knowe.
This, by canonicalle decree, in time paste was not wonte to be giuen (excepte greate necessitie soner required it) but to those that had bene scholers a space afore, to learne the thinges appertinent to Christendome.
For that cause is all the seruice out of the newe Testament, and al thinges done with ioie and gladnes.
Diligently, to plye the reading of holy scripture, that they themselues mighte perfectly knowe all thinges perteining to Christian religion, wherin thei are bound to enstructe other.
Both which sith by the awes of God and nature we are bound to regard, yet principally we are admonished first to seeke the Kingdome of God and the righteousnes thereof and all thinges shall be giuen vnto vs.
Twelue thinges ther be, whiche the holy fathers woulde haue to barre persons from contracting of matrimonie, and to disseuer them againe, yf thei be contracted.
That done I beganne a chronicle of the citie of Norwiche, of the beginninge therof & thinges done ther from time to time.
That most of all dothe stande in auoidyng the causes to come of the disease, the thinges helping forward the same, and remouyng that whiche is alredy had & gotten.
Orenges also and Lemones, or suche muske balles as I before described, be thinges mete for this purpose.
And then, to thinges Elementall, turning your practise: you may deale for the proportion of the Elementes, in the thinges Compounded.
That is: +All thinges (which from the very first originall being of thinges, haue bene framed and made) do appeare to be Formed by the reason of Numbers.
But if the Quantities of two thinges Commixt, be diuerse, and the Intensions (of their Formes Miscible) be in diuerse degrees, and heigthes.
Againe, of thinges being in like swiftnes of mouing, to thinke the nerer, to moue faster: and the farder, much slower.
Forasmuch as, in all thinges: therefore chiefly in Architecture, these two thinges are: the thing signified: and that which signifieth.
How great is the blindnes & boldnes, of the Multitude, inthinges aboue their Capacitie?
And being asked where he had this sentence, that othes are comonlie spurned aside when they ly in the way to honur or reveng, saith that the speach is of his own, as thinges done de facto et non de jure.
And abought Easter tearme followinge, the people callinge exsedinglie for yt, this examynate obtayned a new edition of the said Docter Hayward wherein many thinges weire altered from the former, and yet the vollume incresed.
We beleeve she hath forgotten nothinge, wherby she might thinke to draw anye fruict of her evell disposicion: yf she had fownde thinges in cace to go through w^[th] her businesse.
Inscribed on both is the legend: "Mixe not holy thinges with profane.
And wyl is an vngracious stay Wyl hath doone many thinges men say 720 And yf ye let wit and wil goe his way ye wil repent it soone.
To such thinges hath he no neode, Al that is good is with hym one, Gif thou with him thi lyf wolt lede And graunte to ben his owne lemman[70].
The Rule of seint Maure or of seint Beneit, Because that it was old and somdel streit This ilke monk leet olde thinges pace And held after the newe world the space.
A-nother cause is this; that sothly, in any tretis of the Astrolabie that I have 15 seyn, there ben some conclusions that wole nat in alle thinges performen hir bihestes; and some of hem ben to harde to thy tendre age of ten yeer to conseyve.
That bringe thee hider, and thise thinges That thou wilt here'; &c.
Than mote we to bokes that we finde, +Through which that olde thinges been in minde.
Countesse imparted vnto him all her affaires, commaunding her sonne and daughter to intertayne him, and to credite all thinges wherein hee gaue counsell.
All Princes in myne opinion requyre two thinges of theire seruantes, that is to say, fidelity and loue, which being hadd they care for no more.
But whiles Ariobarzanes was disposinge his thinges in order, his Wyfe and Daughters with his Friends and Cousins, were affected with great sorrow day and night, complayning for the heauy state of that noble Gentleman.
More specially in my first part, Master Richard Staper Marchant of London, hath furnished me with diuers thinges touching the trade of Turkie, and other places in the East.
There is noe eye cast downe, there is no voyce Which to expresse the harts assent, is dumbe: The world of thinges doth every where rejoyce In certaine hope of blessed times to come.
And with the best of thingesdoth feed and fill thee, And egle-like thy youth and strength restore.
Loue seldome to borow, that thinkest to saue; who lendeth the one, will loke two thinges to haue.
Thinges sowne, set or graft, in good memory haue: from beast, birde and weather to cherishe and saue.
Thinges thriftie, that teacheth the thriuing to thriue; teache timely to trauas, the thing that thou triue.
But the Flemmyngis, amonge these thinges dere, In comen lowen [love] beste bacon and bere.
Thinges thus set in ordre, at quiet and rest: thy haruest goeth forwarde and prospereth best.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thinges" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.