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Example sentences for "vntill"

Lexicographically close words:
vnseene; vnskilfull; vnspeakable; vnstable; vntil; vntimely; vnto; vntrue; vntyll; vnum
  1. Cortez would not accept the offer, saying: That he would not departe from that countrey, vntill he had bothe séene and talked with Mutezuma.

  2. He abode there, vntill the Vizeroy Don Antonio de Mondoza, and Chancery of Mexico, caused him to be apprehended, who sent him prisoner into Spayne, to giue accompte of his office.

  3. They pursued them twoo leagues, vntill they had locked them vp in the water streates of Mexico, and tooke many Lordes and Gentlemen prisoners.

  4. The owner of the Tennis Courte also woulde neuer suffer any to play, vntill he had first offered something to the Idoll, theyr superstition was so great.

  5. By suche like perils and daungers, runne the excellente menne their race, vntill that they arriue at the Hauen where their good lotte is preserued.

  6. Vntill suche tyme as ye shall knowe further of my will and pleasure, and inso doyng ye shall mynyster vnto me right singuler pleasure.

  7. Wherefore I Requyre you to permytt And Suffre hym to holde And kepe the possession thereof According to the tennour of his Deade Vntill Suche tyme as Apon youre Aduertisement thereof I maie knowe A Reasonable Cause .

  8. Your oth I will not trust: but go with speed To some forlorne and naked Hermitage, Remote from all the pleasures of the world: There stay, vntill the twelue Celestiall Signes Haue brought about their annuall reckoning.

  9. Neuer durst Poet touch a pen to write, Vntill his Inke were tempred with Loues sighes: O then his lines would rauish sauage eares, And plant in Tyrants milde humilitie.

  10. Vntill the Goose came out of doore, Staying the oddes by adding foure Pag.

  11. G, and so forth in lengthe, vntill it come to the circumference, it wyll lighte in the very poincte A, where the circles touche one an other.

  12. H, whiche I drawe in lengthe vntill it touche the edge of the circle.

  13. I drawe foorthe vntill it touche the edge of the circle.

  14. Wherefore when the Magistrates called =Ephori=, would haue committed him to prison, he tooke Sanctuarie in a Temple, where he was shut vp vntill he famished through hunger.

  15. The same man affirmed, that in all the time of his madnesse he liued a verie pleasant life, vntill the Phisitian had cured him of his disease.

  16. And the dwellynge of them was from Mesa vntill thou come vnto Sephara a mountayne of the easte lande.

  17. And she layed vp his garment by her/ vntill hir lorde came home.

  18. And they sayde: we maye not/ vntill all y^e flockes be brought together & the stone be roulled fro the wells mouth/ and so we water oure shepe.

  19. The sceptre shall not departe from Iuda/ nor a ruelar from betwene his legges/ vntill Silo come/ vnto whome the people shall herken.

  20. Let my lorde therfore goo before his servaunte and I will dryue fayre and softly/ accordynge as the catell that goth before me and the childern/ be able to endure: vntill I come to mi lorde vnto Seir.

  21. And Iacob herde that he had defyled Dina his doughter/ but his sonnes were with the catell in the felde/ and therfore he helde his peace/ vntill they were come.

  22. And according to the mensuration of the musicall time in this order, so they chaunged their places, or continued vppon the checkers dauncing, vntill that they were eyther taken or commaunded forward by the King.

  23. And thus I humbly take my leaue, vntill that I may present your Honour, with a matter more fitting the same.

  24. I meane, such as bee strongly agonished and yet perseuere still, seruing and attending vpon her amorous Aultars and sacred flames, vntill they obtaine her lawfull fauour.

  25. Thus they continued playing and dauncing according to the time of the musicke, with greate pleasure, solace, and applause, vntill the King of the siluer Nymphes was victour and conquerour.

  26. Sidenote g: Halcyons are certaine byrds which building near the shore vpon the waues there will be no storme vntill the young be hatched.

  27. But others againe, which knew better the subtill wit of the protector, denie that he euer opened his enterprise to the duke, vntill he had brought to passe the things before rehearsed.

  28. And within a while after, I will leade you out, as it were to walke with me and you shal secretly abide in that Matrons house, at my charge, vntill I prouide for you: And that time shall not bee long.

  29. But it fareth with licentious men, as with the chased bore in the / streame, who being greatly refreshed with swimming, neuer feeleth any smart vntill he perish recurelesly wounded with his owne weapons.

  30. When yt is almost burnt thorough, and readye to fall they make a new fyre, which they suffer to burne vntill the tree fall of yt owne accord.

  31. Brothers, giue me your hands, and let vs part And take our leaues vntill we meet againe, Where ere it be in heauen or in earth.

  32. I heere diuorce me Henry [eaa212] From thy bed, vntill that Act of Parlement Be recalde, wherein thou yeeldest to the house of Yorke.

  33. Be thou milde, and stir not at my disgrace, Vntill the axe of death hang ouer thy head, [dah045] As shortly sure it will.

  34. And we in pittie of the gentle king, Had slipt our claime vntill an other age.

  35. And now after that the parlement had continued almost till Christmasse, it was adiourned vntill the quinden of S.

  36. To which question it was answered, that the king should haue in this part the rule, for order of all such articles to be prosecuted, vntill the end of the parlement.

  37. He appointed also the lord Edward Balerige to be gouernor therof, to kéepe and see kept the kings lawes and his liege people within London in due order, vntill such time as the king had otherwise prouided for them.

  38. Thinke, All beauty doth not laſt vntill the autumne.

  39. The king being apprehended and brought to the empresse lieng at Glocester, was commanded by hir to be conueied in safetie vnto Bristow, where he was kept as prisoner from that time of his taking, vntill the feast of All saints next ensuing.

  40. They began therefore to cease from saieng diuine seruice, and from ringing their bels in the second wéeke of Lent & so kept silence from the twelfe day of March, vntill the first daie of August.

  41. This siege continued almost two moneths, in maner from his deliuerie in the beginning of Nouember, vntill Christmasse immediatlie following: in somuch that through lacke of vittels they within the towne began to raise mutinies.

  42. Thus rested the matter a long season after, vntill the fift yeare of this kings reigne, in which the thursdaie next after the feast of the blessed Trinitie, the K.

  43. The king of England with his armie kept still his field, vntill mondaie in the morning, and then dislodged, and came before Motureell by the sea, and his marshals ran towards Hedin.

  44. And the limitation for this Ardor is, from the latter end of October vntill the beginning of December, wherein your yéeres worke is made perfect and compleate.

  45. The same night a litle before day there happened another into our company, supposing vs by our two prizes to be of their Fleete, which we vntill the morning dissembled.

  46. They answered they could giue no resolute answere to this demande, vntill the Gouernors of the Iland had consulted therevpon, and therefore desired him to send againe to them the next day.

  47. The rest gaue diuers voleis of shot, and entred as farre as the place permitted, and their owne necessities, to keepe the weather gage of the enemie, vntill they were parted by night.

  48. So we departed from the Victorie for the Iland, about nine of the clocke in the afternoone, and rowed freshly vntill about 3 a clocke afternoone.

  49. Nay, no such waightie busines of import, But may be slackt vntill another time: Yet if you would partake with me the cause Of this deuotion that detaineth you, I would be thankfull for such curtesie.

  50. Hereby also it is euident, that from the time of the first entrance of the Danes into this realme, vntill their last expulsion & [Sidenote: 4 Britaine conquered and possessed by the Normans.

  51. So that the Britains reigned without tribute and vnder tribute, from Brute, vntill the fourth yeere of the reigne of king Cadwalladar, which was in the yéere of our Lord 686.

  52. The best time generall is from the first of February, vntill the first of May.

  53. Graft from the full of the Moone, vntill the end of the old.

  54. Grafting in the budde, is vsed in the Summer time, from the end of May, vntill August, as being the time when the trees are strong and lusty, and full of sap and leaues.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vntill" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.