But Becomes Deeply Entangled Itself The physical body has also an etheric double which duplicates in a more subtle way the constitution of the physical body.
We have organs to sensibly register the vibrations of an etheric force and even to weigh light.
It will release the vast stores of etheric energy locked up in the huge atomic warehouse of this planet.
The restoration of a local etheric tumour to its original formation.
As the atom was the firstetheric blunder, so the material Universe is the grand etheric mistake.
I say wish, for if all material consciousness and sentiency be founded on atomic consciousness, then in its turn atomic consciousness is founded upon, and dependent on, etheric consciousness.
These particles of ether, therefore, when too closely impinged upon by their neighbours, resent the impact, and in doing so initiate etheric whirlwinds, from whose vast perturbances stupendous drifts set out.
I give them back all their visual properties, and turn them with their full etheric blaze on the object under examination.
This was the forerunner of all the tall spars that have since pointed to the sky, and which have been the centre of innumerable etheric waves bearing man's messages over land and sea.
Though Hertz caught the etheric waves on a wire hoop and saw the answering sparks jump across the unjoined ends, there was no way to record the flashes and so read the message.
His theory is that the figure was really the etheric self of my mother--shaped to the form like my grandsire by her own mind.
The doctor had phrased it once that a part of him fluid, etheric or astral, malleable by desire, would escape and attain to this result.
The usual word "ethereal" suggests something unsubstantial, and is so used in poetry; but for the prosaic treatment of Physics it is unsuitable, and etheric has occasionally been used instead.
But each atom of that etheric molecule is the centre of a pranic molecule.
Professor Lodge believed that the etheric molecule revolved so rapidly that, thin as it was in its shell, it gave us the dust out of which worlds were made.
Professor Lodge failed to take into account this apergic force, this tendency to fly off, when he gave such high revolutionary speed to the etheric molecules, a speed in which apergy would necessarily exceed gravity.
Each physical atom is the centre of an etheric molecule composed of manyetheric atoms vibrating at a greater or lesser speed and interpenetrating the atom.
Then in the pranic world etheric worlds were formed; and finally in the etheric worlds, prakritic globes like the earth were formed.
All the changes and combinations possible in kinetic prana on the pranic globe are possible here, in our kinetic prana, as all the phenomena of the etheric world are possible here in our kinetic ether.
One and the same law controls and guides the etheric atom and the physical atom made from its molecules, whether the latter are made in "whirls," as at first supposed, or by orderly combination as now believed.
The visible is merely its attendant shadow, changing as the invisible, etheric bar changes, and recording for our senses these invisible changes.
The size of these etheric particles is small beyond anything but abstract mathematical conception.
This is why, in an earlier chapter, I have drawn attention to our power of sending out etheric vibrations beyond the limits of the physical body, as in the case of De Rocha's experiments.
It is here that our study ofetheric waves comes to our assistance, by carrying the same principle further, and picturing the working of the known Law under unknown conditions.
Consequently when the more rapidetheric waves overtake the slower ones they combine to form a larger wave, and it is at these points that the zones of sensation occur.
It is an established fact of ordinary science that, however closely particles of any substance may seem to cohere, they are in reality separated by interstices through which etheric waves can penetrate.
The etheric body probably continues to retain its form longer, because it is a condensation of etheric particles wrought together by the etheric waves sent out by the Vital Soul, and is therefore not subject to the laws of chemical affinity.
Mine is the primordial passion that vibrates in the etheric spaces of the universe.
His etheric countenance is distorted by unspeakable anguish.
It was, indeed, simple enough to start these waves travelling through space, to jar the etheric jelly, so to speak; but it was far more difficult to devise an apparatus to receive and register them.
Edison seems to have noticed something of the kind in what he called the etheric force.
We now tried the crucial test of passing the etheric current through the sciatic nerve of a frog just killed.
Edison seems to have noticed something of the kind in what he called 'etheric force.
Henry observed things of the kind and Edison noticed some curious phenomena, and said it was not electricity but 'etheric force' that caused these sparks; and the matter was rather pooh-poohed.
What has always puzzled me since is that I did not think of using the results of my experiments on 'etheric force' that I made in 1875.
The electric or etheric waves thereby set up are detected and received by another special form of apparatus more or less distant, without any intervening wires or conductors.
Before leaving this section of the subject, I should say a few more words upon the evidence as it affects the etheric body.
In our ignorance of etheric physics, an ignorance which is now slowly clearing, one can only say that there is some indication here of a general law which links those two episodes together in spite of the nineteen centuries which divide them.
One cannot mutilate the etheric body, and it remains always intact.
The material light is a vanishing matter and is known by etheric vibrations.
Verily, the ray, being transmitted from the etheric sphere, rends the space and reaches the surface of the earth and dispels the gloomy darkness.
Wherever and however you may be placed, you are always and everywhere immersed in a flood of etheric vibrations.
Sidenote: Etheric Vibrations as Causing Sensations] What goes on in the body itself is made clear by your knowledge of the cellular structure of man.
Under these conditions you cannot be sure that your impression of a green lamp-shade, for instance, comes through the same sort of etheric and cellular activities that convey a picture of the same lamp-shade to the brain of another.
It is certain that these vibrations impinge upon and are perceptible to our bodily senses only through the etheric matter of the physical plane.
Etheric atoms combine to form molecules in many different ways, but combinations involving fewer atoms than the eighteen which give rise to hydrogen, make no impression on the physical senses nor on physical instruments of research.
These "particles" may be atoms, or they may be bodies from any of the etheric levels; in some cases these bodies break up and form new combinations.
These four etheric substates will be best understood if the method be explained by which they were studied.
The astral body is composed of an etheric substance of a very high rate of vibration.
There is even a flow of etheric substance from the aura of the healer to that of the patient, in cases in which the vitality of the latter is very low.
She has been able to emit supernumerary etheric limbs, perhaps a complete material double of herself, which is able to move with lightning speed and perfect precision.
They apprehend by means of some form of etheric vibration not known to us.
Towne fixed his mind upon the signature of his brother, and immediately, while the young man's material hands were controlled, his etheric hand seized a pencil in the middle of the table and reproduced the signature.
If it is a case of the modelling of the etheric vapor by the mind of the psychic, these differences would be produced naturally enough.
Is it not fair to conclude that if the soul or 'astral' or 'etheric double' can act outside the living body, it can live and think and manifest after the dissolution of its material shell?
In short, it was as if the psychic had built up a personality partly out of himself, but mainly out of his Polish sitter, and as if this etheric duplication were singing in unison with its progenitor.
It happens that I have since seen these etheric hands in action, which makes it easier for me to conceive of such a process.
A number of these photographs represent etheric and magnetic results of physical phenomena, and these again we may pass over as not bearing on our special subject, interesting as they are in themselves.
In fact, in some cases, it has actually been observed that the very body of the medium seemed to either shrink, or else enlarge, as if taking the form of the etheric framework of the controlling spirit.
These are communicated to the ether in the form of so-called "light waves" but which are merely etheric waves of a certain rate of vibration.
Science tells us that empty space is perfectly DARK, and that light manifests only when the etheric light vibrations come in contact with material substance and are there transformed into "light.
Reaching the receiver, the etheric vibrations are transformed into ordinary electric vibrations, and these in turn into sound waves capable of being sensed by the listener.
The difference in colors arises simply from the different rates of etheric vibrations.
The etheric vibratory rate of the vehicles while traveling through Time was constantly changing.
Many of his experiments with sound and etheric waves required absolute quiet and freedom from interrupting noises.
Take as an example how the maid, seeing Peter outside the door after his escape from prison, ran back to the guests and said that it was his angel (or etheric body) which was outside.
This is a very instructive case, as showing that even an abnormal thing is reproduced at first upon the etheric body.
So frightful an episode within so limited a space, where for months the garrison saw its horrible fate drawing nearer day by day, must surely have left some etheric record even to our blunt senses.
Yet, I am struck by the fact that this ancient wisdom does describe the etheric body, the astral world, and the general scheme which we have proved for ourselves.
Once we fully understand the existence of that deathless etheric body, merged in our own but occasionally detachable, we have mastered many a problem and solved many a ghost story.
With avidity he entered into the deeper studies ofetheric vibration, determined to solve the great mysteries of the heavens for himself.
Full well you know that there are parts of earth where its great beating heart throws heavenward etheric waves that meet the ethers from above; 10 Where spirit-light and understanding, like the stars of night, shine forth.