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Example sentences for "superficiality"

Lexicographically close words:
supererogatory; superessential; superest; superficial; superficialities; superficially; superficie; superficies; superfine; superfluities
  1. The caprice and superficiality of the one sex, the inability to dwell upon or even penetrate a serious subject, the blindness to what was going on around them; the materialism, the money standard of both, were nauseating in the retrospect.

  2. In spite of the superficiality of his own arguments, which I was not learned enough to detect, I was ingloriously routed.

  3. The medical men recognized the disproportion between the exactitude of their anatomical, physiological, and pathological observation and the superficiality of their self-made psychology.

  4. The time of superficiality is gone by and the cycle of reality hath appeared.

  5. In the presentation of the characters there is often much of the same superficiality as in the poems, but there is much also of the highest skill.

  6. Footnote: Macaulay's well-known essay on Bacon is marred by Macaulay's besetting faults of superficiality and dogmatism and is best left unread.

  7. Faustus, on the other hand, with flippant superficiality laughs at the idea.

  8. Unfortunately the bustle of action invites superficiality of treatment: the end is attained by the use of bold splashes of colour rather than by accurate drawing.

  9. It is in just such conceptions as this that Cibber’s superficiality is shown, a superficiality which prevented him from writing great drama notwithstanding his knowledge of technical requirements.

  10. Called Luke-work-fast because of his father’s miserly urging; a painter of superficiality and facility.

  11. Now there is no injustice, no superficiality in this observation; its object is simply parallel to their incapacity for synthesis.

  12. All hasty, decisive judgment betrays, when it becomes habitual, superficiality of observation and impiety against the essential character of particular facts.

  13. We must not forget the superficiality of thinking, the uncritical, loose, and flabby use of the reasoning power which shows itself in so many spheres of American mass life.

  14. It is nothing but a superficiality if they instinctively take their stand on the side of those who spread broadcast the knowledge about sex.

  15. Yet, the dalliance with frivolity had effects to be seen throughout the greater part of the eighteenth century, in the superficiality of the era in regard to woman, and, finally, in a stiff and artificial scheme of convention.

  16. Mary Astell was one such, and the case as presented by her shows the superficiality of the conventional routine of a woman's life.

  17. To regard this superficiality as more than a transient symptom, and thereby to lose sight of the genuine intensity of nature which has animated it, would indicate the shallow observer.

  18. Nothing shows more clearly the superficiality of our education than the fact that these unfounded statements with regard to the greatest period of education in history have been so universally accepted with so little question.

  19. Still there was a perplexing contrast between the superficiality of Crescenti's moral judgments and the breadth and penetration of his historic conceptions.

  20. Superficiality and indifference to deep national and spiritual traits become the primary things, and the life of the small nations, as time passes, tends to become mechanical and servile.

  21. This superficiality or at least externality of relations is the source of actual conflict.

  22. We must not be deceived either by a vague and false idea of liberty or by the equally vicious ideal of militarism with its superficiality of social relations and its pedagogical simplicity.

  23. We are now getting in America a wide distribution of bold literature of the "free love" type, some of it with a scientific superficiality that will convince many beginners in the study of sexual problems.

  24. They all present the same history of a rapid spreading, like a little water poured over a great area, and then of superficiality and corruption.

  25. For this he cannot altogether escape blame, but the student will soon detect the superficiality of the criticism, and see the genuine Thoreau beneath the Emersonian veneer.

  26. To accuse him of superficiality of emotion would be unfair; for he was a man with much natural tenderness in his disposition.

  27. Every society which allows successes to superficiality diminishes its chances for mental health.

  28. Superficiality of thought is easily inclined to object to such a physiological interpretation and perhaps to denounce it pathetically as a crude materialism which lowers the dignity of mental work.

  29. Much of the present civilization leads the average man and woman to a superficiality and inner hastiness which undermines sound mental life much more than the external factors.

  30. The superficiality of this attitude is striking, and would be surprising could the sufferer from such seriousness once see himself (or more often it is herself) in a clear light.

  31. Those who are subject to bad moods are equally subject to good ones, and the superficiality of the happier modes is just as much to be recognized as that of the wretched ones.

  32. His talent is thoroughly Italian, untouched by German influence, and he excels in portraying the gay superficiality of the Italian character without attempting to dive far below the surface.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "superficiality" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    appearance; carelessness; deadness; display; disregard; distraction; dryness; emptiness; epidermis; exterior; externals; facade; flippancy; foolishness; frivolity; front; futility; gaudiness; glimmering; glimpse; gloss; idleness; inadvertence; inanity; indifference; levity; lightness; manner; mien; negligence; paleness; pallor; rind; scratch; seeming; shallowness; show; skin; slowness; smattering; solemnity; speciousness; sterility; stiffness; stuffiness; superficiality; surface; thinness; thoughtlessness; triviality; vanity; veneer; volatility