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Example sentences for "rostrum"

Lexicographically close words:
rosters; rostra; rostral; rostrata; rostro; rosy; rot; rota; rotan; rotary
  1. Mr ROSS--Has been sitting on the rostrum there since 8 oclock this morning, and he hasn't been heard yet!

  2. In one of the services Brother Krutz and I attempted to lay hands on him: He was kneeling at the altar with his back to the pulpit and he was taken up bodily and thrown upon the rostrum against the wall behind the pulpit.

  3. I rebuked the devil and when I got to the man he turned over on his back and slid, head first, off the rostrum toward the seats, knocking his head against the seats until it seemed as though his skull would surely be broken.

  4. One large, unsexed skull from Buckinghorse River with part of the rostrum gone has the frontal shield strongly dished.

  5. Those males with worn teeth seem to have a slightly longer and deeper rostrum with a larger, more inflated cranium than specimens of S.

  6. Measurements of this specimen resemble closely those of animals from Kluane, although the rostrum is noticably heavier.

  7. Skulls of some of the specimens from the Chilkat River have a more slender rostrum than those of the specimens from 1 mile south of Haines, and more nearly resemble S.

  8. In the chigoes and their allies the rostrum is reduced, not in length, but in stiffness and in number of segments.

  9. The rostrum is a sheath, on either side of the piercing organs, consisting of an under lip and two labial palpi.

  10. In this family the rostrum is almost white in colour and soft instead of being horny or chitinised.

  11. Rostrum (= labium + labial palpi) rather long but very weak and pale, consisting of two or three segments inclusive of the unpaired basal segment.

  12. Among other fleas where the rostrum is prolonged and strongly chitinised we shall find greater segmentation.

  13. Where the rostrum is strongly chitinised or very horny the flea has to use a certain amount of force to counteract the spring-like action of the labial palpi.

  14. The specimens are smaller in size, the rostrum is longer and the clasper of the male is more pointed.

  15. The modification found in the rostrum of the chigoes has already been referred to, and the explanation of this will now be understood.

  16. The small bristles at the extreme tip of the rostrum seem to be sensory organs.

  17. We shall find in the chigoes and their allies a rostrum which is pale, weak, soft and scarcely horny.

  18. They are not so conspicuous as the rostrum which protects them.

  19. The rostrum of a flea is not a piercing organ like that of a fly and a bug.

  20. Now, kind friends, one at a time," concluded Bobby, stepping down from the rostrum to the narrow entrance to the tent.

  21. The crowd before the rostrum laughed as usual, and those who had been in to see the show urged their friends to venture likewise.

  22. I think I have loved you ever since I saw you on the rostrum in Mayville,--at any rate, ever since that stormy night when you came near being killed.

  23. Chamilly rose upon the rostrum when Grandmoulin went down.

  24. During the addresses, Libergent, Chamilly's nominal opponent, seemed to do nothing more than stand behind the rostrum and let things proceed.

  25. When Chrysler came up, the Cure and his vicar were sitting on their gallery, and a man of strong frame stood upon the crier's rostrum looking round with the assertive consciousness that he was a recognized figure.

  26. The proboscis or rostrum is bent under the body, 4-jointed, and contains three setæ, two of them forming very slender lancets.

  27. In the shadowy depths beyond the rostrum could faintly be seen, by the light of smoldering campfires, the long, ghostly line of tents and wagons, and here and there the fitful gleam of torches, like giant fireflies in the surrounding gloom.

  28. Pine knots set in sockets upon the rostrum revealed in unearthly radiance the face of some impassioned speaker, silhouetting his form with startling distinctness against a background of forest.

  29. His appearance is thus described: "Thackeray in the rostrum is not different from Thackeray any where else.

  30. With some timidity, but tremendous eagerness, I mounted the improvised rostrum and began my recitation of a poem called "The Uncle.

  31. Mrs. Schuyler's place on the rostrum was vacant.

  32. Morgan when she had appeared upon the rostrum during the commencement exercises had worn a gown of black lace, its sombre tone relieved by cuffs and collar of cream duchess.

  33. She tossed back her locks and assumed a rostrum manner, "'I'm charged with pride and ambition.

  34. While conversation buzzed, and fans fluttered, Azzie, dressed as somberly as the rostrum looked, walked slowly down the main aisle.

  35. Directly over the rostrum hung a small balcony, which contained the choir and a pipe organ.

  36. At the front, a small rostrum rose to the level of the rear, and contained, in addition to the altar, only four chairs.

  37. A splendid beetle of the weevil tribe (Rynchites Bacchus) bores with its rostrum through the half-grown fruit into the soft stone, and there deposits an egg.

  38. That it is an Aphis and no Coccus is clear from its oral rostrum and the wings of the male, of which Sir Joseph Banks possesses an admirable drawing by Mr. Bauer.

  39. The courts of justice were the scenes of his earliest triumphs; nor until he was praetor did he speak from the rostrum on mere political questions, as in reference to the Manilian and Agrarian laws.

  40. Who has copied the Flavian amphitheatre except as a convenient form for exhibitors on the stage, or for the rostrum of an orator?

  41. Within the groove of the rostrum two pairs of slender piercers--often barbed at the tip--work to and fro.

  42. The point of the rostrum is pressed against the surface to be pierced; then the stylets come into play and the fluid food is believed to pass into the mouth by capillary attraction.

  43. In front of the rostrum and the piercers lies the pointed flexible labrum and within its base a small hypopharynx (fig.

  44. Taking as our type the head of a cicad, we find a jointed rostrum or beak (figs.

  45. Mrs. Emma Molloy of Washington, both upon the rostrum and through her paper, the official organ of the State Union, ably and fearlessly advocates woman suffrage as well as prohibition, and makes as many converts to the former as to the latter.

  46. Having provided herself with a ballot, she marched up to the rostrum and tendered it to the chairman of the board of registry.

  47. The dog sprang up with a howl of pain, the school stopped its singing, and the angry teacher left the rostrum and advanced toward the little girl.

  48. This suborder includes a peculiar group of insects, the most striking characteristics of which are the mouth-parts, which are prolonged into a rostrum or beak.

  49. Extinct; shell with well-developed phragmacone, and rostrum merely a calcareous envelope; siphuncular necks directed backwards as in Nautiloidea; ten equal arms provided with hooks.

  50. At any rate there is no evidence that the shell of Spirula has lost a rostrum and a proostracum; its characters must be regarded as primitive, not secondary.

  51. Extinct; phragmacone short with ventral siphuncle, prolonged dorsally into long proostracum; rostrum large and cylindrical.

  52. The most ancient forms characterized by the small size of the rostrum and proostracum, and large size of the phragmacone.

  53. Dorsal and ventral sides of posterior extremity of shell uncovered by mantle; no rostrum or proostracum; shell calcareous, coiled endogastrically and sipnunculated; fins posterior.

  54. Belosepia, a rudiment of rostrum and phragmacone present in shell, Eocene.

  55. In the living Dibranchiata other than Spirula the phragmacone and rostrum have become very rudimentary.

  56. I ascended the rostrum with that peculiarly awkward feeling of being in somebody else’s skin, which fitted badly, and was especially tight about the cheeks and eyes.

  57. At one end of the room was the rostrum on which our monarch sat, and at the other was a long desk, covered with ink splotches, at which the scholars wrote.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rostrum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.