Any writer, really master of his pen, ought to be able to make even a problem in algebra editorially interesting!
These sentiments were expressed editorially by another Southern paper: "Wanamaker is unworthy to shine the shoes of Booker Washington.
This letter was not only printed by most of the white papers as well as all of the Negro papers, but it was widely endorsed editorially in the white as well as the black press.
Five-sixths of the newspapers not only used plate matter and a weekly press letter but supported the cause editorially and some of them refused the paid advertising of the "antis.
The Palladium editorially says: "We give up most of our space to-day to a very full report of the eloquent speech of the HON.
Then, when you come to look into the Lecompton Constitution, you find the same doctrine incorporated in it which was put forth editorially in the Union.
The attempt on the part of the Bayer Company to perpetuate the monopoly it has had for seventeen years in the United States was briefly discussed editorially in The Journal, Aug.
It has been pointed out editoriallyin The Journal (Feb.
Mann was editorially responsible for Evangelische Zeugnisse, a German homiletic monthly, also established by his friend Ph.
Henry Clay Fairman, was the only one which editorially indorsed the suffrage movement.
Before the close of the campaign the press chairman was in communication with 250 papers in the State which declared editorially for woman suffrage.
Even the American Manufacturer, the biased organ of the employers, was forced to admit editorially that the puddler, being a handicraftsman and in no wise affected by mechanical improvements, was not a proper subject for a wage reduction.
Editorially the Gazette said of him: “Senator Villeneuve is dead at the comparatively early age of sixty-four.
The Montreal Gazette saideditorially of him: “By the death of Mr. Charles F.
The Montreal Daily Star editorially said of him: “Canadian public life has produced few men who would be more sincerely mourned by an army of personal friends than will the late Raymond Préfontaine.
From a private letter published editorially in the New York Sun.
He has been connected editorially with the Jewish "Forward" and other papers.
The value of town histories is a subject which has been editorially considered more than once in this magazine.
All the New York journals, and many more in other cities, editorially expressed their sympathy with my misfortune, and their sense of the loss the community had sustained in the destruction of the American Museum.
My own lavish advertisements were as nothing to the notoriety which the London newspapers voluntarily and editorially gave to my new enterprise.
The newspapers, though still editorially unfavourable to the emancipation proclamation, accepted and printed communications with increasing frequency in which were expressed the same ideas as in the public meetings.
Editorially it attacked Bright's position, belittling the speech for having been made at the one "inconspicuous" place where the orator would be sure of a warm welcome, and asking why Manchester or Liverpool had not been chosen.
Hearst, the proprietor, who was residing in New York, to bring out the paper editorially in favor of the amendment.
The one and only thing we do ask is that it will editorially champion the amendment as it will every other measure it believes in which is to be voted upon next November.
Before the campaign closed, 250 newspapers declared editoriallyfor the suffrage amendment.
These correspondents seem to have overlooked the fact that The Journal has already commented editorially on this particular insult to the medical profession.
We further propose, without expense to you, to editorially indorse and recommend your institution and its methods without qualification or exception.
This matter was referred to editorially in The Journal, Nov.
The remainder of this complimentary sentence editorially struck out.
The remainder of this complimentary parenthesis editoriallystruck out.
Said the New York World editorially September 22: "In anticipation of the steel strike, what do we see?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "editorially" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.