But we must not allow any commentator to induce us to believe that what he from his advanced standpoint looks upon as an inferior kind of cognition, was viewed in the same light by the authors of the Upanishads.
There also the views of the commentator have to be followed closely; otherwise much of the comment would appear devoid of meaning.
It has been already stated that Averroes was a notedcommentator on Aristotle in the twelfth century.
Richard Byfield, an eminent Puritan minister, and father of the distinguished commentator on the Epistle to the Colossians, commenced his ministry, a.
It is certainly not from any reluctance to admit the existence of evil that the learned author and his able commentator have been led into this inconclusive course of reasoning.
It is certain that many persons, led away by the authority of a great name, have been accustomed to regard this work as a text-book, and have appealed to Archbishop King and his learned commentator as having solved the question.
Another eminent Irish scholar of the Dispersion was Sedulius, the Commentator on Scripture.
No doubt his work as a commentator consists, to a very large extent, of extracts from the Fathers of the Church, both Greek and Latin; but so does every commentary of the kind worth reading.
An eminent modern commentator and expositor[105] has drawn out at great length, and with many modern applications and illustrations, four great lessons which may be derived from this transaction.
Cornelius a Lapide was a Jesuit commentator of those times.
Many persons will remember the explanation of an old commentator on the Calendar and Liturgy, of which Keble makes a very effective use in his hymns in the Christian Year set apart for those days.
Meyer, a German commentator of great reputation, has indeed suggested that Jer.
He was a fellow-pupil of Polemo in the school of Xenocrates at Athens, and was the first commentator on Plato.
The Cordus given as authority for these localities is Valerius Cordus, the commentatoron Dioscorides.
Gilbert credits Matthiolus (the well-known herbalist and commentator on Dioscorides) with producing the fable as to Mahomet's coffin being suspended in the air by a magnet.
I will here add that, though Aldrich himself (as I stated at the beginning of this note) treats the argument from Induction as a defective or informal Syllogism, his anonymous Oxonian editor and commentator takes a sounder view.
He looked upon the world as a huge kindergarten, and the Commentator as its school-book.
The editor of the Commentatorlooked at her gravely.
The editor of the Commentator was sitting in his deep chair before the fire one morning about eleven o'clock, when the clerk, whose business it was to tell glib lies about his chief, brought him a card.
I think," said John Craik, "that I can guarantee that if the writer does know too much, the Commentatorshall not be the channel through which the knowledge will reach the public.
There was a copy of the month's Commentatoron the table.
He suspected--nay, he almost knew--that Eve had written the article in the Commentator which had attracted so much attention.
And it was completed by Chu Tsz (Shu-shi, died in 1200), a celebrated commentatorof the Confucian classics.
One old commentator would tell us that the meaning is that "He who bestows a benefit upon an ungrateful person loses his cost.
If Telemachus had never seen anything of the kind before, so probably, neither had the writer of the Odyssey--at any rate no commentator has yet been able to understand her description, and I doubt whether she understood it herself.
No commentator has ever yet been able to understand it; the only explanation seems to be that the writer did not understand it herself, and did not care to do so.
The great commentator Cujacius, declares that he was the first of all lawyers who have been, or who are to be; that no one ever surpassed him in legal knowledge, and no one will ever equal him.
Cujas or Cujacius became the great ornament of the school of Bourges, and the greatestcommentator on Roman law until Dumoulin appeared.
After his death Averroes gained in prestige and influence until he succeeded in putting into the shade his Arabian predecessors and was regarded by Jew and Christian alike as the Commentator of Aristotle par excellence.
Averroes in particular, who gained the distinction of being the commentator par excellence of Aristotle, was responsible for this mode of interpretation; and he had his followers among the Masters of Arts in the University of Paris.
When the gallop faster grows, Then great William glances down On his commentator meek Jogging onward on his ass.
Being there imbedded in an otherwise commonplace editorial chapter, they may have been derived from some commentator on Agur.
One commentator supposes that the implied answer is an affirmative.
For in what sense could this have been written "not long before the fourth year of Jehoiakim," which is the date suggested by this commentator for the whole group of chapters, xiv.
The well-known Japanese financialcommentator Akira Mori had been borne, unconscious, from the premises.
They both belonged to a well-known commentatoron Tokyo television.
If it be true that there are more things in the Symposium of Plato than any commentator has dreamed of, it is also true that many things have been imagined which are not really to be found there.
Of all the works of Plato the Symposium is the most perfect in form, and may be truly thought to contain more than any commentator has ever dreamed of; or, as Goethe said of one of his own writings, more than the author himself knew.