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Example sentences for "ecclesiasticall"

Lexicographically close words:
ecclesias; ecclesiastic; ecclesiastica; ecclesiasticae; ecclesiastical; ecclesiastically; ecclesiasticam; ecclesiastici; ecclesiasticis; ecclesiasticism
  1. Prouided that if he were a preest or any religious person, he should lose his benefice, and be made vncapeable of any other ecclesiasticall preferment: if he were a laie man, he should lose the prerogatiue of his estate.

  2. For the king being informed thereof, by the force of the ecclesiasticall lawes compelled them to stand to and obeie the decree of the councell holden at London by Anselme (as before ye haue heard) at least wise in the sight of men.

  3. Sidenote: tenth of the ecclesiasticall liuings granted to the K.

  4. Also this yeare the pope granted to the king of England the tenth of ecclesiasticall reuenues for one yeare, as before that time he had likewise doone.

  5. Damian, ordeined one Putta a simple man in worldlie matters, but well instructed in ecclesiasticall discipline, and namelie well séene in song and musicke to be vsed in the church after the maner as he had learned of pope Grogories disciples.

  6. The copie of which letter is registred in the ecclesiasticall historie of Beda, bearing date the third Ides of Iune, [Sidenote: 633.

  7. He was Lord over him, and did domineer, a title that was used, and is allowed by all to temporall persons, but by some fantasticall curious heads of late denied to the ecclesiasticall governors.

  8. Lord is a name sometyme of place, and sometyme of grace; and soe the ecclesiastike may haue it as well as the temporall, for to the temporall it is a name of place onely, but the ecclesiasticall by their merit may haue it of grace.

  9. Landaffe, or the church of Taw hath ecclesiasticall iurisdiction in Glamorgan, Monmouth, Brechnoch, and Radnor shires.

  10. At this time Alexander bishop of Rome (supposed to haue generall iurisdiction ecclesiasticall through christendome) established the whole cleargie of Scotland (according to the old lawes) vnder the iurisdiction of the archbishop of Yorke.

  11. In this also he and diuers other of his freends continued their times, in great contemplation and praier, and from hence were translated as occasion serued, vnto sundrie ecclesiasticall promotions in the time of Constant.

  12. The copie of which letter is registred in the ecclesiasticall historie of Beda, bearing date the third Ides of Iune, in the yéere of [Sidenote: 633.

  13. He bad me read Bishop Andrews Sermons, Hookers Ecclesiasticall Politie, and Bishop Lauds Book against Fisher, which would ground me against Popery.

  14. He founded and enlarged many houses of Religion: Hee furnished Ecclesiasticall dignities, with men of more sufficiencie and worth then had been vsuall in former times.

  15. The like hee did to other vacant Churches; and compounded also with Priests for reteining their wiues; and made his profit by Ecclesiasticall persons and liuings, more largely and freely then he had done before.

  16. Whereby not onelie by reason of flesh and bloud, but also by hauing ecclesiasticall dignitie and office, it could not be but that he loued him and his realme with sincere affection.

  17. Sidenote: The eleuenth part of ecclesiasticall reuenues granted to the K.

  18. A councell also was holden by the archbishop of Canturburie at Oxford for reformation of the state ecclesiasticall and the religion of moonks.

  19. For otherwise the king alledged, that they would boldlie presume to doo much more mischiefe, if after ecclesiasticall discipline, no secular correction should follow.

  20. God will also have Ecclesiasticall Reformation now, or nothing: And here he stands not upon Kings, Parliaments or Assemblies, but upon his own Termes.

  21. It is said, That Civill Magistrates ought not to meddle with Ecclesiasticall matters.

  22. I feare, the importunity of some impatient, and subtlety of some malevolent mindes, will put both Parliament and Assembly upon some preproperations, that will not be safe in Ecclesiasticall Constitutions.

  23. Yea, within few yearis eftir, begane baith Black and Gray Frearis publictlie to preache against the pride and idile lief of Bischoppis, and against the abuses of the whole ecclesiasticall estaite.

  24. These oure Petitionis being proponed, the Estate Ecclesiasticall began to storme, and to devise all maner of leys to deface the equitie of our caus.

  25. That teythes aught not to be given to Ecclesiasticall men, (as thei war then called.

  26. Therefore the Civill and Ecclesiasticall Power were both joined together in one and the same person, the High Priest; and ought to bee so, in whosoever governeth by Divine Right; that is, by Authority immediate from God.

  27. Let every Soul be subject to the Higher Powers, for there is no Power but of God;" which is meant, he saith not onely of Secular, but also of Ecclesiasticall Princes.

  28. And for the Power Ecclesiasticall of the same Soveraigns, I ground it on such Texts, as are both evident in themselves, and consonant to the Scope of the whole Scripture.

  29. For if a King be a Priest, he cannot Marry, and transmit his Kingdome to his Posterity; If he be not a Priest then the Pope pretendeth this Authority Ecclesiasticall over him, and over his people.

  30. Of Ecclesiasticall Revenue, Under The Law Of Moses Under the Old Testament, the Tribe of Levi were onely capable of the Priesthood, and other inferiour Offices of the Church.

  31. Why did he not exercise his censures ecclesiasticall againste the Kinge of Ffraunce, Fraunces the Firste, for sendinge furthe Verarsanus twise or thrise, Iaques Cartier twise, and Robervall once, towardes the southwest and northwest?

  32. Now in like maner will I alledge some fewe Inductions out of the autenticall writings of the Ecclesiasticall Historiographers, all tending to the like argument.

  33. Ecclesiasticall historie, testifieth how that Constantine the great did enlarge his dominions by subduing of Infidels and Idolatrous nations.

  34. For the Friers would command and gouerne both the Indians and their townes as well in Ecclesiasticall as Temporall causes, as touching the punishment of the bodies of such as are offenders.

  35. And thus stood the state of the English church for ecclesiasticall gouernors in that season.

  36. The prouince of Canturburie was gouerned touching the ecclesiasticall state by archbishop Tacwine, and bishop Aldwulfe.

  37. As touching the state of the English church for ecclesiasticall gouernours, certeine it is, that the same was as hereafter followeth.

  38. At this meeting, according to Morton, Endicott tendered to all present for signature articles binding them "to follow the rule of God's word in all causes as well ecclesiasticall as politicall.

  39. And therefore Prohibites underr ecclesiasticall censure any to usurpe accept, defend, or obey the pretended authoritie thereof in time coming.

  40. That some Ecclesiasticall censures are proper and peculiar to be inflicted onely upon such as bear Office in the Kirk; Other censures are common and may bee inflicted both on Ministers and other Members of the Kirk.

  41. That the lesser and inferiour Ecclesiasticall Assemblies, ought to bee subordinate and subject unto the greater and superiour Assemblies.

  42. For what hope can there be of Unity in Religion, of one Confession of Faith, one Form of Worship, & one Catechisme, till there be first one Forme of Ecclesiasticall Government?

  43. First It is found that all such as the Scripture appointeth governours of the Kirk, to wit Pastours, Doctours, and Elders, may conveen to the generall Assemblies, and vote in Ecclesiasticall matters.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ecclesiasticall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.