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Example sentences for "duad"

Lexicographically close words:
dryven; dryveth; dthe; duabus; duae; dual; dualism; dualist; dualistic
  1. But the belief of Zoroaster and that of Scandinavia regard the Duad as still more deeply rooted in the essence of existing things.

  2. It frankly accepts the Duad as the true explanation of the actual universe.

  3. While the point exists as the monad or One, the line expresses the duad or Two, for both become comprehensible through transition; the line is the pure relationship of two points and is without breadth.

  4. Duad was female and represented matter capable of form, 631-u.

  5. The union of the Monad and Duad produces the Triad, signifying the world formed by the creative principle out of matter.

  6. Five is the Duad added to the Triad; symbolism of numbers, 58-m.

  7. The duad represented the line" - original reads 'decad', making no sense in view of what follows.

  8. Duad (more likely to be misread than dyad) seems correct.

  9. The duad represented the line, as being bounded by two points or monads.

  10. The second set of bodies divide on the meta level, forming a sextet and a cross with a duad at each arm; these on the hyper level divide into two triangles, four duads and a unit.

  11. The pillars are the same as in chlorine and its congeners, with a duad added at the base.

  12. The sphere with its two contained bodies breaks up into eight triangles on the meta level, and each of these, on the hyper, into a duad and a unit.

  13. On the hyper level the triplet becomes a duad and a unit; the duad becomes two units; and the septet a triplet and a quartet.

  14. It would be interesting to know why this duad remains as a duad in selenium and breaks up into a septad and triad in the other members of the group.

  15. Niobium only differs from yttrium by the introduction of triplets for duads in e; on the meta level we have therefore triplets, and on the hyper each triplet yields a duad and a unit.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "duad" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.