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Example sentences for "plural"

Lexicographically close words:
plunked; plunks; plupart; pluperfect; plura; pluralism; pluralist; pluralistic; pluralists; pluralities
  1. Defn: The plural number; that form of a word which expresses or denotes more than one; a word in the plural form.

  2. It is plural in form but is used as a singular.

  3. Defn: A New Latin plural combining form or suffix from Gr.

  4. Note: The word thousand often takes a plural form.

  5. Defn: Plural of eye; obsolete, or used only in poetry.

  6. Note: The plural of this word is generally written wharves in the United States, and wharfs in England; but many recent English writers use wharves.

  7. To take a plural; to assume a plural form; as, a noun pluralizes.

  8. In this sense the plural is always indices.

  9. The quality or state of being plural, or in the plural number.

  10. The plural of genie when used in this sense is genii, which is really the plural of the Latin word genius.

  11. It is named from the Latin plural bullas, meaning the round bosses which the Romans put on their bridles.

  12. The word "dodder" signifies the plural of "dodd," a bunch of threads.

  13. Their case suffixes seem to be later formations, though we find, t, tl or k for the plural and traces of l as a local suffix.

  14. It resembles Syryenian in its case terminations and also in marking the plural by interposing a distinct syllable (Syry.

  15. The plural affairs has a distinctive meaning, including all activities where men deal with one another on any considerable scale; as, a man of affairs.

  16. Legion (from the Latin) and phalanx (from the Greek) are applied by a kind of poetic license to modern forces; the plural legions is preferred to the singular.

  17. In such cases it will be necessary to make a heading such as "Navy," which will include the plural and the adjective.

  18. No word can be considered as thoroughly naturalised that is allowed to take the plural form of the language from which it is obtained.

  19. Indices, objections to the use of this plural in English, 11.

  20. The introduction of the practice of plural marriage by the Prophet then began even before the return of the Twelve from England.

  21. He talked such nonsense to us about that old Plural Voting Bill.

  22. It is well to note the sentiment of Oriental Bahais with regard to plural marriage.

  23. A glance at the document told me that the next word for nib was punt, plural probably "punten", pronunciation doubtful.

  24. The Turks call them Tschinganih; but the Syrians and Egyptians, as well as themselves, Nury, in the plural El Nauar.

  25. They have translated a feminine plural by a masculine singular in the case of the word Elohim.

  26. While the revelations of Joseph Smith commended plural marriages, the system and the name of concubinage was entirely omitted, each woman thus taken being endowed with the name of "wife.

  27. The word Elohim is a plural formed from the feminine singular ALH, Eloh, by adding IM to the word.

  28. They have, however, left an inadvertent admission of their knowledge that it was plural in Genesis iv.

  29. To this the addition of the letter g makes a plural in the animate form, so that the translation is deer of the water, an evident acknowledgment of its importance as an item in their means of subsistence.

  30. So the class of plural terminations would be ad, ed, id, od, ud.

  31. They are rendered plural in wind and wau.

  32. This name is the local form of the name for rocks, and conveys the idea of the plural in the terminal letter.

  33. Their name for ghost is Jeebi, a word rendered plural in ug.

  34. The word has, in Indian, a plural inflective in oag, which the French threw away.

  35. The plural might be uniformly made in d, following a vowel, and if a word terminate in a consonant, then in ad.

  36. To this primitive neighbourhood may be referred such peculiarities as (a) the genitive plural feminine ending in -asom (Gr.

  37. Collective words are followed by a plural far more commonly than in Cicero.

  38. Finally the use of an -r suffix in the third plural is common to both Italo-Celtic (see above) and Indo-Iranian.

  39. A word now always used in the plural "lees," meaning dregs, sediment, particularly of wine.

  40. The disuse of the distinction between the personal endings of primary and secondary tenses, the -t and -nt, for instance, being used for the third person singular and plural respectively in all tenses and moods of the active.

  41. The hundreds (except centum) are declined like the Plural of bonus.

  42. The Dative and Ablative Plural are always alike.

  43. In the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Declensions, the Accusative Plural is regularly like the Nominative.

  44. Neuter Plural Adjectives thus used are confined mainly to the Nominative and Accusative cases.

  45. In Neuters the Accusative and Nominative are always alike, and in the Plural end in -ă.

  46. Every Plural resembles itself and the highest principle in essence; or, in other words, all Singulars are united through essence with the highest One.

  47. All diversity of the Plural resides merely in the form, limitation or manifestation.

  48. Greek authors make early mention of Albion (plural of Alp?

  49. Observe the use of the neuter plural of the adj.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plural" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    certain; composite; more; number; numerous; plural; pluralistic; singular; some; trial; various

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    plural form; plural marriage; plural noun; plural verb; plural voting