It is not a poison, but an excellent diuretic for dropsical effusions.
This will be found not only a valuable rectal tonic, but an excellent diuretic as well, as it will pass off by way of the kidneys, cleansing and purifying those organs.
The decoction of the leaves is used internally as a diuretic (10 grams to a liter of water) and also to bathe pregnant women.
The leaves are diuretic and refreshing; the bark alterant.
In Brazil the bark is given in small repeated doses as a hypnotic and in the Philippines as a diuretic and purgative; a decoction of the leaves is similarly used.
The seeds are emollient, laxative, diuretic and emmenagogue; they contain an oil to which we shall refer presently.
An infusion of the leaves is given as a diuretic and digestive tonic.
In some places the decoction of the leaves is given internally as an emollient anddiuretic for gonorrhoea.
Gibson considers the seeds diuretic and quotes two cases where abundant diuresis immediately followed by the application of a poultice of the bruised seeds over the pubis.
The Portuguese of India make a sort of wine from the fermented juice of the fruit, which, like the weak alcohol we have mentioned, is a well-known diuretic and is used as a liniment.
Gram has maintained that theobromine is a powerful diuretic operating when other diuretics fail and further that this effect is produced without injuring the heart.
It is diuretic and tonic and apparently exercises an astringent and sedative action upon the mucous membrane of the genito-urinary organs.
Internally it has a diuretic effect and is reputed to be a solvent of vesical calculi.
The flowers arediuretic according to Endlicher; the bark is astringent; the leaves and the seeds are purgative, the latter yielding an oil which they use in India to stimulate the growth of the hair.
The entire plant is diuretic and the natives give the decoction of the stalk for various diseases of the bladder and kidneys.
This species is not used medicinally in the Philippines, but in India is given for its diuretic effect and has great repute in the treatment of genito-urinary diseases, dropsy and gonorrhoea.
The seeds of this plant, when bruised and given it any bland fluid, act as a diuretic and antispasmodic.
Mild diuretic medicines may, however, be given, provided attention he paid at the same time to the lungs and external surface.
Some remedies, as mercury, although not diuretic themselves, when prescribed along with those which have this action, increase their effect.
A famous diuretic pill, known as Guy's pill, consists of a grain each of mercurial pill, digitalis leaves and squill, made up with extract of henbane.
He thinks that the plant may have some slightdiuretic action.
Both are credited with some slight, obscure diuretic action.
It is not even a simple stomachic tonic and at most all one can say is that it has small diuretic action.
His physicians nevertheless helped him very well, and with store of lenitives and diuretic drugs made him piss away his pain.
Cannabis Indica: as diuretic in acute and chronic Bright's disease with hematuria.
Potassium Iodide: in large doses, sometimes a diuretic in renal dropsy.
Water: in large draughts as diuretic when excretion of solids is deficient; and in dropsy.
USES: Powerful Diureticand Genito-urinary Antiseptic; similar in action to diuretin, but perfectly stable.
Antihydropin: a crystalline principle extracted from cockroaches; is a powerful diuretic in scarlatinal dropsy; 15 grn.
As a diuretic it is superior; it is very valuable in the treatment of cardiac dropsies, and is often useful in chronic Bright's disease when there is no irritation of the kidneys.
The effect on the kidneys is more marked, the diuretic effect being shown by an increase in water, soluble solids, and of uric acid directly attributable to the caffein content of the coffee taken.
The mother stated that the child had taken only two doses, or one-sixteenth of a grain, of pilocarpine when the diuretic effect was apparent and free diaphoresis also occurred.
I have generally given it in lemonade in such amounts as to secure a gentle aperient and diuretic effect.
It has both a diaphoretic and diuretic action, while it stimulates both the salivary and mucous secretions.
Footnote 8: A small red bean called adzuke, possessing both laxative and diuretic properties, is a favorite remedy with the Japanese for beriberi.
Nor can its utility be ascribed to its diuretic property.
A diet largely composed of skimmed milk renders an important service both as a nutrient and a diuretic and depurant.
In therapeutical doses in a gouty paroxysm it acts as a diuretic and an antipyretic, and allays, sometimes in a most magical manner, the objective and subjective symptoms of the disease.
The diuretic that I most frequently prescribe is made of the carbonate of potass.
Thus a small dose of sweet spirit of nitre will act on the skin and promote perspiration, but a large dose will act as a diuretic only, and exert no influence on the skin.
Acetate of Potassa Acetate of Potassa is diuretic and cathartic.
Cantharides, or Spanish flies Cantharides, or Spanish flies, when used internally, are diuretic and stimulant; and epispastic and rubefacient when applied externally.
Squills Squills is diuretic and expectorant when given in small doses; and emetic and purgative when given in large doses.
If a larger dose be taken, it acts as a diureticand not as a sudorific, and so fails to produce the desired effect.
Its diuretic effects, for which it is now so deservedly received into the Materia Medica, were entirely overlooked.
The bitter juice of the leaf, mixed with an equal part of Madeira wine, is recommended in an ounce dose night and morning, as a powerful diuretic in dropsy.
She took the same preparation of Foxglove without any diuretic effect, and afterwards two and three grains of the powder twice a day with as little.
I was informed also, that the effects produced were violent vomiting and purging; for the diuretic effects seemed to have been overlooked.
He continued better and worse, using different kinds of diuretic and expectorating medicines until September 1781, when the disease was so much worse, I did not expect he could live many days.
Here the medicine was continued till it ceased to produce diuretic effects; and these effects were not aided by any strengthening remedies.
Had taken various deobstruent anddiuretic medicines to little purpose.
I have elsewhere remarked, that when the Digitalis has been properly given, and the diuretic effects produced, that an accidental over-dose bringing on sickness, has stopped the secretion of urine.
Digitalis night and morning, and a cooling diuretic decoction in the day-time.
The diuretic effects of the Digitalis were in this instance immediate.
Several years are now elapsed since you communicated to me the high opinion you entertained of the diuretic qualities of this noble plant.
But now the sickness being exceedingly depressing, the strength failing, and the diuretic effects beginning to cease, the following prescription was directed.
I consider the Foxglove thus given, as the most certain diuretic I know, nor do its diuretic effects depend merely upon the nausea it produces, for in cases where squill and ipecac.
This is a tonic to the kidneys, as well as a diuretic and alterative, and is a mild, but very efficient remedy.
Alteratives may possess tonic, laxative, stimulant, or diuretic properties all combined in one agent.
The carminative properties of spearmint are inferior to those of peppermint, and its chief employment is for its diuretic and febrifuge virtues.
Its alkaline qualities tend to neutralize the acid condition of the fluids of the system, and it also possesses diuretic properties which act upon the kidneys, removing the offending blood-poison from the system through these organs.
It is more likely to be diuretic if much diluted with water; but this is not the only directing cause, for a very large quantity of a saline will prove purgative even when largely diluted.
But I believe that these solutions are equally absorbed, both heavy and weak, and that the purging or diuretic effect depends mainly on the quantity of the salt, as the kidneys will not eliminate beyond a certain amount of it.
When the vegetable salts of the alkalies are given in diuretic doses they are decomposed into carbonates while in the system.
It has been supposed by some that a saline solution proves Purgative or Diuretic according to the degree of its dilution only.
When a powerfulDiuretic is given in too large a dose, it may cause a degree of action sufficient to produce congestion of the kidney, and so defeat the object for which it was intended.
For the same reason, warmth, confinement, and rest, will induce a Diuretic medicine to act on the skin.
A certain quantity of water must be given with every diuretic dose, and the larger the quantity the greater will be the effect produced.
But this constitutes no exception to the rule of its being astringent; for this diuretic power is owing to a peculiar ether, formed with the spirit by an excess of hydrochloric acid used in the preparation of the tincture.
When a Diuretic is required to eliminate fluid from the system, the dose should not be much diluted with water; this should only be done when we desire to eliminate solids from the blood.
The diuretic effect of these liquids is, as in the case of salines, greater when the surface is cold, and less when it is warm and covered.
The young shoots of Asparagus officinalis have from very remote times been in high repute as a culinary vegetable, owing to their delicate flavour and diuretic virtues.
The diuretic action is extremely feeble, and neither the plant nor asparagine is now used medicinally.
A diuretic administered when the kidneys are suffering passive congestion from cardiac insufficiency does not generally act, and is therefore useless.
The diuretic action of this treatment is not always successful.
The simplest diuretic is potassium citrate, given in wintergreen or peppermint water, in doses of 2 gm.
Tonic and expectorant, and, in some cases, diuretic and diaphoretic.
Ripe grapes are cooling and antiseptic, and in large quantitiesdiuretic and laxative.
As a diureticand attenuant in dropsy, or as an expectorant in chronic coughs.
A teaspoonful 2 or 3 times daily, as a diuretic aperient; in obstruction of the bowels, &c.
The carnauba root likewise has a diuretic power, and possesses unusual efficacy, in the cure of acute and chronic blennorrh[oe]as.
The treatment consists of emollient poultices, accompanied with physic and diuretic balls, to subdue the inflammation, followed by mild astringent lotions or ointments.
Tonic, diuretic and alterative, for syphilis and scrofula.
Infusion of the root is a good diureticand is effective in difficult urination and gonorrhea.
For such cases if the urine is acid, the frequent use of Vichy water, to which is added a little bicarbonate of potassium, about five grains to a drink, as a diuretic will prove of great service.
Now the dry kind is pleasant to the taste, nutritious, and more diuretic than the others; but the sweet kind is nutritious, filling, and apt to soften the bowels.
But Mnesitheus the Athenian says, "Red wine is the most nutritious; but white is the most diuretic and the thinnest; and the yellow is a dry wine, and that which most assists in the digestion of the food.
Observations were also made on the diuretic effect of caffein when injected into the peritoneal cavity.
The roots of Asparagus contain diuretic virtues more abundantly than the shoots.
Our British Pharmacopoeia orders a spirit of Juniper to be made for producing the like diuretic action in some forms of dropsy, so as to carry off the effused fluid by the kidneys.
The leaves of the Globe Artichoke afford somewhat freely on expression a juice which is bitter, and acts as [549] a brisk diuretic in many dropsies.
This is a chalybeate or iron spring, having tonic and diuretic properties.
Walking and other exercise increase the diuretic effect.
The Empire is highly esteemed for the treatment of obscure and chronic diseases requiring alterative and diuretic remedies.
Taken internally, they are anti-acid, mildly aperient, and freelydiuretic and diaphoretic.
They have never been accurately analyzed, but the presence of purgative and diuretic salts has been ascertained, though the impregnation is not strong, and the amount uncertain.