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Example sentences for "dentifrice"

Lexicographically close words:
dentibus; dentical; denticles; denticulate; denticulated; dentigerous; dentil; dentils; dentine; dentist
  1. It forms an excellent tincture for the teeth, and is the basis of the celebrated French dentifrice "eau Botot.

  2. For cleaning the teeth the Roman ladies used a dentifrice which does not seem very inviting to us.

  3. His favorite liquid dentifrice contained the following ingredients,--half a pound each of sal ammoniac and rock salt, and a quarter of a pound of sacharin alum.

  4. To maintain the health of the MOUTH and preserve the freshness and beauty of the TEETH, the frequent use of a Dentifrice becomes indispensable.

  5. The proprietor of Phenol Dentifrice recommends it to the notice of those not already acquainted with its long established merits.

  6. His favourite liquid dentifrice contained the following ingredients: Half a pound each of sal ammoniac and rock salt, and a quarter of a pound of saccharin alum.

  7. His works are mentioned by Galen, who testifies to his great esteem for Damocrates, calling him an eminent physician, and quoting various passages from his works, and among others three poetical receipts for dentifrice powders.

  8. To strengthen loosened teeth, he recommended astringent mouth washes and sundry dentifrice powders.

  9. In Serapion, too, we find many formulas for dentifrice powders, some of which are intended simply for cleaning the teeth, others for special prophylactic or curative purposes.

  10. A good dentifrice is also made from the ashes of the feet of a goat.

  11. Scribonius Largus gives the receipts for various dentifrice powders in use at that period.

  12. It is to be cured by using a certain dentifrice powder, composed of six ingredients.

  13. In Chapter XXXIV of Book XXXVI it is said that the decoction of gagates[154] in wine cures the diseases of the teeth; and in Chapter XLII of the same book are praised the dentifrice powders made of pumice stone.

  14. He gives, besides the receipts of many dentifrice powders and tinctures designed both to strengthen the teeth and gums and as preservatives against the diseases of these parts.

  15. The use of carbonate of lime or chalk as a dentifrice evidently goes back to antiquity.

  16. Hence we see that the use of carbonate of lime as a dentifrice is a very ancient one.

  17. Various internal medicaments and dentifrice powders are prescribed for combating this morbid condition.

  18. Brown's Camphorated Saponaceous Dentifrice is the most agreeable article for cleansing the teeth ever introduced to public notice.

  19. Every ingredient of this =Balsamic= dentifrice has a beneficial effect on the =Teeth and Gums=.

  20. They daily apply to them some dentifrice powder, which they rub so hard as not only to injure the enamel by excessive friction, but to hurt the gums even more than by the abuse of the toothpick.

  21. The quality of some of the dentifrice powders advertised in newspapers is extremely suspicious, and there is reason to think that they are not altogether free from a corrosive ingredient.

  22. Still more valuable as a dentifrice is areca nut charcoal, which, besides possessing the properties of the other vegetable charcoals in an eminent degree, has valuable ones peculiar to itself.

  23. I had mislaid my tube of dentifrice and in the dim, pale starlight I pawed around and murmured to myself a good while before I finally called Eddie to help me.

  24. My custom was to hang my towel neatly over a rack, to stand my toothbrush upright in a glass on a little shelf with the dentifrice beside it.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dentifrice" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    cathartic; cleaner; cleanser; cream; dentifrice; detergent; diuretic; emetic; enema; gargle; holystone; lotion; nauseant; purgative; purge; purifier; rinse; shampoo; soap; solvent; wash