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Example sentences for "diuision"

Lexicographically close words:
diuiding; diuina; diuine; diuines; diuinitie; dium; diuretic; diuretics; diurnal; dius
  1. This figure for pleasure may be called in our vulgar the cutted comma, for that there cannot be a shorter diuision then at euery words end.

  2. A diuision of figures and how they serue in exornation of language.

  3. Men might laugh at us, as at grasshoppers trusting in the strength of their arms, and thus shame our honoured lord; but we could not halt in our deed of vengeance.

  4. The figures are protected by a network of iron wire, through which the votaries, praying the while, spit pieces of paper, which they had chewed up into a pulp.

  5. Above all, we can judge of the amount of serious attention which is due to plans for "reorganizing society," to get rid of alleged errors and inconveniences in it.

  6. The church offered a way to get back, namely, by sacraments, devotion, ritual, etc.

  7. Then for six months they exchange the bracelets for the European goods which they want.

  8. In this sort remained the kingdome in diuision a while, til such time as Cuthey, sonne vnto Laupy, did reigne in his fathers steede.

  9. And peraduenture the streame that commeth downe thither, after the diuision of the Stoure, maie be the [Sidenote: Wantsome.

  10. I see not how the said diuision can hold.

  11. As for the speedie and timelie inhabitation thereof, this is mine opinion, to wit, that it was inhabited shortlie after the diuision of the earth.

  12. Whereby appeareth that their French league was neuer renewed after the last diuision of their countrie by Osbright king of England.

  13. Thus much haue I thought good to leaue in memorie of the aforesaid kingdomes: and now will I speake somewhat of the diuision of this Iland also into prouinces, as the Romanes seuered it whiles they remained in these parts.

  14. Herevnto you haue heard alreadie, what diuision Brute made of this Iland not long before his death, wherof ech of his children, so soone as he was interred, tooke seisure and possession.

  15. Sidenote: The diuision of the earth not yet certeinlie knowne.

  16. Diuision of the circuits for iustices itinerants.

  17. The Deuilles contract with the Magicians: The diuision thereof in two partes: What is the difference betwixt Gods miracles and the Deuils.

  18. The Description of the Rudiments and Schoole, which are the entresses to the arte of Magie: And in speciall the differences betwixt Astronomie and Astrologie: Diuision of Astrologie in diuers partes.

  19. And this diuision being wel vnderstood, will easilie resolue you, what is possible to them to doe.

  20. The diuision of spirites in foure principall kindes.

  21. This diuision is deuyded into seiunction and di- stribucion.

  22. He begynneth also an other oracyon / whiche he made as touchynge a lawe de- creed for the diuision of feldes amonge the comunes out of a custome amonge them / on this wyse.

  23. Sidenote: The diuision or partes of this booke.

  24. Likewise al the land of that region is possessed in common, so that there is not mine and thine, or any propriety of possession in the diuision of lands: howbeit euery man hath is owne house peculiar vnto himselfe.

  25. Sidenote: A diuision of that which they had not.

  26. But the cheefe and onelie cause vndoubtedlie, was the diuision within the realme, euerie great man desiring rather to be reuenged on his foe at home, than on the common enimie abroad, as by that which followeth you may plainelie perceiue.

  27. This was the root (as some haue thought) of that diuision amongst the English nobilitie, where through their glorie within the realme of France began first to decline.

  28. Sidenote: The mortall mischeefe of malice and diuision in a realme.

  29. Somewhat before this season fell a great diuision in the realme of England, which of a sparkle was like to haue grown to a great flame.

  30. O my deere Brother: This was an ill beginning of the night: Neuer come such diuision 'tweene our soules: Let it not Brutus.

  31. Our State thinks not so, they are in a most warlike preparation, & hope to com vpon them, in the heate of their diuision Rom.

  32. Oh, if you reare this House, against this House It will the wofullest Diuision proue, That euer fell vpon this cursed Earth.

  33. How haue you made diuision of your selfe, An apple cleft in two, is not more twin Then these two creatures.

  34. This is moreouer to be noted in our diuision of shires, that they be not alwaies counted or laid togither in one parcell, whereof I haue great maruell.

  35. Laurence, and a number of other vnto Africa within the said proportion, wishing so little alteration as I may: and yet not yeelding vnto any confusion, whereby the truth of the diuision should hereafter be impeached.

  36. These men therefore after their comming hither, consulted with the other, and foorthwith wholie consented to make a diuision of [Sidenote: 3.

  37. And peraduenture the streame that commeth downe thither, after the diuision of the Stoure, [Sidenote: Wantsome.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diuision" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.