She, balancing upon the bedstead, and looking out, thinks not of the bar now, nor takes note of the dimensions of the aperture.
I'm more dubious about the dimensions of the window itself.
The chief claim of Retzius to distinction rests on the merits of his system of comparing various dimensions of the skull, and of a classification based on such comparisons.
Retzius's name is, as already mentioned, associated not with any particular angle or angular measurement, but rather with a method of expressing as a formula two cranial dimensions which have been measured and which are to be compared.
Tunnels: dimensions and construction; if lined or cut in rock; nature of cuttings at end and whether they can be blocked.
The adoption of this principle necessitated, however, uniformity in the dimensions of the stretchers in order that these could always be accommodated on the ambulance-car fittings.
The red teapots of small dimensions sold for ten to twenty-five shillings apiece, and David Elers had a shop in the Poultry in Cheapside, where he sold them.
The Elers style was simple, with applied stamped ornament of small dimensions and Oriental rather than classical in motif.
They are of various dimensions and consist generally of raised terraces or platforms of great extent, surrounded by mounds of earth faced with brick or stone, and often crowned with circular, dome-shaped structures.
And it may be observed that it is here we discover evidences still more satisfactory and conclusive than are furnished by their small dimensions and other circumstances above mentioned, that they were not intended for defence.
As a statue of pure gold, and of proper dimensions would be too expensive, it is sufficient to make an image of the sacred Yoni, through which the person to be regenerated is to pass.
That of Marien was remarkable only for its vast dimensions and its abundance of light.
His name will be longer than himself, I should say, judging by the dimensions of this cap," said Fred, trying to laugh.
In like manner also he gave silver by weight for the silver candlesticks, and for their lamps according to the diversity of the dimensions of them.
Ezechiel Chapter 40 The prophet sees in a vision the rebuilding of the temple: the dimensions of several parts thereof.
He gave also gold for the golden candlesticks, and their lamps, according to the dimensions of every candlestick, and the lamps thereof.
The joy of living is suddenly expanded to the dimensions of humanity, and you can go on taking your pleasure as long as there is one unfriended soul and body in the world.
As he passed down the street he noted every change with a start, marvelling chiefly at the lowness of the houses and the shrunken dimensions of the Town Hall, once to him the noblest building on earth.
The universe alternately opened out to infinite horrors of vastness, and shrank to pinpoint dimensions to crush me.
Of course the size of the box will be governed by the dimensions of the game for which it is to be set.
In this case it is necessary to arrange the platform lower down in the box, and the latter should be of much larger dimensions than the one we have described.
This trap is usually set for rabbits, and these dimensions are especially calculated with that idea.
This should consist of a heavy oak plank two inches in thickness, and of such other dimensions as will allow it to fit loosely in the box, and fall from top to bottom therein without catching between two sides.
Punch’s Dress= Make it much larger, according to the dimensions given on patterns, and let it be of soft material in very bright, gay colors.
Make the colossal Cheops as large as the dimensions of your paper will admit.
Use a goose egg for the head; the dimensions given for the hat are intended for a large egg.
This secret concerned the existence and described the whereabouts of a tremendous treasure, belonging to the kings, which increased in dimensions from century to century.
Lit by powerful lamps and supported by squat pillars, with long vistas showing between them, it had nearly the same dimensions as the Needle itself.
The dimensions of a timber when reduced to its standard size.
The height between the floor and the lower-deck; it is therefore one of the principal dimensions given for the construction of a ship.
The dimensions or size of timber, the contrary way to which the mould side is placed; one side sided smooth, to work from or to fit.
An early name for a long gun, but of smaller dimensions than a bombard.
To increase the dimensions of a sail, by untying the points confining a reef in it.
An enclosed shrubbery of small dimensions occupied the centre of the open space, and the carriage drive was about it.
He walked with a stick, of sufficient dimensions occasionally to bear his weight.
The Steine at that period was of much larger dimensions than at present.
Upon one occasion Sheridan and Hanger were dining in the room of the old building where the Prince usually dined, termed by them, in consequence of its contracted dimensions and generally excessively heated condition, the Royal Oven.
A royalist rebellion was gaining formidabledimensions in the west.
Out of a portion of the ancient markets a hotel-de-ville of modest dimensions has been constructed, and in the hospital of St Jean are a few pictures.
The dimensions here given indicate that these rapids are second, in power and impressiveness, only to those above the Whirlpool of Niagara.
A cat-fish of moderate dimensions appeared to be keeping house in it, and, with his head barely projecting from one end, was serenely watching the current for whatever game it might bring to his iron parlor.
We took the dimensions of this with a tape line and then proceeded to Fort Laramie about two miles farther west.
Brother Bullock and I took the dimensions of the fort which will be given in another place.
Then at each end of this hole he dug another about the same dimensions as the first leaving about 3 inches of earth standing between the middle and two end holes.
The streams of fugitives swelled to dimensions that startled Christendom; but the English press burst into a paean of joy and triumph--for now at last the Irish question would be settled!
Of all Ireland's cathedrals, Downpatrick alone has a truly imposing and commanding situation, albeit its dimensions are not grand, nor is it a very ornate or even a splendid structure.
I believe there is a very close relationship between the dimensions of length, breadth, and thickness, and time.
The house, nearly its proper dimensions once more, was close at hand, silent and deserted.
But size is by no means the only consideration in constructing vessels of war, and, indeed, there are good reasons to believe that, in the end, vessels of moderate dimensions will be preferred for most purposes of actual warfare.
The dimensions of the dock for Bermuda, which was afterwards named after that island, are as follows:-- Length over all 381 feet.