The whole of her virgin form was quivering as if some powerful fermentation had regenerated her.
Read an old story that my life in these new days shall be regenerated and saved?
I want to live, I want to live, if God will give me help, such a life that, if all men in the world were living it, this world would be regenerated and saved.
Out of its ashes rises the regenerated individual, the bold and daring rebel.
She was the ideal mother because she had outgrown marriage and all its horrors, because she had broken her chains, and set her spirit free to soar until it returned a personality, regenerated and strong.
When Nora closed behind her the door of her gilded cage and went out into the world a new, regenerated personality, she opened the gate of freedom and truth for her own sex and the race to come.
This may be possible, however, if the germs in question exist, and, indeed, the author observed two persons in both of whom a large molar had been regenerated in the place of the one which had to be extracted.
That God who has enlightened you, will enlighten your confederates also, and Switzerland, regenerated by the Holy Ghost, shall flourish in righteousness and peace.
And let no one be dismayed by the circumstance that the devil often seduces even those who have been regenerated in Christ, and begun to walk in God's way.
And by the words "in the regeneration" He certainly meant the resurrection of the dead to be understood; for our flesh shall be regenerated by incorruption, as our soul is regenerated by faith.
The sun shone over the broad plains, and as David's train carried him towards Milovka, his heart swelled with thoughts of the Maccabean deeds to be wrought there by a regenerated Young Israel.
But now--now it will be the forging-place of a regenerated people!
And when he abandoned hope of seeing mankind regenerated either by the spiritual influence of his Church or the temporal influence of his order, I think he abandoned hope of seeing mankind regenerated at all.
In his mood of mockery I could not speak of my opal-tinted dreams, my consciousness that Melton and Burgess had inspired me with a hundred visions of mankind regenerated through my efforts.
Paoli himself had come to believe that independence could more easily be secured from a regenerated France, and with her help, than by a warfare which might again arouse the ambition of Genoa.
Then, think of the career that lies ahead of this regenerated nation.
On the contrary, in both cases they regenerated the deficient part of the old Constitution through the parts which were not impaired.
A man may be regenerated by the Holy Spirit and still not be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
The regenerated man has a carnal nature received from his earthly father and a new nature imparted by God.
And for this reason it is necessary to try, after the first desiccation of this Salt, which is called Regenerated Tartar, whether or no the just point of saturation hath been attained.
But the same cannot be said of the other name, Regenerated Tartar, which is also given it.
This process, in which Sulphur is regenerated by recombining together the principles of which it was originally composed, is one of the most beautiful experiments that modern Chymistry hath produced.
It is not absolutely necessary that Regenerated Tartar be dissolved in Spirit of Wine to make the Foliated Salt: for it may be procured in this form, by only evaporating the water in which it is dissolved.
Regenerated Tartar, when dried, is of a brown colour.
But she had been taught from infancy that "none but the elect should pray; nor even they until regenerated by sovereign grace;" and that "no woman should pray or speak in a public assembly.
Her tall form, which had been gaudily adorned, but now attired for the meek and lowly Saviour, was at times prostrated by divine power, and her regenerated soul filled with the rapture of heaven.
The chaplain was called immediately; he had barely time to administer Baptism and Extreme Unction, ere the dying man's regenerated soul was carried by angels to the abode of the blessed.
Towards acids it is remarkably stable yielding with hydrochloric acid a /hexosonephosphoric ester/ from which the original osazone can be regenerated (Lebedeff).
The three susceptible seedlings have all been grafted on different nigra stock trees, and the three stock trees have since regenerated only healthy limbs, after removal of the diseased shoots.
P1 has almost completely regenerated the top of the tree and no symptom of the disease is evident.
With the storage battery, it may be regenerated at will by simply subjecting it to an electric current from a dynamo.
Paul refers to this fact, to teach us that it is our duty, as the regenerated or "firstborn" children of God, to place a very high value upon our relation to him conferred by this birth.