In the first place, it is an untenable idea that religiosity or devoutness of spirit is valuable in itself, without reference to the goodness or badness of the dogmatic forms and the practices in which it clothes itself.
He was struck by the strange contrast of devoutness and love of liberty.
There was nothing to say against the devoutness of M.
Devoutness was her strong point; by that she governed and held her place.
She put on afterwards an air of importance, but this gradually gave place to one of devoutness that she wore admirably.
At once the podesta rose, and with folded hands listened intently, as if it were the Lord's gospel; this he did with the greatest devoutness and with many tears, for he had great trust and devotion toward the blessed Francis.
In substance they reflect Augustine's intellectual devoutness and many of his thoughts.
Devoutness need not necessarily mean glumness, and so as it all seems, around Vannes at least, to be for the general good, one is not sorry to have his first introduction to a great Breton town in a way so pleasant.
He regarded himself as the champion of Islam and of the communion of the believers, and had among his intimates men of acknowledged devoutness such as Raja b.
Abdalaziz, who was received there with joy, his devoutnessand gentle character being well known.
This gentleman showed much sweetness of mind, largeness of charity, and a timid devoutness which I had not expected in such a quarter.
The fault lies undoubtedly in the fact, that Practical Devoutness and Free Thought stand apart in unnatural schism.
It is natural enough, of course, while she has to watch the slow death of this brother, whom she has taken to worshipping with such looks of loving devoutness that I am ready to wish myself in his place.
Scruples of devoutness coming in the wake of a serious illness cast at one blow the frequenter of the 'Cafe Anglais' and gay suppers into the ranks of the pontifical zouaves.
And you wish me to believe in thedevoutness of that man's daughter!
It was merry again at Christmastide, and Renee enjoyed it much more than last year; but there was a tender devoutness in her worship.
Victor thought, and he garrotted the unruly mind of a man really feeling devoutness in the presence of the shadow thrown by the dread Shade.
Professional devoutness is deemed more righteous on such occasions than poetic fire.
The male pigeon saw him praying and worshipping and inclined to him for his much devoutness and said to him, 'How long hast thou been thus?
If the eating of cheese were a religious act, and its odor an incense, I could not say enough of the devoutness of the Bavarians.
The sentiment of the man about nature, or his poetic sensibility, was frequently not to be distinguished from a natural religion, and was always tinged with the devoutness of Wordsworth's verse.
And not all his earnestness and his devoutness could maintain his influence when that tendency began to tell.
Berenger himself was better educated than most of the gentlemen of his class, and there seems to have been a decided leaning to devoutness in the family, since both Berenger and his wife, Lucie, took monastic vows later in life.
Class differences as regards devoutness are but a special expression of a generic fact.
Not all of these subsidiary impulses that blend with the habit of devoutness in the later devotional life are altogether congruous with the devout attitude or with the anthropomorphic apprehension of the sequence of phenomena.
It should hold true, approximately, that devoutnessis declining or tending to obsolescence among the members of what may be called the effective industrial community.
The religious zeal which pervades much of the college sporting element is especially prone to express itself in an unquestioning devoutness and a naive and complacent submission to an inscrutable Providence.
As seen from the point of view of the later economic exigencies, devoutness is, perhaps in all cases, to be looked upon as a survival from an earlier phase of associated life--a mark of arrested spiritual development.
That is to say, the peculiar devoutness of women is a particular expression of that conservatism which the women of civilized communities owe, in great measure, to their economic position.
The causes to which this pecuniary stratification of devoutness is due have already been indicated in a general way in speaking of class differences in habits of thought.
The result is that these classes in some measure retain that general habit of mind the chief expression of which is a strong sense of personal status, and of which devoutness is one feature.
A typical Dutchman is nothing if he is not devout; though unfortunately his devoutness does not prevent his being exceeding "slim," which seems to some the crown of all excellencies.
The grand equerry showed a never-changing and very resolute firmness to the death, together with admirable calmness and the constancy and devoutness of a Christian," wrote M.
Olier's solicitude, the brethren of Christian Doctrine and the Ursulines, devoted to the education of childhood, and so many other charitable or pious establishments, noble fruits of devoutness and Christian sacrifice.
True, there have been devout naturalists and men of science; but their devoutness did not date from their Nature studies, but from their training, or from the times in which they lived.
I doubt very much if it favors devoutness or holiness, as those qualities are inculcated by the church, or any form of religious enthusiasm.
Devoutness and holiness come of an attitude toward the universe that is in many ways incompatible with that implied by the pursuit of natural science.
I believe that there is a hundredfold more devoutness in the infidelity of New England to-day than in its belief.
She was of principles at once so broad and so deep that he found himself as often surprised by her devoutness as he felt it his duty to be shocked by her liberality.