Some emblem of man's all-containing soul; Shall he make fruitless all thy glorious pains, Delving within thy grace an eyeless mole?
Mrs. Porter had been delving afield with all her heart and strength for several years, and in the course of her work had spent every other day for three months in the Limberlost swamp, making a series of studies of the nest of a black vulture.
This Ross pulled forward, and then, delving among the canned goods, he proceeded to set out various edibles, all the while whistling cheerfully.
When it comes night, I am too tired to understand the newspapers that I bring over from Miners', to say nothing of delving in histology.
So affairs remained, the townsfolk feebly delving and clearing the obstructions, unaided, for close upon half a century, when the furious storm of 1334 undid all their work and finally crushed their spirit of resistance.
You are on the surface," returned Popham, "and you are not delving continually in the hot, unhealthy regions where I must do my work.
However, a delving into Quinn's past failed to reveal any lawless actions that would point to a ransom in his present line of endeavor.
When they reached the dyke where the men were standing delving out the peat, it was to find a group of three fresh arrivals in the persons of Hickathrift the wheelwright, Dave, and John Warren, and all in earnest converse upon some subject.
He almost doubted that the delving miners whom we saw coming home from the mines, sooty and begrimed, possessed that soul.
He reposed himself for some time on the trunk of a fallen hemlock, listening to the boding cry of the tree-toad, and delving with his walking-staff into a mound of black mould at his feet.
How hard that I must go on, delving and delving, day in and day out, merely to make a morsel of bread, when one lucky stroke of a spade might enable me to ride in my carriage for the rest of my life!
They were there in their patches of ground, delving with the spade, scattering sea weed manure, the landlords here allowing them to gather all the sea weed that drifts to their shores.
Men were delving with spades where horses could not keep their footing.
Even the rough laborers stopped delving at their tasks for a few minutes, to straighten from their work and stand, with curious eyes agaze down-track.
Our prospects are not bright," observed Tom, sitting down on a rock close to the hut of a Yankee who was delving busily in a hole hard by.
The sword is no plough, nor delving tool, He, who would till with it, is but a fool.
PALE and hesitating, Brother Spyke says: "I have no passion for delving into such places; and having seen enough for one night, am content to leave the search for this vile old man to you.
Always this turning to the far past, this delving in rosetta stones and palimpsests, this preoccupation with the sights and sins of the ancient gods and kings.
While others were delving in the American soil his soul sped afar; he is not even a cosmopolitan; he is a Greek, a Brahmin, a worshipper of Ishtar.
Pale and hesitating, Brother Spyke says: "I have no passion for delvinginto such places; and having seen enough for one night, am content to leave the search for this vile old man to you.
Prospectors went everywhere seeking for carbonates, radiating from this center up all the gulches, and over the foot-hills, delving almost everywhere at a venture.
When the tide is out, I also keep at low-water mark, scrambling over ledges, or delving among the crannies for specimens.
One too credulous islander, in his fruitless delving after the pirate Kidd's buried hoard, has squandered the gold of his own life, and is worn to a shadow.
There is a freedom about a shepherd's life, a communion with and knowledge of nature in all her variable moods, that renders it more attractive than delving in the soil.
True enough, but I'll bedelving for two years here in the medical college," he replied with lamentation in his tone.
It seemed the very midland solitude of the world where Septimius was delving at the grave.
Who knows but that I may gain a deeper insight into the hidden mysteries than if I were delving among the dusty tomes of a university library?