The history of King David furnishes us with very striking proofs of his attachment to music.
But though our train of life should not lead us to study, the course of education always furnishes proper employments to a well-disposed mind.
His arms are not given him, as to other creatures, for pillars of support; nor does he lose, by rendering them callous against the ground, that delicacy of touch which furnishes him with so many of his enjoyments.
Such a state of things is in the highest degree conducive to the propagation of thought, and, indeed, to its origination, through the constant excitement it furnishes to intellectual activity.
Zeno furnishes us with an illustration of the fallibility of the indications of sense in his argument against Protagoras.
The date-tree, moreover, furnishes to Africa a food almost without expense.
On the opposite extremity of Europe, the Scandinavian peninsula furnishes an instance of slow secular motion, the northern part rising gradually above the sea at the rate of about four feet in a century.
Far in advance of anything that Greece can offer, the intellectual history of India furnishes systems at once consistent and imposing--systems not remaining useless speculations, but becoming inwoven in social life.
Their example is great, and furnishes the chief hope of any possible reform.
Goldsmith said of biography:--'It furnishes us with an opportunity of giving advice freely and without offence.
The history of the race furnishes the evidence that the species of man and woman are opposite.
As the public furnishes the means and the students for every college, the public were vitally interested.
Birch-bark starts the fire and birch-wood furnishes the fuel.
He is really quite agile, and when treed by the dogs, furnishes no end of excitement by climbing, not into the tops of the trees, as does the coon, but merely far enough to be safe from his pursuers.
It furnishes a shelter from storm and hawk overhead, and prowling boy or bird of prey in the brush underneath.
This workfurnishes a carefully prepared account of all the great Frosts occurring in this country from A.
As might be expected, the facile pen of Samuel Pepys, the most genial of gossipers, furnishes a few facts on this subject.
A letter from the Prince of Wales to Sheridan this year furnishes a new proof of the confidence reposed in him by His Royal Highness.
In the neighboring country no part produces any thing for human sustenance save the Neva, which furnishes ice and fish.
The Imperial glass manufactory furnishes an immense number of eggs of glass, with cut flowers and figures, designed as presents from the Czar and Czarina.
This citadel is useless as a defense of the city against a hostile attack; but it furnishes a ready means of commanding the capital, and furnishes a refuge for the government in case of an insurrection.
In France the government only owns and operates less important lines, but furnishes upon these a more efficient and cheaper service than private companies would either be able or disposed to furnish.
Stockholders have likewise a right to be protected against the sinister manipulations of dishonest managers, and publicity furnishes them the best guarantee of honest management.
Namely, that by regarding physical causation as everywhere but the objective or phenomenal aspect of an ejective or ontological reality, it furnishes a logical basis for a theory of things which is at the same time natural and spiritual.
The inhabitants live principally on the fish, which the lake at certain seasons furnishes in great abundance; of these the white-fish, trout, and poisson inconnu are considered the best.
The excellent pasturage furnishes food in abundance to a variety of grazing animals of which the buffalo, red-deer, and a species of antelope are the most important.
The sturgeon (Accipenser ruthenus) is also taken in the Saskatchewan and lakes communicating with it and furnishes an excellent but rather rich article of food.
It furnishes the reader with a key to the study of that which is undoubtedly one of the greatest characters of modern times.
In this way it furnishes also the normative scheme for modern accounts of the matter, into which all the other casual notices of the Old Testament on the subject must be made to fit as best they can.
For the sake of this presumption there is constructed a purely abstract (and as such perfectly irrefragable) possibility that furnishes a door of escape from the historical probability, which nevertheless it is impossible to evade.
And if I have to regret my ignorance of these facts when that paper was published, at any rate it now furnishes the best proof that my anticipations were not guided by the results of a verification which had already been supplied.
That paragraph furnishes a text for a few remarks about one of the most curious and notable features of my subject--the length of German words.
As Bernal Diaz goes more into detail than Cortéz, he now and then drops an expression that furnishes a clew to many an enigma otherwise unexplainable.
But all this furnishes no evidence that the invariable law of nature, which carries to the bottom the heaviest body, has been suspended at Mexico.
But I must return to Mexico, which furnishes a thousand witnesses of this truth--sin and wickedness abounding in it--and yet no such people in the world toward the Church and clergy.
Moffatt's Southern Africa, page 242, furnishes the following complete illustration of the effect produced by horsemen and fire-arms upon savage warriors.
There are occasional dry spots, and now and then there is open water; but the greater portion is filled with marsh grass, and furnishes good feeding for the droves of cattle that daily frequent it for that purpose.
It might run somewhat like this: This is the salt that furnishes the chlorine.
Electric power, if a waterfallfurnishes the electricity, is the cheapest power known.
This beautiful chapter furnishes a striking contrast between the efficacy of Israel's expedient, and that of the old principle of simple faith in God.
In fact, from the moment David's history opens, he is seen as a servant, ready for every kind of work, and the valley of Elah furnishes a most striking manifestation of his servant character.
Besides the regular staff, constituted as above related, there are the officers of an infantry regiment which furnishes guards and escorts, and officers of cavalry squadrons detailed to furnish orderlies.
The object is nothing but as it furnishes food for internal meditation, for old associations.
He furnishes out the chambers of the mind from the spoils of time, picks and chooses which shall have the best places--nearest his heart.
Johnson furnishes two definitions of the word, herse--1.
The hybernation of various animalsfurnishes analogous examples of the matter, under consideration.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "furnishes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.