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Example sentences for "hallucinatory"

Lexicographically close words:
halls; hallucinated; hallucinating; hallucination; hallucinations; hallucinogens; hallux; hallway; hallways; halo
  1. Between the jolting, the painful, the hallucinatory silence still continued.

  2. Moreover, I found that his voices had no hallucinatory character, but were merely sound images.

  3. This group he again subdivides into the querulent and hallucinatory paranoid forms.

  4. It partakes of Kutner's "catatonic states in degenerates" as well as Raecke's confusional hallucinatory disturbances in these individuals.

  5. The symptomatology consists of an acute delirioid, hallucinatory episode, usually followed by a more or less complete amnesia which may go back far enough to include the experience which provoked the disorder.

  6. Was frank in his statements, spoke of the amnesia mentioned above, and no delusions or hallucinatory experiences or physical symptoms present on admission could be detected.

  7. Let us, for the sake of argument, suppose that some sane persons are capable of hallucinatory impressions akin to but less transient than illusions hypnagogiques, when, as far as they or others can perceive, they are wide awake.

  8. In this alertness she is a contrast to a modern seeress, subject, like her, to monitions of an hallucinatory kind, but subject during intervals of somnambulisme.

  9. During the two hours they had been there a kind of intoxication had stolen over them, the hallucinatory intoxication produced by liqueurs and tobacco smoke.

  10. Only, most strangely, the writer added that late in the afternoon of the day on which I heard the hallucinatory call, she had been overcome by heat, and was for some hours thought to be in a serious condition.

  11. This has been beautifully demonstrated by Miss Goodrich-Freer, a lady who developed the faculty of crystal-gazing for the express purpose of studying and analyzing its hallucinatory images.

  12. If each of several things have a part of the Idea of Equality, it will be Equal to something, in virtue of something which is less than Equality.

  13. And to the same purpose he had previously said (i.

  14. But further, such a process is often not induction at all.

  15. The elements of such sciences are principles which we know; truths which can be contemplated as being true.

  16. Again, they may be the result of dissociation, or may occur in the borderland of sleep or waking, and in this case they partake of the hallucinatory nature of dreams (q.

  17. It is also possible that mere expectancy and suggestion induce hallucinatory perceptions among the members of the circle.

  18. Some persons do not even find a clear deep necessary, and are content to gaze at the palm of the hand, for example, when hallucinatory pictures, as they declare, emerge.

  19. It is useless to make experiments with hysterical and visionary people, "whose word no man relies on"; they may have the hallucinatory experiences, but they would say that they had in any case.

  20. It has not been found possible to determine, before experiment, whether any given man or woman will prove capable of the hallucinatory experiences.

  21. Moreover, there are all the conditions present, both positive and negative, for the hallucinatory transformation of mental images into percepts just as in natural sleep.

  22. A common way of describing the relation of the hallucinatory to real objects, is to say that the former appear partly to cover and hide the latter.

  23. This was probably hallucinatory as nothing came of it.

  24. Indeed the more ecstatic the mystic becomes, the more he merges himself in his feelings and tends to develop hallucinatory sensations.

  25. Pronounced mental disorder occurs rarely in tuberculosis, according to Ziehen, and leads either to melancholia or to hallucinatory states of excitement, resembling the deliria of exhaustion or inanition.

  26. According to Ziehen, most of these nephritic psychoses run the course of what he calls hallucinatory paranoia (it may be remembered that Ziehen counts among paranoias a number of acute diseases and even so-called Meynert's amentia).

  27. No psychologist or pathologist will deny that visions of an hallucinatory sort may occur in dissociated states, say in the petit mal of epilepsy.

  28. Guyau actually illustrates the Resurrection of our Lord by an American myth about a criminal, of whom a hallucinatory phantasm appeared to each of his gaol companions, separately and successively, on a day after his execution!

  29. Modern Europe has indeed done so, if it explains the supernormal acquisition of knowledge, or the hallucinatory appearance of a distant person to his friend by a theory of wandering 'spirits.

  30. This fully conscious life of the spirit,' in which we moderns now live, 'seems to rest upon a substratum of reflex action of a hallucinatory type.

  31. Early in the present year (1897) I met a young lady who told me of three or four curious hallucinatory experiences of her own, which were sufficiently corroborated.

  32. But we may believe in such 'death-wraiths,' or hallucinatory appearances of the dying, without being either savages or spiritualists.

  33. The belief and hallucinatory experiences are still very common in the Highlands, where I have myself collected many recent instances.

  34. It is with that opinion, with Animism in its hallucinatory origins, that Mr. Tylor is concerned, not with the hallucinations themselves or with the evidence for their veridical existence.

  35. And, if so, was that discovered connection in fact the origin of his belief that an hallucinatory appearance of an absent person sometimes announced his death?

  36. Thus while I would never regard the hallucinatory figure of a friend, perceived by myself, as proof of his death, I would entertain some slight anxiety till I heard of his well-being.

  37. A wizard, in fact, is a person susceptible (or feigning to be susceptible) when awake to hallucinatory perceptions of phantasms of the dead.

  38. In this instance Herr Parish had an hallucinatory memory, all wrong, of the page under his eyes.

  39. But we are in no way assured that this mechanism itself does not consist in a simple play of hallucinatory images.

  40. If it were true, it would be necessary to admit that religious beliefs are so many hallucinatory representations, without any objective foundation whatsoever.

  41. Consequently the author has little doubt that there is a genuine substratum of fact, probably fact of conjuring, and of more or less hallucinatory experience.

  42. A nascent malady of the ear may produce buzzings, and these may develop into hallucinatory voices.

  43. This curious fact proves that the coincidence between death and hallucinatory presence has been marked enough to suggest a belief which can modify savage jealousy.

  44. Gibotteau, vouch for illusions of light accompanying attempts by living agents to transfer a hallucinatory vision of themselves to persons at a distance (Journal S.

  45. Breakdown of theory of Telepathy, when hallucinatory figure causes changes in physical objects.

  46. Now this belief is probably founded on actual hallucinatory experience, of which we may give a modern example.

  47. On the whole Thyraeus thinks that the sounds may be real on some occasions, when all present hear them, hallucinatory on others.

  48. Or again, the sounds may be hallucinatory and only some mortals may have the power of hearing them.

  49. A similar argument will hold good in the case of the vague hallucinatory noises which frequently accompany definite veridical phantasms, and frequently also occur apart from any definite phantasm in houses reputed haunted.

  50. Johnson; his personal evidence only proves that a kind of hallucinatory trance existed, or was feigned.

  51. This contest does not concern us here; but we may make the positive statement that the constructive imagination has never obtained such a frequently hallucinatory form as in the mystics.

  52. If it were really as I have described, it could hardly be explained save by some strange hallucinatory power emanating from the juggler or illusionist, who influences the audience by suggestion and makes it see what he wishes.

  53. These were usually texts of Scripture which, sometimes damnatory and sometimes favorable, would come in a half- hallucinatory form as if they were voices, and fasten on his mind and buffet it between them like a shuttlecock.

  54. I refer to hallucinatory or pseudo-hallucinatory luminous phenomena, photisms, to use the term of the psychologists.

  55. From both sources we have seen that the dream-work consists essentially in the transposition of thoughts into an hallucinatory experience.

  56. Now these day dreams are actual wish fulfillments, fulfillments of ambitious or erotic wishes with which we are familiar; but they are conscious, and though vividly imagined, they are never hallucinatory experiences.

  57. Another equally constant feature is that the dream does not merely express a thought, but also represents the fulfillment of this wish in the form of a hallucinatory experience.

  58. It may seem to the reader that the latter part of this chapter departs from the main trend of this book, for most of these illusions of depth are to a degree of hallucinatory origin.

  59. For most persons these illusions involve normal perceptual objects, although it appears that they are phases of hallucinatory origin.

  60. There are no hallucinatory phases in the conditions or causes.

  61. The latter undoubtedly are sometimes entwined to some extent with hallucinatory phases; in fact, it is doubtful if they are not always hallucinations to some degree.

  62. However, in closing it is well to emphasize the fact that the hallucinatory aspect of depth illusions is practically absent in types of illusions to which attention is confined in other chapters.

  63. Apparently there are phases of hallucinatory origin so that there is a wide variety of experiences among those subject to this type of illusion.

  64. The belief in such phantasms may be partially based on experience, whether hallucinatory or otherwise and inexplicably produced.

  65. As stated, flashes preceded the first hallucinatory twilight-state.

  66. We can now comprehend why the hallucinatory persons are separated from those who write and speak automatically.

  67. The hallucinatory appearance of the hypnotised personality, or rather of the suggested idea, may be regarded as the last effect upon the somnambulic personality.

  68. The dreamlike hallucinatory content of the limited consciousness in our case does not, however, justify an unqualified assignment to this group of double consciousness.

  69. The hallucinatory content and loud speaking is also met with in persons with hallucinations in lethargy.

  70. And, indeed, her conversation is usually divided between answers to real objective questions and hallucinatory ones.

  71. In Mesnet's case we noticed the appearance of hallucinatory processes from simple stimulation of touch.

  72. A good subject may be made to experience an hallucinatory perception of almost any object, the more easily the less unusual and out of harmony with the surroundings is the suggested object.

  73. This seems to be due to the part played by points de repere, insignificant details of surface or texture, which serve as an objective basis around which the hallucinatory image is constructed by the pictorial imagination of the subject.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hallucinatory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beguiling; catchy; deceiving; deceptive; delusive; dreamlike; dubious; fallacious; false; fishy; hallucinatory; illusive; illusory; imaginary; insubstantial; misleading; questionable; shadowy; tricky