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Example sentences for "overdraft"

Lexicographically close words:
overdo; overdoes; overdoing; overdone; overdose; overdraw; overdrawn; overdress; overdressed; overdrive
  1. If Overholt would kindly sign a note at sixty days for the overdraft it would be all right.

  2. It was the first relief from his misery the poor man had felt since he had read the letter about the overdraft in the morning.

  3. Then there were letters to write, business calculations, a further overdraft to be applied for to the Bank, pending the cattle sales.

  4. Overdraft is a principle of country banking.

  5. This cruel war the Kaiser made, (The worst since Satan fell,) Will end when all the world has paid Its overdraft on hell.

  6. By the operation of this rule, the banker may be precluded from asserting his lien in particular cases, as for instance for an overdraft on one account against another which had habitually been kept and operated on separately.

  7. We are saved; the overdraft will be paid off, and we are in smooth water again.

  8. Hendricks knew from Brownwell's overdraft that things were not going well with him, and he believed that matters must have reached a painful crisis in the Culpepper family if Brownwell had brought suit against the colonel.

  9. I own the overdraft at the bank and you own the mortgage at the court-house.

  10. Maniwel was at his wits’ end for money—must be; he would sympathise no doubt; but an overdraft at the bank was the sort of sympathy he wanted and Maniwel could not get one himself.

  11. With the grain piling up on their company day by day, it was not long before the overdraft at the bank began to assume alarming proportions.

  12. But do you know what your overdraft amounts to now?

  13. The poor man has none of these, and therefore cannot obtain that overdraft which is one of the first essentials of bankruptcy.

  14. To begin with, you certainly want money, or at least an overdraft and plenty of credit.

  15. The bank held against this overdraft Sullivan stocks at the promotion price.

  16. Albert's overdraft impaired the cordiality of their relations.

  17. We have always been short of money, have always had a big overdraft at the bank, and that largely because we have had to finance a huge business concern without capital.

  18. Owing chiefly to the enormous stores that have to be maintained in France and Overseas generally, the Bank overdraft of the war fund has often reached four and five hundred thousand pounds.

  19. However, both overdraft and loan have been taken care of through contributions made during November and December, 1930.

  20. NOTE--Although the expenses exceeded the receipts, no actual overdraft occurred because certain bills were not paid until funds from the next year came in.

  21. In the meantime it looks to me as if my little overdraft on the future is going to pay me most handsomely," he reflected.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overdraft" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.