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Example sentences for "holiday"

Lexicographically close words:
holdyng; hole; holed; holes; holi; holidaying; holidays; holie; holier; holies
  1. Morning previous to half-holiday for the opening of Kew Bridge by the King.

  2. The glory of his holiday estate had left him.

  3. They have a holiday task for the Easters, which, of course, none of them will ever look at.

  4. So much holiday magnificence had not been seen in the Netherlands for years.

  5. The same conventional enthusiasm and decoration which had characterized the holiday marches of a thousand conventional heroes were successfully produced.

  6. Alwyn was going for a few days only, and indeed, would probably have declined to take a holiday at all, had not Oswald earnestly begged him to go with him.

  7. At present things are somewhat quiet here, and it were well that you should, like your uncle, take a holiday for a time, and visit your father and mother.

  8. He was in his holiday attire, and was holding his bride by the hand.

  9. So he told me to take a holiday and visit a dyin' aunt, and borrow old Clutch and a trap from the Angel at Gorlmyn.

  10. While they were chatting over their holiday amusements and occupations, Kenrick said little; and, wondering at his silence, Mr Percival asked him in what part of the world he lived.

  11. Somers has got no end of a scholarship at Cambridge--an awfully swell thing--and Dr Lane gave a holiday directly he got the telegram announcing the news.

  12. I'm taking a holiday from cricket in consequence: golf isn't a bad substitute.

  13. I have made him faithfully promise to come away for a holiday for the whole of September, so we must just let him have his way just now.

  14. It is the holiday place of every good German.

  15. I trust that you are enjoying your holiday here?

  16. I am here because I have a six months' holiday, and a holiday for the average Englishman between January and April generally means, as you must be aware, the Riviera.

  17. I suppose if they gave me a holiday I should spend it in St. Petersburg.

  18. It's good to take a holiday at times," he said, and after that it was more difficult than ever to talk about the trouble of the hostels.

  19. Curtail not our holiday Septembrisers of their fair proportion of fun.

  20. For it is possible to miss a person badly, long for their return ardently, yet feel by no means averse to a holiday from more active expenditure of love on their account.

  21. Her poor dear Nannie, Sarah Watson, was returning home after a summer holiday spent with her own people in the north.

  22. Now, having analysed his host's character to his own satisfaction, he felt justified in giving himself a holiday from the office of chaperon and watch-dog.

  23. Here the children are imprisoned from morning to night, and have not an hour to themselves, except on Friday and a half-holiday at the Newmoon.

  24. Perhaps its worth will be best appreciated by those taking a holiday in the country, or, above all, at the seaside.

  25. Alas, for the sweet silence, the holiday peace of years!

  26. They celebrated their holiday by supporting the forsaken wife in her grief.

  27. All were in holiday dress and looked at one another cheerily.

  28. For a holiday was a specially happy occasion and not a schoolday affair.

  29. Thornley had given Hubert one day's holiday to go and see Christopher.

  30. These duties should not have fallen on me; a servant, now absent, had rendered them hitherto, and in the hurry of holiday departure, no substitute to fill this office had been provided.

  31. The day preceding Madame's fête was as much a holiday as the fête itself.

  32. Paul was not of the holiday band to-day, but I had seen this young girl with him ere now, and as far as distant observation could enable me to judge, she seemed to enjoy him with the frank ease of a ward with an indulgent guardian.

  33. Sunday was a holiday which she always passed with friends resident in town; and amongst these friends she speedily gave me to understand was one who would fain become something more.

  34. I know Thursday is a half- holiday in the Rue Fossette: be ready, then, by five in the afternoon, at which hour I will send the carriage to take you out to La Terrasse.

  35. Moreover, there was a note of holiday preparation, which almost turned freedom into licence.

  36. Claude arrived only yesterday, and here they are beginning his holiday with a dreadful disagreement.

  37. It was a pouring wet day, and Aubrey's holiday hung heavily on his hands.

  38. This was intended to give her a holiday appearance, but the expression of her faithful eyes and the smile upon her sunken mouth showed her darling that his return was a festival to her.

  39. Both were born in London, and during childhood saw Nature only as a holiday scene.

  40. Christina would talk with delight of her grandfather’s cottage retreat about thirty miles from London, to which she used to go for a holiday in a stage coach, and of the beauty of the country around.

  41. I should not suppose that I am the first gentleman in England who has taken a lady out for a holiday and felt himself highly honored in so doing.

  42. My dear Marion, can you see any harm in my giving madame a day's holiday and rest, whether on water or on land?

  43. The flood-tide of holiday trippers at Brighton is in August.

  44. They would have a holiday together, and then they would say good-bye.

  45. On her first Sunday half-holiday she was free in the morning, and went to church with her mother, going back to the hospital after the service.

  46. From nails in the rafters hung Bill's holiday wardrobe.

  47. I recall one night at the Church of the Saviour, after his return from a holiday in Rome, when he told us how he had purposely lost himself in the viler quarters of the city.

  48. On a holiday in the spring--it was Ascension Day--after seeing his patients, Startsev set off for town in search of a little recreation and to make some purchases.

  49. It is not that they have taken an hour's holiday to see the packet come in.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "holiday" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.