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Example sentences for "thousand other"

  • There were a thousand other mischances of a like nature which befell me, but which I have not leisure to describe, nor even to enumerate.

  • If I endeavor to find out the most general and the most prominent of all these different characteristics, I shall have occasion to perceive, that what is taking place in men's fortunes manifests itself under a thousand other forms.

  • These, and a thousand other reformations, I firmly counted upon by your encouragement; as indeed they were plainly deducible from the precepts delivered in my book.

  • Here he is, safe and sound, how happy we are to see him back in this country," with a thousand other words of affection.

  • Some are arrived at so great Knowledge, that they can tell every time any Butcher kills a Calf, every time any old Woman's Cat is in the Straw; and a thousand other Matters as important.

  • Thus Belloc's own experience, and a thousand other things, went to prove the stranglehold the rulers of the party had on the party.

  • In doing it, they did a thousand other things, so that the home they made was full of vital energies for the children who were to grow up in it.

  • The lies may be larks or they may be lures to the imperilled soul or they may be a thousand other things; but whatever they are, they are not truths about the other world; or for that matter about this world.

  • I grew absolutely fond of the gladiator; and Raphael's Michael conquering the dragon was much more beautiful to me the last time I saw it than ever it was before; and so of a thousand other things.

  • Nor is this the only fable that fastens upon that narrative: we have that of Partholan and of Nemedius, and a thousand other reminiscences, all directing towards the centre of a common nucleus.

  • It is, in itself, worth a thousand other arguments.

  • Moreover, independently of the good reasons I have for not enduring Bonaparte’s infidelities, they always mean that I shall have a thousand other annoyances to submit to.

  • But, besides the art of giving, she has a thousand other ways of conferring kindnesses.

  • She has granted me to-day a favor she has refused a thousand other men.

  • I followed a noble avenue of lindens which led to the large tract of grass set aside for swings and seesaws and blind-man's-buff and the Egyptian bird, and a thousand other things, of which the prettiest are those one does not see.

  • Among a thousand other articles, that might be mentioned, his system of oeconomical reform must for ever stand forth, alike the monument of his abilities, and his patriotism.

  • And after having been the authors of these and a thousand other benefits in the midst of storms and danger; they quitted their places with a disinterestedness, that no other set of men have imitated.

  • And a thousand other jokes, stupidities, and double meanings that, unfortunately the husband did not understand.

  • At the Porrette, and a thousand other places.

  • A thousand other instances I could afford, if it were needful, of this matter.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thousand other" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    delegate from; feet long; like nature; little light; little spirits; thousand crowns; thousand deaths; thousand different; thousand dinars; thousand ducats; thousand florins; thousand fold; thousand fragments; thousand generations; thousand guilders; thousand guineas; thousand head; thousand kine; thousand knights; thousand leagues; thousand livres; thousand other; thousand pesos; thousand sequins; thousand sighs; thousand years