There were a thousand other mischances of a like nature which befell me, but which I have not leisure to describe, nor even to enumerate.
If I endeavor to find out the most general and the most prominent of all these different characteristics, I shall have occasion to perceive, that what is taking place in men's fortunes manifests itself under a thousand other forms.
These, and a thousand other reformations, I firmly counted upon by your encouragement; as indeed they were plainly deducible from the precepts delivered in my book.
Here he is, safe and sound, how happy we are to see him back in this country," with a thousand other words of affection.
Some are arrived at so great Knowledge, that they can tell every time any Butcher kills a Calf, every time any old Woman's Cat is in the Straw; and a thousand other Matters as important.
Thus Belloc's own experience, and a thousand other things, went to prove the stranglehold the rulers of the party had on the party.
In doing it, they did a thousand other things, so that the home they made was full of vital energies for the children who were to grow up in it.
The lies may be larks or they may be lures to the imperilled soul or they may be a thousand other things; but whatever they are, they are not truths about the other world; or for that matter about this world.
I grew absolutely fond of the gladiator; and Raphael's Michael conquering the dragon was much more beautiful to me the last time I saw it than ever it was before; and so of a thousand other things.
Nor is this the only fable that fastens upon that narrative: we have that of Partholan and of Nemedius, and a thousand other reminiscences, all directing towards the centre of a common nucleus.
Moreover, independently of the good reasons I have for not enduring Bonaparte’s infidelities, they always mean that I shall have a thousand other annoyances to submit to.
She has granted me to-day a favor she has refused a thousand other men.
I followed a noble avenue of lindens which led to the large tract of grass set aside for swings and seesaws and blind-man's-buff and the Egyptian bird, and a thousand other things, of which the prettiest are those one does not see.
Among a thousand other articles, that might be mentioned, his system of oeconomical reform must for ever stand forth, alike the monument of his abilities, and his patriotism.
And after having been the authors of these and a thousand other benefits in the midst of storms and danger; they quitted their places with a disinterestedness, that no other set of men have imitated.
And a thousand other jokes, stupidities, and double meanings that, unfortunately the husband did not understand.
A thousand other instances I could afford, if it were needful, of this matter.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thousand other" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.