It was she who was responsible for the daydreaming way in which he was going about this morning, and for a good deal of previous daydreaming and night dreaming, too, in the last few days.
If the married life is satisfactory the daydreaming and introspection may be very pleasurable, as they usually are at the beginning of marriage.
All daydreaming builds this air castle; all ambition has this as its goal.
The daydreamingis rebelled against as foolish, as puerile, as futile.
Work that is in the main lonely, and work that on the whole leaves the mind free, leads almost inevitably to daydreaming and introspection.
Her daydreaming was erotic, but romantically so, not realistic.
Day Dreams Daydreaming is a sort of play, more distinctly imaginative than most other play.
Novel-reading is daydreaming with the materials provided by the {513} author, and gratifies the same motives.
The habit of daydreaming is hard to break, and, continuing, holds our thought in thrall and makes it unwilling to deal with the plain, homely things of everyday life.
To such a career as that her daydreaminghad constantly taken her since war began.
Kitty didn’t tell them that a thousand times in her daydreamingshe had visioned herself doing what she had just done.
Soon he tired of daydreaming and stared stonily out of the window.
Daydreaming about Old Yellowfoot had made him feel better.
But then one day she finds herself suddenly daydreaming about babies, envying mothers.
Yeah, I thought, daydreaming of holding her, she's Kevin all over again, clear as day.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "daydreaming" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.