Perhaps the former was true, and that the crime, coming just previous to his own financial failure, had suggested suicide to Nealman's mind.
A suicide often cries out for help when it is too late to back out.
Suicide seemed to present the best method of solving the problem, and the various ways of shuffling off this mortal coil were duly considered.
Suspicion, jealousy, prejudice and strife follow in the wake of love; and disgrace, murder and suicide lurk just around the corner from where love coos.
Men and women committing suicide to slow music is the chief stock in trade in some quarters, and when serious trouble came to her this devil's comedy had been robbed of its horror by the clap-trap of stage effect.
Suicide is often the product of passion as well as of despair; the irritable, headlong protest against evils that might have been and should have been remedied.
No, it will never be believed that we had recourse to suicide to relieve ourselves of an existence that was built up of happiness and joy.
Upon my word, I believe that this makes one more good action I've done in my life and that this suicide entitles me to a little seat in Paradise.
I believe it is the intention of the defence to claim that William Leicester killed himself; that it was a case of suicide instead of the foul murder we will prove it to have been.
Did he act like a man that was likely to commit suicide in the morning?
The Second Mrs. Tanqueray' has made suicidequite the rage.
Suicide is very common among the New Zealanders, and this they often commit by hanging themselves on the slightest occasions; thus a woman who has been beaten by her husband will perhaps hang herself immediately.
One can understand that an unhappy creature commits suicide in order to escape the persecution of man; but only a fool like Silvius Antonius could think of adopting such means to flee from the gods.
Nor was it very long before the young suicide reached the goal of his desire.
Is it not a matter of personal suffering in some form for you that thousands of able-bodied, willing men tramp the streets of this city and all cities, crying for work and drifting into crime and suicide because they cannot find it?
I go on living here because suicide is a great sin.
The doctrine of suicide the culminating point of Roman Stoicism, 222.
A more serious difficulty arose about Christian women who committed suicide to guard their chastity when menaced by the infamous sentences of their persecutors, or more frequently by the lust of emperors, or by barbarian invaders.
Among the English apologists for suicide (which he himself committed) was Blount, the translator of the Life of Apollonius of Tyana, and Creech, an editor of Lucretius.
There were, however, two forms of suicide which were regarded in the early Church with some tolerance or hesitation.
His commendation of disobedience to parents, 132 American Indians, suicide of the, ii.
Thrasea, who had married her daughter, endeavoured to dissuade her from suicide by saying, "If I am ever called upon to perish, would you wish your daughter to die with me?
A French judge named Remy tells us that he knew no less than fifteen witches commit suicide in a single year.
At length the freedman came to her, and told her that the suicide was feigned.
Pelicans committed suicideto feed their young; and bees, when they had broken the laws of their sovereign.
The place has a most sinister reputation, and certainly several people, to my knowledge, have committed suicide there.
Of course it was a terrible blow to Fitzsimmons, and he told me that if it had not been for the children he would have committed suicide there and then.
After all, you were wishing to die; very well, yoursuicide is only put off for a time.
Ah,' he went on, 'this protracted suicide has nothing in common with the bankrupt grocer's demise.
But, then, never ask again for the reason of suicide that hangs over me, that comes nearer and calls to me, that I bow myself before.
The dull apathy of thesuicide had made his forehead so deadly pale, a bitter smile carved faint lines about the corners of his mouth, and there was an abandonment about him that was painful to see.
His suicide at the end of the piece, you know, is really quite too awfully clever.
The alarming rumour that Lord Barndore’s famous owl (which had been suffering from insomnia lately) had committed suicide on Tuesday night, is happily contradicted this morning.
Did not the great majority of European cases of suicide imply a neurotic condition--such as when men of business have suffered reverses on Exchange or lost some trivial appointment?
And if he could not avoid one, he would tell everybody at the inquest that it was a plain suicide and nothing else.
XXVI The suicide of Mr. Bates had a great effect on Dale.
So he was ready, with that sad willingness for suicide which marked his age, to cast himself on his sword, when Paul encouraged him.
To abide by the previous examples: Firstly, under the head of necessary duty to oneself: He who contemplatessuicide should ask himself whether his action can be consistent with the idea of humanity as an end in itself.
Is it that which makes the deliberate suicide cling madly to the bridge-pier as the river sweeps him by?
Now she was clinging, half-crazy, to the pommel of a wooden saddle, with suicide rising as a red star of hope in her mind.