The assemblage was surprised and even a little intimidated by her mild outburst.
The strange inroad and portent ought to have puzzled and possibly to have intimidated traditional Bleakridge: but it did not.
He was afraid; he was even intimidated by her anger; but he did not lose his courage.
He yielded, intimidatedby the sacredness of custom.
She had gone to London with her son, not like a staring and intimidated provincial, but with the confidence of an initiate returning to the scene of initiation.
Edwin mumbled, intimidated as usual by a nearer view of an enterprise which he had himself conceived and which had enchanted him from afar.
Hence the Sicilian Dorians, intimidated by a state of affairs so different from that in which they had begun the war three years before, were now eager to bring about a pacification in their island.
But I flung myself on to one of the mules of the litter, and showing them the stout Pistoja dagger that I carried, I presented with it a bold and truculent front, no whit intimidated by their numbers.
If only the last of them had had the amiability to be intimidated by my prowess and to have taken to his heels, I might have issued from that contest with the unscathed glory of a very Mars.
The animals are so intimidated at these rags, agitated by the wind, that they stop, and crowding together in a heap, great numbers of them are killed with the greatest ease.
There are many like myself, intimidatedby fate, broken and suffering.
Foma felt intimidated and said, this time without provocation in his voice: "How could I help speaking?
Such language from persons they believed to possess the power of injuring their people intimidated the Cherokee delegates.
The chivalric and disinterested attorneys who had had the charge of the Ponca case from the outset, were not to be intimidated by the threats nor outwitted by the expedients of the Indian Bureau.
Those only who were not intimidated by insults or threats, nor by actual blows, could come forward as opponents.
Abandoned "to the restless fury of the clubs, to informers, to intimidated officials, they find executioners on all sides where prudence and the safety of the State have enjoined them not even to see enemies.
She would call him coward and accuse him of a feeble, intimidated will.
No doubt he had gone home and berated his sisters for their friendliness and had so intimidated them that they had no choice but to bow to his will.
These militia men have been somewhat intimidated by the threatenings of the "rough allies," before mentioned.
Independently of which, an idea had become prevalent amongst the crowd of afflicted, that they were merely made the subjects of experiment, which thinned the ranks of the old applicants, and intimidated new.
Large camps of armed and apparently desperate men were formed, who intimidated those non-Union shearers and bush labourers who neither conformed to their rules nor submitted to their dictation.
Having secured arms—the fowling-piece, musket, or pistol of the period—they entrapped or intimidated the unwary traveller.
Though his lawyers told him he could not alter the succession to the crown, he intimidated them into drawing up a "devise" purporting to do this.
In the concerted action against Spain the Estates of Brabant now took the leading part; meeting at Brussels they intimidated the Council of State and raised an army of 3000 men.
Nothing can exceed the fierce gesticulation of these people when animated in conversation, and on this occasion they gave loose to all their natural vivacity, shouting and dancing about in a manner that well nigh intimidated us.
Monygham stopped short in the doorway as if intimidated by the difficulty.
The barren and cruel futility of such an end intimidated his affectation of careless pessimism.
Charles I intimidated justices to obey him in decision-making even more than James I.
The justice intimidated the jury to find him guilty.
James I often intimidated the justices to see things his way.
No authentic statement of the evil deeds of these years can be sent to the court for the scriveners are intimidated and will not give official statements of what occurs, except what may be in favor of the governor and the archbishop.
With Salcedo out of the way and the audiencia intimidated and powerless, the Inquisition and the ecclesiastics ruled with a high hand for a period of three years, until the arrival of the new governor, Manuel de Leon, in 1671.
The civilian population has long been intimidated into co-operation in all these loathsome (though lucrative) activities.
They are intimidated by the bullying tactics of the IMF and of its emissaries.
Were the national representatives going to let themselves be intimidated by fresh threats of denunciation?
He, absorbed by his fever, felt intimidated directly he crossed the threshold.
The man, rolling surly yet intimidated eyes over his shoulder, after a staggering recovery from a fall, muttered something in an unintelligible patois, the grovelling, slurring whine of his kind.
Now they were there, they were frightened andintimidated and distressed.
His judges were intimidated by the mob shouting during the trial, a la lanterne.
News came to Florence that he was dying; and Lionardo, not intimidated by his experience on the last occasion, set out to visit him.
The Cardinal Giovanni de' Medici, who entered Florence on the 14th of September, established his nephews as despots in the city, and intimidated the burghers by what looked likely to be a reign of terror.