I thought to myself, as I saw the utterly cowed object before me, so strangely contrasted with the dignified being a short time back in uniform, that I could hardly restrain my merriment.
The treatment they had been receiving for months had utterly cowed them, but when they began to realise that they had fallen among friends, the change was rapid indeed.
He, from the palace, had been, as it were, cowedby this man, who had been forced to plead his own poverty.
How could she, if she is such a strong, noble woman, submit to be cowed by such a man?
Proving how her strong nature has been cowed by that scoundrel," cried Johannes with warmth.
Ernestine did not venture to make any objection; she was so cowed that she did just as they told her, and let them make her "blind man," and tie the handkerchief over her eyes.
But Peter, though he was cowed by a maid, was man enough and Christian enough to reject such falsities and subterfuges.
As if cowed and overcome by the higher nature, the brute turned, and with a complaining whine like a kicked dog, ran into the depths of the woods.
There were staff officers in abundance, but none of them seemed to have the slightest authority, and the old man had them all so completely cowed that they did not dare express an opinion or ask for a decision.
This frank fellow made no claim that civilians had attacked the German troops; his only observation was that they might do so unless they were so completely cowed that they dared not raise their hands.
His neck quivered in the noose, yet he was never cowed to civility.
His predecessors had made a pistol and a vizard an overwhelming terror, and he did but profit by their tradition when he bade the cowed traveller stand and deliver.
One leg was swathed in rags, and his eyes, as he raised them, wore a cowed and furtive look.
He was tall, black, and gaunt, part bald with tufted hair, and a cowed and furtive look was in his eyes.
After their second repulse, the force under Lord Howe, cowed and demoralized, refuse to again advance into the jaws of death.
When the lord admiral withdrew his ships, the Spaniards were so cowed that they made no attempt to pursue them.
We know an even bolder soul who makes a point of never watching his hat and overcoat in direct defiance of the edict, but he says that the world has become so cowed by rules that nothing ever happens.
Perhaps it is not quite fair to go on as if lions were the only living creatures in all the world who are swayed and cowed by firmness and authority.
Quarrelsome and of hasty temper, they might be cowed into good order, but were ever ready to break out and resist authority, to assault a warder or strike down a fellow convict with pick or shovel, or the first weapon that lay to hand.
The turbulent spirits were cowed at this exhibition of formidable strength, if indeed there were any who had contemplated mischief.
He has beencowed by the fellow from South Carolina.
They'll say he cowed you--say you backed down because you feared him.
To them it seemed that Marline had cowed Merriwell, and a feeling of disdain for the latter mingled with their astonishment.
Then followed a terrible slaughter, for the rebels were so thoroughly cowed that they offered but little resistance.
The British soldiers shot and bayonetted every rebel that came in their path, and drove the cowed sepoys before them like dumb driven cattle.
The victory of the Boyne, and the irresistible explosion of patriotic feeling produced by the appearance of Tourville's fleet on the coast of Devonshire, had cowed the boldest champions of hereditary right.
The spirit of the troops had been depressed by their recent failure, and was soon completely cowed by the news of a great disaster in another quarter.
Tommy Dye was by this time so thoroughly cowed by the situation in which he thus found himself that he no longer resisted.
And so thoroughly cowed were the savages by the fierce words and looks of the Pale-faces that they needed no second bidding.
For the time being the Admiral's stern, brave words cowed the mutineers.
The cowed Hussars sullenly obeyed him as he formed them up, dismounted them, stripped their belts and arms, and took away their horses.
He was out from under her somehow before she began to struggle, was in the saddle as she scrambled to her feet, gave her the spur, and forced the cowed brute at a gallop out into the darkness.
The petty tyrannies of Tom Buffum had cowed him, so that it would be difficult for him ever to emerge from their influence into a perfectly free boyhood and manhood.
Mrs. Snow rebelled, in every part of her nature, against the power which had cowed her reverend companion.
Mr. Hume repeated his orders in the native tongue, and the cowed men, using their paddles, turned the long canoe round.
There will be no messenger needed, O son," said the woman, as she eyed the cowed men.
In nature a cowed cat is as rare as a silent woman, but a proverb has not necessarily much concern with nature.
Never was I so completely cowed by speech from the lips of any one, as by these quiet words from Ellen, as she sat before me in calm dignity.
I could not but feel that I had, in a certain manner, been subdued and cowed by his greater extent of knowledge, perspicuity, and masculine genius.
Humbled and cowed as my genius was, by the drudgery and obscurity to which it was consigned, I yet had the courage to continue those labours by which alone mind is brought to maturity.