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Example sentences for "constraints"

Lexicographically close words:
constrained; constraineth; constraining; constrains; constraint; constrayne; constrayned; constreined; constrict; constricted
  1. Whenever, as in the preceding examples, a body or a system of bodies, is subject to constraints which leave it virtually only one degree of freedom, the equation of energy is sufficient for the complete determination of the motion.

  2. Long run economic constraints include declining oil production and exports and pressure on water supplies caused by rapid population growth, industrial expansion, and increased water pollution.

  3. Important constraints to economic development include the CAR's landlocked position, a poor transportation system, a largely unskilled work force, and a legacy of misdirected macroeconomic policies.

  4. The greatest costs, however, lie in the added constraints placed on each of the users and in the greatly increased cost of programming.

  5. The justification given is that all the peripheral hardware can be shared also, so that the added constraints and programming difficulties are balanced by savings in hardware costs.

  6. Third, the revamped, no-longer-haughty, IMF must be able to fine tune to different social and cultural constraints in different spots of the world.

  7. Important constraints to economic development include the CAR's landlocked position, a poor transportation system, and a weak human resource base.

  8. Inputs and outputs thus do not move smoothly into the most productive employments, and the effectiveness of the market is further lowered by international constraints on dealings with South Africa.

  9. Long-run economic constraints include declining oil production and exports, increasing pressure on water supplies caused by rapid population growth, industrial expansion, and water pollution.

  10. In the second place, and in many circumstances, not only does the State unjustly take more than its due, but it uses the money it has extorted from me to apply unjustly new constraints against me.

  11. Constraints put upon labor, trade and property, upon the family and education, upon worship, habits, customs and sentiments.

  12. Nearly all the revolutionaries count on escaping the constraints they impose, and who only like the strait jacket when it is on another's back.

  13. I have said, and I still repeat, that this extravagance was a way of revenging myself for the constraints and pettiness of an oppressive avarice.

  14. They could, to-day, demand satisfaction from Austrian justice, now freed from the constraints of former years.

  15. Modern war will require our military leadership to navigate through a changing spectrum of political constraints and ever changing political goals as each scenario unfolds.

  16. There are substantial differences in the political constraints likely to be imposed in dealing with MRCs and with OOTW.

  17. Rapid Dominance would alleviate many of these constraints as we would have the capacity to deploy effective forces far more quickly.

  18. Thus, the greatest constraints today to retaining the most dominant military force in the world, paradoxically, may be in overcoming the inertia of this success.

  19. Such is the behaviour of the base populace so soon as imprudent hands have broken the network of constraints which binds its ancestral savagery.

  20. During revolution we see several sentiments developed which are commonly repressed, but to which the destruction of social constraints gives a free vent.

  21. But as soon as a time of disturbance begins these constraints grow weaker, and the rebel can give a free reign to his instincts.

  22. As such constraints seem inherently present in the properties of matter, we may summarise as follows: The transfer of energy into any inanimate material system is attended by effects retardative to the transfer and conducive to dissipation.

  23. Clerk Maxwell[1] observes on the general principle that less force is required to produce a change in a body when the change is unopposed by constraints than when it is subjected to such.

  24. They accept the mediating power of specialized knowledge, the generalized network of information, use all means for disseminating their own programs, but work within constraints originating in the literate practice of politics.

  25. Conventions of film, as a medium with its own characteristics, started to be experienced relatively recently, in the broader context of a human praxis in the process of freeing itself from the constraints of literacy.

  26. As a competitive unit within the pragmatic framework associated with literacy, the family freed itself from the constraints implicit in literacy that affect its efficiency.

  27. As some see it, once freed from the constraints implicit in the pragmatic framework relying on literacy, art and sexuality intensified their reciprocal influence.

  28. To discover what makes the task of understanding language more difficult as language frees itself from the constraints of literacy within the new pragmatic framework is yet another goal we pursue.

  29. This experience eventually settled and became more uniform through the means and constraints of orality.

  30. Politically, they established conditions conducive to emancipation from the many constraints of the system they left.

  31. It freed the sexual experience from most of the constraints it was subjected to in a civilization striving for order and control.

  32. United or not in a Europe of broader market opportunities, member countries will have to free themselves from the rigid constraints of a pragmatic framework that no longer supports their viability.

  33. The design that leads to such patterns of human experiences must free itself from the constraints of sequentiality.

  34. Technology made talking to each other at long distances (tele-communication) quite easy, because we found ways to overcome the constraints resulting from the limited speed of sound.

  35. As optimistic as one can become about a future not bound to the constraints of literacy, it takes more to comprehend the sense of design at a time when evolutionary progress is paralleled by revolutionary change.

  36. But humans have adapted themselves to the constraints of their own inventions.

  37. We are yet to address the ethical aspects of such experiences, especially in view of the fact that the visual entails constraints different from those encoded in the letter of our laws and moral principles.

  38. Schiller brooded gloomily over the constraints and hardships of his situation.

  39. She understood the constraints he was under and appreciated how much he had tried, in spite of them, to help.

  40. We do not have to operate under the constraints imposed on the rest of the populace and preface a charge with the word alleged.

  41. Laws, moral values, social constraints of a thousand subtle and obvious kinds, are facts so well known that education has made it its central task to teach the individual how to adjust himself to them.

  42. The moment civilization is wise enough to remove the constraints and prohibitions which now hinder the release of inner energies, most of the larger evils of society will perish of inanition and malnutrition.

  43. Free, rational and self-ruling personality would then take the place of self-made slaves, who are the victims both of external constraints and the playthings of the uncontrolled forces of their own instincts.

  44. Rather is it due to the removal of physiological and psychological inhibitions and constraints which makes possible the release and the channeling of the primordial inner energies of man into full and divine expression.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "constraints" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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