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Example sentences for "concurring"

Lexicographically close words:
concurre; concurred; concurrence; concurrent; concurrently; concurs; concursus; concussion; concussions; condamnation
  1. And a sweet concurring stream Of all joys to join with them.

  2. Nor is it difficult to see in what the excellence of Virgil consists; we cannot read a page of him without perceiving what has fascinated the world, without concurring in the fascination.

  3. Other small detachments had thinned the little army of our partisan to such a degree that it was of small efficiency where it was; and, just at this juncture, numerous desertions took place from two concurring circumstances.

  4. The committee would seem to have insisted on the punishment of Brady, while concurring with Tait in everything.

  5. Here again, the opinion of a bare majority of the court (five of the judges concurring and four dissenting) establishes the law for forty millions of people, and does violence to both the letter and spirit of the constitution.

  6. It annuls acts of congress and state legislatures, and makes the opinions and decisions of four members of the court concurring with a majority of congress of no avail.

  7. On this cumulative and concurring testimony from six different sources is it not plain that there must be inquiry?

  8. These concurring traditions can not be devoid of historical significance.

  9. The requirement of even five concurring members would put an extinguisher upon a number of propositions that have at present to be entertained.

  10. He permeates all reality, everywhere; there is no being beyond Him or independent of His conserving and concurring power.

  11. The Divine Action, whether in creating or conserving or concurring with creatures, implies in God no real transition from power to act; whereas the action of creatures does imply such transition in them.

  12. There are several persons among them, whose birth and education raise them above the suspicion of concurring with an imposture merely to gratify an illiterate and contemptible sort of persons.

  13. Let us, therefore, my lords, apply these rules to the present bill, and inquire what regard appears to have been paid to them by the commons, and how well we shall observe them by concurring in their design.

  14. They are required only to give evidence against a man marked out for destruction, and the guilt of partaking in his crimes is to be effaced by the merit of concurring in his ruin.

  15. Which cannot be effected by air, it concurring only with our flesh in common principles, which are at the largest distance from life, and common also unto inanimated constitutions.

  16. By this way likewise the Moors escape the curse of deformity: there concurring no stationary colour, and sometimes not any unto Beauty.

  17. As for Christians from whom we should expect the exactest and most concurring account, there is also in them a manifest disagreement, and such as is not easily reconciled.

  18. In the first place then I cannot think that the judgment of two such Criticks as Aristotle and Horace, can be decisively quoted, as concurring with the practice of wise antiquity, to establish the chorus.

  19. The judgment of two such critics, and the practice of wise antiquity, concurring to establish this precept concerning the Chorus, it should thenceforth, one would think, have become a fundamental rule and maxim of the stage.

  20. It is for the supporters of innate distinctions to point out any concurring impetus (apart from the Prudential and Sympathetic regards) sufficiently important to cast these powerful associations into a secondary or subordinate position.

  21. There is thus a highly complex, concurring stimulus to acts of virtue,--a large aggregate of influences of association, the power at bottom being still our own pleasurable and painful sensations.

  22. Do excuse me; but when he could not get to London, with all the advantages which the ministry had smoothed for him, how can he ever meet more concurring circumstances?

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "concurring" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accompanying; affirmative; agreeable; agreeing; associated; coefficient; coexistent; coherent; coincident; coinciding; collective; combined; combining; commensal; commensurate; common; communal; communistic; compatible; concerted; concomitant; concordant; concurrent; congenial; congruent; congruous; conjoint; conniving; consistent; consonant; cooperative; coordinate; correspondent; corresponding; equivalent; harmonious; joint; meeting; mutual; parasitic; positive; proportionate; reciprocal; reconcilable; saprophytic; simultaneous; symbiotic; synchronized; synchronous; synergistic; unanimous; uniform; united; cooperative; coordinate; correlative; coterminous; coupled; current; doing; fellow; happening; harmonious; incidental; joined; joint; meeting; mutual; occasional; ongoing; paired; parallel; parasitic; passing; prevailing; prevalent; resultant; saprophytic; satellite; simultaneous; symbiotic; synchronous; synergistic; twin; united