Live, worthy Philip; Pembrooke bids thee live, That did suspect this complot at the tombe When in the honour of Prince Ferdinand You did resigne your shield.
Rodoricke, thou highly favourest me in this And doubt not, if my complot take effect, Ile make thee Duke of Burbon.
My businesse craves the absence of the world: None but my selfe and Rodoricke shall behold The secret complot that I doe intend.
Farewell, Andronicus: Revenge now goes To lay a complotto betray thy foes.
The superserviceable police pretended early in the year to discover details, but the alleged complot was a pure figment.
It is certain that during the long career of Fouche as minister he never failed to have in readiness some kind of a complot for the eve of each decisive battle in which Napoleon Bonaparte must expose his person and risk his life.
Then all too late I bring this fatall writ, The complot of this timelesse Tragedie, And wonder greatly that mans face can fold, In pleasing smiles such murderous Tyrannie.
I know, their Complot is to haue my Life: And if my death might make this Iland happy, And proue the Period of their Tyrannie, I would expend it with all willingnesse.
Farewell Andronicus, reuenge now goes To lay a complot to betray thy Foes Tit.
The complot of this timeless tragedy; And wonder greatly that man's face can fold In pleasing smiles such murderous tyranny.
Behold who complot To abolish the scribe's work--blur, blunder and blot!
I know their complot is to have my life; And if my death might make this island happy And prove the period of their tyranny, I would expend it with all willingness.
Then all too late I bring this fatal writ, The complot of this timeless tragedy; And wonder greatly that man's face can fold In pleasing smiles such murderous tyranny.
Farewell, Andronicus, Revenge now goes To lay a complot to betray thy foes.
Reproduced from the plan in Marbois' Complot d'Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton, Paris, 1816.
Marbois, the secretary of the French legation at Philadelphia at the time, wrote a Complot d'Arnold et Clinton, which was not published till 1816 at Paris.
See Ein Complot gegen die International Arbeiter Association, a compilation of documents and descriptions of Bakunin's organization.
Ein Complot gegen die Internationale Arbeiter Association, 1874, gives a careful version of the Marxian side of the Bakunin controversy.
Mr. Pouncet gave him the veriest little nod as he came in, and glanced from Horace to Mr. Stenhouse with an expression which seemed to say that he was the victim of a conspiracy, and that some new complot was hatching against his peace.
There is the heart of this complot in which we shall be lost if we allow ourselves to be taken by the snare so craftily colored with patriotism and martial ardor, sentiments so strong in the French spirit.
Now to confirm the complot thou hast cast Of all these practices, I'll spread the watch, Upon precise commandment from the king Strongly to guard the place where Pedringano This night shall murder hapless Serberine.